if itest.s a$uboot_defconfig == a; then echo "Please set uboot_defconfig to the appropriate value" exit fi offset=0x400 erase_size=0xC0000 qspi_offset=0x0 a_base=0x12000000 block_size=0x200 if itest.s x51 == "x${imx_cpu}"; then a_base=0x92000000 elif itest.s x53 == "x${imx_cpu}"; then a_base=0x72000000 elif itest.s x6SX == "x${imx_cpu}" || itest.s x7D == "x${imx_cpu}"; then a_base=0x82000000 elif itest.s x8MQ == "x${imx_cpu}"; then a_base=0x42000000 offset=0x8400 fi qspi_match=1 setexpr a_qspi1 ${a_base} setexpr a_qspi2 ${a_qspi1} + 0x400000 setexpr a_uImage1 ${a_qspi1} + 0x400 setexpr a_uImage2 ${a_qspi2} + 0x400 setexpr a_script ${a_base} setenv stdout serial,vga if itest.s "x${sfname}" == "x" ; then # U-Boot resides in (e)MMC if itest.s "x${env_dev}" == "x" || itest.s "x${env_part}" == "x"; then echo "Please set env_dev/part to the appropriate values" exit fi # Load bootloader binary for this board if ${fs}load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${a_uImage1} u-boot.$uboot_defconfig ; then else echo "File u-boot.$uboot_defconfig not found on SD card" ; exit fi # Compute block count for filesize and offset setexpr cntoffset ${offset} / ${block_size} setexpr cntfile ${filesize} / ${block_size} # Add 1 in case the $filesize is not a multiple of $block_size setexpr cntfile ${cntfile} + 1 # Select media partition (if different from main partition) mmc dev ${env_dev} ${env_part} # Read and compare current U-Boot mmc read ${a_uImage2} ${cntoffset} ${cntfile} if cmp.b ${a_uImage1} ${a_uImage2} ${filesize} ; then echo "------- U-Boot versions match" ; exit ; fi echo "Need U-Boot upgrade" ; echo "Program in 5 seconds" ; for n in 5 4 3 2 1 ; do echo $n ; sleep 1 ; done mmc write ${a_uImage1} ${cntoffset} ${cntfile} # Make sure to boot from the proper partition if itest ${env_part} != 0 ; then mmc partconf ${env_dev} 1 ${env_part} 0 fi # Switch back to main eMMC partition (to avoid confusion) mmc dev ${env_dev} else # U-Boot resides in NOR flash if sf probe || sf probe || sf probe 1 27000000 || sf probe 1 27000000 ; then echo "probed SPI ROM" ; else echo "Error initializing EEPROM" exit fi if itest.s "x${sfname}" == "xat45db041d" ; then erase_size=0x7e000 fi if itest.s x7D == "x${imx_cpu}"; then echo "check qspi parameter block" ; if ${fs}load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${a_qspi1} qspi-${sfname}.${uboot_defconfig} ; then else echo "parameter file qspi-${sfname}.${uboot_defconfig} not found on SD card" exit fi if itest ${filesize} != 0x200 ; then echo "------- qspi-${sfname}.${uboot_defconfig} 0x${filesize} != 0x200 bytes" ; exit fi setexpr a_marker ${a_qspi1} + 0x1fc if itest *${a_marker} != c0ffee01 ; then echo "------- qspi-${sfname}.${uboot_defconfig} c0ffee01 marker missing" ; exit fi if sf read ${a_qspi2} ${qspi_offset} 0x200 ; then else echo "Error reading qspi parameter from EEPROM" exit fi if cmp.b ${a_qspi1} ${a_qspi2} 0x200 ; then echo "------- qspi parameters match" else echo "------- qspi parameters mismatch" qspi_match=0 fi fi echo "check U-Boot" ; if ${fs}load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${a_uImage1} u-boot.$uboot_defconfig ; then else echo "File u-boot.$uboot_defconfig not found on SD card" ; exit fi echo "read $filesize bytes from SD card" ; if sf read ${a_uImage2} $offset $filesize ; then else echo "Error reading boot loader from EEPROM" ; exit fi if cmp.b ${a_uImage1} ${a_uImage2} $filesize ; then echo "------- U-Boot versions match" ; if itest.s "${qspi_match}" == "1" ; then echo "------- upgrade not needed" ; if itest.s "x" != "x${next}" ; then if ${fs}load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${a_script} ${next} ; then source ${a_script} else echo "${next} not found on SD card" fi fi exit fi erase_size=0x1000 if itest.s xMX25L6405D == "x${sfname}"; then erase_size=0x10000 fi setexpr filesize ${erase_size} - ${offset} fi echo "Need U-Boot upgrade" ; echo "Program in 5 seconds" ; for n in 5 4 3 2 1 ; do echo $n ; sleep 1 ; done echo "erasing" ; sf erase 0 ${erase_size} ; # two steps to prevent bricking echo "programming" ; setexpr a1 ${a_uImage1} + 0x400 setexpr o1 ${offset} + 0x400 setexpr s1 ${filesize} - 0x400 sf write ${a1} ${o1} ${s1} ; sf write ${a_uImage1} $offset 0x400 ; if itest.s x7D == "x${imx_cpu}"; then sf write ${a_qspi1} ${qspi_offset} 0x200 fi echo "verifying" ; if sf read ${a_uImage2} $offset $filesize ; then else echo "Error re-reading EEPROM" ; exit fi if cmp.b ${a_uImage1} ${a_uImage2} $filesize ; then else echo "Read verification error" ; exit fi if itest.s x7D == "x${imx_cpu}"; then if sf read ${a_qspi2} ${qspi_offset} 0x200 ; then else echo "Error re-reading qspi" ; exit fi if cmp.b ${a_qspi1} ${a_qspi2} 0x200 ; then else echo "qspi parameter block verification error" ; exit fi fi if itest.s "x" != "x${next}" ; then if ${fs}load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${a_script} ${next} ; then source ${a_script} else echo "${next} not found on ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart}" fi fi fi while echo "---- U-Boot upgraded. Please reset the board" ; do sleep 120 done