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package lila.fishnet
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import scala.concurrent.duration._
2016-03-18 02:11:00 -06:00
import lila.analyse.AnalysisRepo
2019-12-08 09:58:50 -07:00
import{ Game, UciMemo }
final class Analyser(
2016-03-12 23:59:06 -07:00
repo: FishnetRepo,
2019-12-01 19:04:35 -07:00
analysisRepo: AnalysisRepo,
uciMemo: UciMemo,
2017-11-24 22:13:52 -07:00
evalCache: FishnetEvalCache,
limiter: FishnetLimiter
2020-06-24 03:37:18 -06:00
ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext,
) {
val maxPlies = 300
2016-03-12 10:00:27 -07:00
2021-07-24 00:54:43 -06:00
private val workQueue =
new lila.hub.AsyncActorSequencer(maxSize = 256, timeout = 5 seconds, "fishnetAnalyser")
def apply(game: Game, sender: Work.Sender): Fu[Analyser.Result] =
2019-12-01 19:04:35 -07:00
(game.metadata.analysed ?? analysisRepo.exists( flatMap {
case true => fuccess(Analyser.Result.AlreadyAnalysed)
case _ if !game.analysable => fuccess(Analyser.Result.NotAnalysable)
2016-09-04 11:07:21 -06:00
case _ =>
ignoreConcurrentCheck = false,
ownGame = game.userIds contains sender.userId
) flatMap { result =>
result.ok ?? {
2016-03-18 02:11:00 -06:00
makeWork(game, sender) flatMap { work =>
workQueue {
2016-03-18 02:11:00 -06:00
repo getSimilarAnalysis work flatMap {
// already in progress, do nothing
case Some(similar) if similar.isAcquired => funit
// queued by system, reschedule for the human sender
case Some(similar) if similar.sender.system && !sender.system =>
repo.updateAnalysis(similar.copy(sender = sender))
// queued for someone else, do nothing
2019-12-08 09:58:50 -07:00
case Some(_) => funit
2016-03-18 02:11:00 -06:00
// first request, store
2016-11-21 09:18:33 -07:00
case _ =>
2019-12-10 14:01:18 -07:00
2017-11-25 04:38:24 -07:00
evalCache skipPositions flatMap { skipPositions =>
2020-01-03 21:20:08 -07:00
2017-11-25 20:44:01 -07:00
repo addAnalysis work.copy(skipPositions = skipPositions)
2016-03-18 02:11:00 -06:00
} inject result
def apply(gameId: String, sender: Work.Sender): Fu[Analyser.Result] =
gameRepo game gameId flatMap {
_.fold[Fu[Analyser.Result]](fuccess(Analyser.Result.NoGame))(apply(_, sender))
2016-03-13 00:04:01 -07:00
def study(req: lila.hub.actorApi.fishnet.StudyChapterRequest): Fu[Analyser.Result] =
2019-12-01 19:04:35 -07:00
analysisRepo exists req.chapterId flatMap {
case true => fuccess(Analyser.Result.NoChapter)
2020-08-16 06:48:46 -06:00
case _ =>
2018-01-15 21:12:10 -07:00
import req._
val sender = Work.Sender(req.userId, none, mod = false, system = false)
(if (req.unlimited) fuccess(Analyser.Result.Ok)
else limiter(sender, ignoreConcurrentCheck = true, ownGame = false)) flatMap { result =>
if (!result.ok)"Study request declined: ${req.studyId}/${req.chapterId} by $sender")
result.ok ?? {
val work = makeWork(
game = Work.Game(
id = chapterId,
initialFen = initialFen,
studyId = studyId.some,
variant = variant,
moves = moves take maxPlies map (_.uci) mkString " "
// if black moves first, use 1 as startPly so the analysis doesn't get reversed
startPly = initialFen.flatMap(_.color).??(_.fold(0, 1)),
sender = sender
workQueue {
repo getSimilarAnalysis work flatMap {
_.isEmpty ?? {
evalCache skipPositions flatMap { skipPositions =>
repo addAnalysis work.copy(skipPositions = skipPositions)
2018-01-15 21:12:10 -07:00
} inject result
2018-01-15 21:12:10 -07:00
private def makeWork(game: Game, sender: Work.Sender): Fu[Work.Analysis] =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
gameRepo.initialFen(game) zip uciMemo.get(game) map { case (initialFen, moves) =>
game = Work.Game(
id =,
initialFen = initialFen,
studyId = none,
variant = game.variant,
moves = moves take maxPlies mkString " "
startPly = game.chess.startedAtTurn,
sender = sender
2018-01-15 21:12:10 -07:00
private def makeWork(game: Work.Game, startPly: Int, sender: Work.Sender): Work.Analysis =
_id = Work.makeId,
sender = sender,
game = game,
startPly = startPly,
tries = 0,
lastTryByKey = none,
acquired = none,
skipPositions = Nil,
createdAt =
object Analyser {
sealed abstract class Result(val error: Option[String]) {
def ok = error.isEmpty
object Result {
case object Ok extends Result(none)
case object NoGame extends Result("Game not found".some)
case object NoChapter extends Result("Chapter not found".some)
case object AlreadyAnalysed extends Result("This game is already analysed".some)
case object NotAnalysable extends Result("This game is not analysable".some)
case object ConcurrentAnalysis extends Result("You already have an ongoing requested analysis".some)
2021-10-16 00:17:04 -06:00
case object WeeklyLimit extends Result("You have reached the weekly analysis limit".some)
case object DailyLimit extends Result("You have reached the daily analysis limit".some)
case object DailyIpLimit extends Result("You have reached the daily analysis limit on this IP".some)