# Cartesi python-chess Crufty scripts to build disk images to run under the Cartesi RISC-V machine emulator that verify a chess game. Similar to the Cartesi example, but this is in python using python-chess, not javascript. # Output ## Good pgn ``` cartesi-python-chess$ ./build-cartesi-cartesi-python-chess ; ./run-cartesi-cartesi-python-chess copying from directory cartesi-python-chess-cartesi-img . / \ / \ \---/---\ /----\ \ X \ \----/ \---/---\ \ / CARTESI \ / MACHINE ' + /mnt/cartesi-python-chess/python-chess-validate.py Errors: [] + exit Halted Cycles: 1201049708 ``` ## Illegal pgn ``` cartesi-python-chess$ ./run-cartesi-cartesi-python-chess . / \ / \ \---/---\ /----\ \ X \ \----/ \---/---\ \ / CARTESI \ / MACHINE ' + /mnt/cartesi-python-chess/python-chess-validate.py Errors: [ValueError("illegal san: 'Nc8' in rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2")] + exit Halted Cycles: 1102514408 ``` # Upstream ## Python Chess * https://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ * https://github.com/niklasf/python-chess/ ## Cartesi * https://cartesi.io/docs/intro * https://github.com/cartesi/poker/tree/master/blockchain/verifier/chess * https://medium.com/cartesi/how-cartesi-is-changing-the-game-showcasing-chess-9f4e39d5cea0 # Contact ``` y@deepcrayon.fish or jebba/jebbam on discord/lichess/etc. ```