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2016-02-26 05:08:11 -07:00
2019-10-24 11:37:19 -06:00
import actorApi.Who
2020-09-25 08:30:59 -06:00
2017-07-01 08:44:24 -06:00
import chess.Centis
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
import chess.format.pgn.{ Glyph, Tags }
2020-09-25 08:30:59 -06:00
import scala.concurrent.duration._
2019-11-25 14:36:39 -07:00
import{ Chat, ChatApi }
import lila.common.Bus
2016-05-31 18:14:02 -06:00
import lila.hub.actorApi.timeline.{ Propagate, StudyCreate, StudyLike }
2019-07-13 12:02:50 -06:00
import lila.socket.Socket.Sri
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
import lila.tree.Node.{ Comment, Gamebook, Shapes }
import lila.user.{ Holder, User }
2016-02-26 05:08:11 -07:00
final class StudyApi(
studyRepo: StudyRepo,
chapterRepo: ChapterRepo,
sequencer: StudySequencer,
2016-05-22 08:50:55 -06:00
studyMaker: StudyMaker,
2016-04-25 03:09:26 -06:00
chapterMaker: ChapterMaker,
2017-05-06 04:30:58 -06:00
inviter: StudyInvite,
2017-09-19 07:29:43 -06:00
explorerGameHandler: ExplorerGame,
2020-02-21 17:47:45 -07:00
topicApi: StudyTopicApi,
2019-12-03 17:55:45 -07:00
lightUserApi: lila.user.LightUserApi,
2019-11-25 14:36:39 -07:00
chatApi: ChatApi,
2019-12-03 17:55:45 -07:00
timeline: lila.hub.actors.Timeline,
2020-03-28 23:43:12 -06:00
serverEvalRequester: ServerEval.Requester
2020-06-24 03:37:18 -06:00
ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext,
) {
2016-02-26 05:08:11 -07:00
import sequencer._
def byId = studyRepo byId _
2016-02-27 04:30:38 -07:00
def byIds = studyRepo byOrderedIds _
2017-07-21 04:51:56 -06:00
def publicIdNames = studyRepo publicIdNames _
2017-07-21 04:49:54 -06:00
def publicByIds(ids: Seq[Study.Id]) = byIds(ids) map { _.filter(_.isPublic) }
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def byIdAndOwner(id: Study.Id, owner: User) =
byId(id) map {
_.filter(_ isOwner
def isOwner(id: Study.Id, owner: User) = byIdAndOwner(id, owner).map(_.isDefined)
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def byIdWithChapter(id: Study.Id): Fu[Option[Study.WithChapter]] =
byId(id) flatMap {
_ ?? { study =>
chapterRepo byId study.position.chapterId flatMap {
case None =>
chapterRepo firstByStudy flatMap {
case None => fixNoChapter(study)
case Some(chapter) =>
val fixed = study withChapter chapter
studyRepo updateSomeFields fixed inject
Study.WithChapter(fixed, chapter).some
case Some(chapter) => fuccess(Study.WithChapter(study, chapter).some)
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def byIdWithChapter(id: Study.Id, chapterId: Chapter.Id): Fu[Option[Study.WithChapter]] =
byId(id) flatMap {
_ ?? { study =>
chapterRepo byId chapterId map {
_.filter(_.studyId == map { Study.WithChapter(study, _) }
} orElse byIdWithChapter(id)
2016-04-26 02:49:39 -06:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def byIdWithFirstChapter(id: Study.Id): Fu[Option[Study.WithChapter]] =
byId(id) flatMap {
_ ?? { study =>
chapterRepo.firstByStudy( map {
_ ?? { Study.WithChapter(study, _).some }
} orElse byIdWithChapter(id)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
private def fixNoChapter(study: Study): Fu[Option[Study.WithChapter]] =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy( { study =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
chapterRepo existsByStudy flatMap {
case true => funit
case _ =>
ChapterMaker.Data(Chapter.Name("Chapter 1")),
order = 1,
userId = study.ownerId
) flatMap chapterRepo.insert
} >> byIdWithFirstChapter(
2017-07-18 15:18:12 -06:00
def studyIdOf = chapterRepo.studyIdOf _
def members(id: Study.Id): Fu[Option[StudyMembers]] = studyRepo membersById id
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def importGame(data: StudyMaker.ImportGame, user: User): Fu[Option[Study.WithChapter]] =
( match {
2020-08-21 14:40:37 -06:00
case StudyForm.importGame.AsNewStudy =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
studyMaker(data, user) flatMap { res =>
studyRepo.insert( >>
chapterRepo.insert(res.chapter) >>-
indexStudy( >>-
scheduleTimeline( inject res.some
2020-08-21 14:40:37 -06:00
case StudyForm.importGame.AsChapterOf(studyId) =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
byId(studyId) flatMap {
case Some(study) if study.canContribute( =>
studyId =,
data = data.form.toChapterData,
sticky = study.settings.sticky
)(Who(, Sri(""))) >> byIdWithChapter(studyId)
case _ => fuccess(none)
} orElse importGame(data.copy(form = data.form.copy(asStr = none)), user)
}) addEffect {
_ ?? { sc =>
Bus.publish(actorApi.StartStudy(, "startStudy")
2017-07-21 04:49:54 -06:00
2016-04-16 07:26:01 -06:00
2016-10-12 07:37:40 -06:00
def clone(me: User, prev: Study): Fu[Option[Study]] =
Settings.UserSelection.allows(prev.settings.cloneable, prev, ?? {
2020-05-12 09:29:53 -06:00
val study1 = prev.cloneFor(me)
.map(_ cloneFor study1)
.mapAsync(4) { c =>
chapterRepo.insert(c) inject c
2020-05-12 09:38:44 -06:00
.toMat(Sink.reduce[Chapter] { case (prev, _) => prev })(Keep.right)
2020-07-07 02:34:48 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:38:44 -06:00
.flatMap { (first: Chapter) =>
val study = study1 rewindTo first
studyRepo.insert(study) >>
s"Cloned from${}",
) inject study.some
2016-10-12 07:37:40 -06:00
2016-08-31 10:20:25 -06:00
2016-08-31 10:00:45 -06:00
2017-06-09 18:47:38 -06:00
def resetIfOld(study: Study, chapters: List[Chapter.Metadata]): Fu[(Study, Option[Chapter])] =
chapters.headOption match {
case Some(c) if study.isOld && study.position != c.initialPosition =>
2016-10-21 08:49:28 -06:00
val newStudy = study rewindTo c
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
studyRepo.updateSomeFields(newStudy) zip chapterRepo.byId( map { case (_, chapter) =>
newStudy -> chapter
2017-06-09 18:47:38 -06:00
case _ => fuccess(study -> none)
private def scheduleTimeline(studyId: Study.Id): Unit =
.scheduleOnce(1 minute) {
byId(studyId) foreach {
_.withFilter(_.isPublic) foreach { study =>
timeline ! (Propagate(
) toFollowersOf study.ownerId)
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def talk(userId: User.ID, studyId: Study.Id, text: String) =
byId(studyId) foreach {
_ foreach { study =>
(study canChat userId) ?? {
userId = userId,
text = text,
publicSource = lila.hub.actorApi.shutup.PublicSource.Study(studyId.value).some,
busChan = _.Study
2016-05-10 23:42:03 -06:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
def setPath(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref)(who: Who): Funit =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.byId(position.chapterId).map {
_ filter { c =>
c.root.pathExists(position.path) && study.position.chapterId ==
} flatMap {
case None => funit >>- sendTo(
case Some(chapter) if study.position.path != position.path =>
studyRepo.setPosition(, position) >>
updateConceal(study, chapter, position) >>-
sendTo(, who))
case _ => funit
2016-04-22 23:52:09 -06:00
2016-04-20 22:42:49 -06:00
2016-02-27 04:30:38 -07:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def addNode(
studyId: Study.Id,
position: Position.Ref,
node: Node,
opts: MoveOpts,
relay: Option[Chapter.Relay] = None
)(who: Who): Funit =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
doAddNode(study, Position(chapter, position.path), node, opts, relay)(who)
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
} flatMap { _ ?? { _() } } // this one is for you, Lakin <3
2016-02-28 17:28:35 -07:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
private def doAddNode(
study: Study,
position: Position,
rawNode: Node,
opts: MoveOpts,
relay: Option[Chapter.Relay]
)(who: Who): Fu[Option[() => Funit]] = {
val singleNode = rawNode.withoutChildren
2019-12-08 09:58:50 -07:00
def failReload() = reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
if (position.chapter.isOverweight) {"Overweight chapter ${}/${}")
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
} else
position.chapter.addNode(singleNode, position.path, relay) match {
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
case None =>
2020-07-07 02:34:48 -06:00
fufail(s"Invalid addNode ${} ${position.ref} $singleNode")
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
case Some(chapter) =>
chapter.root.nodeAt(position.path) ?? { parent =>
parent.children.get( ?? { node =>
val newPosition = position.ref + node
chapterRepo.addSubTree(node, parent addChild node, position.path)(chapter) >>
(relay ?? { chapterRepo.setRelay(, _) }) >>
(opts.sticky ?? studyRepo.setPosition(, newPosition)) >>
updateConceal(study, chapter, newPosition) >>-
sticky = opts.sticky,
relay = relay,
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
) inject {
(opts.promoteToMainline && !Path.isMainline(chapter.root, newPosition.path)) option { () =>
promote(, position.ref + node, toMainline = true)(who)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2017-09-20 13:25:05 -06:00
private def updateConceal(study: Study, chapter: Chapter, position: Position.Ref) =
chapter.conceal ?? { conceal =>
chapter.root.lastMainlinePlyOf(position.path).some.filter(_ > conceal) ?? { newConceal =>
if (newConceal >= chapter.root.lastMainlinePly)
chapterRepo.removeConceal( >>-
sendTo(, none))
chapterRepo.setConceal(, newConceal) >>-
sendTo(, newConceal.some))
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def deleteNodeAt(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapter.updateRoot { root =>
} match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
chapterRepo.update(newChapter) >>-
sendTo(, who))
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid delNode $studyId $position") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
2016-04-27 01:54:56 -06:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def clearAnnotations(studyId: Study.Id, chapterId: Chapter.Id)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.update(chapter.updateRoot { root =>
} | chapter) >>- sendTo(, who))
2021-02-02 09:46:10 -07:00
// rewrites the whole chapter because of `forceVariation`. Very inefficient.
2021-02-02 05:17:48 -07:00
def promote(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, toMainline: Boolean)(who: Who): Funit =
2021-02-02 09:23:06 -07:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapter.updateRoot { root =>
root.withChildren { children =>
if (toMainline) children.promoteToMainlineAt(position.path)
else children.promoteUpAt(position.path).map(_._1)
} match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
chapterRepo.update(newChapter) >>-
sendTo(, toMainline, who)) >>
.nodesOn {
.collect {
case (node, path) if node.forceVariation =>
doForceVariation(Study.WithChapter(study, newChapter), path, force = false, who)
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid promoteToMainline $studyId $position") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2019-10-24 11:37:19 -06:00
def forceVariation(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, force: Boolean)(who: Who): Funit =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { sc =>
2019-10-24 11:37:19 -06:00
Contribute(who.u, {
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
doForceVariation(sc, position.path, force, who)
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
private def doForceVariation(sc: Study.WithChapter, path: Path, force: Boolean, who: Who): Funit =
sc.chapter.forceVariation(force, path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
2019-09-26 13:31:27 -06:00
chapterRepo.forceVariation(force)(newChapter, path) >>-
sendTo(, path).ref, force, who))
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid forceVariation ${Position(sc.chapter, path)} $force") >>-
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
reloadSriBecauseOf(, who.sri,
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
def setRole(studyId: Study.Id, userId: User.ID, roleStr: String)(who: Who) =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2020-03-02 13:23:03 -07:00
canActAsOwner(study, who.u) flatMap {
_ ?? {
2020-09-25 08:30:59 -06:00
val role = StudyMember.Role.byId.getOrElse(roleStr, StudyMember.Role.Read)
val members = study.members.update(userId, _.copy(role = role))
studyRepo.setRole(study, userId, role) >>- onMembersChange(study, members, members.ids)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def invite(
byUserId: User.ID,
studyId: Study.Id,
username: String,
isPresent: User.ID => Fu[Boolean],
onError: String => Unit
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2020-09-25 08:30:59 -06:00
inviter(byUserId, study, username, isPresent)
err => onError(err.getMessage),
user => {
val members = study.members + StudyMember.make(user)
onMembersChange(study, members, members.ids)
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def kick(studyId: Study.Id, userId: User.ID)(who: Who) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
studyRepo.isAdminMember(study, who.u) flatMap { isAdmin =>
val allowed = study.isMember(userId) && {
(isAdmin && !study.isOwner(userId)) || (study.isOwner(who.u) ^ (who.u == userId))
allowed ?? {
2020-09-25 08:30:59 -06:00
studyRepo.removeMember(study, userId) >>-
onMembersChange(study, (study.members - userId), study.members.ids)
2020-03-02 13:23:03 -07:00
2017-06-10 11:48:04 -06:00
def isContributor = studyRepo.isContributor _
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def isMember = studyRepo.isMember _
2017-06-10 11:48:04 -06:00
2020-09-24 23:38:37 -06:00
private def onMembersChange(
study: Study,
2020-09-25 08:30:59 -06:00
members: StudyMembers,
sendToUserIds: Iterable[User.ID]
): Unit = {
sendTo(, sendToUserIds))
2016-04-20 22:42:49 -06:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def setShapes(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, shapes: Shapes)(who: Who) =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.byIdAndStudy(position.chapterId, flatMap {
_ ?? { chapter =>
chapter.setShapes(shapes, position.path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
chapterRepo.setShapes(shapes)(newChapter, position.path) >>-
sendTo(, shapes, who))
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid setShapes $position $shapes") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2016-04-25 21:51:05 -06:00
2016-04-21 20:53:16 -06:00
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
def setClock(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, clock: Option[Centis])(who: Who): Funit =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) {
doSetClock(_, position, clock)(who)
private def doSetClock(sc: Study.WithChapter, position: Position.Ref, clock: Option[Centis])(
who: Who
): Funit =
sc.chapter.setClock(clock, position.path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
chapterRepo.setClock(clock)(newChapter, position.path) >>-
sendTo(, clock, who))
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid setClock $position $clock") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(, who.sri, position.chapterId)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def setTag(studyId: Study.Id, setTag: actorApi.SetTag)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, setTag.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
doSetTags(study, chapter, PgnTags(chapter.tags + setTag.tag), who)
2016-12-21 11:18:38 -07:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def setTags(studyId: Study.Id, chapterId: Chapter.Id, tags: Tags)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
doSetTags(study, chapter, tags, who)
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
private def doSetTags(study: Study, oldChapter: Chapter, tags: Tags, who: Who): Funit = {
val chapter = oldChapter.copy(tags = tags)
(chapter.tags != oldChapter.tags) ?? {
chapterRepo.setTagsFor(chapter) >> {
PgnTags.setRootClockFromTags(chapter) ?? { c =>
doSetClock(Study.WithChapter(study, c), Position(c, Path.root).ref, c.root.clock)(who)
} >>-
sendTo(, chapter.tags, who))
} >>- indexStudy(study)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def setComment(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, text: Comment.Text)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
lightUserApi.async(who.u) flatMap {
_ ?? { author =>
val comment = Comment(
id = Comment.Id.make,
text = text,
by = Comment.Author.User(, author.titleName)
doSetComment(study, Position(chapter, position.path), comment, who)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2019-12-03 17:55:45 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
private def doSetComment(study: Study, position: Position, comment: Comment, who: Who): Funit =
2017-09-19 10:22:42 -06:00
position.chapter.setComment(comment, position.path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
newChapter.root.nodeAt(position.path) ?? { node =>
node.comments.findBy( ?? { c =>
2019-09-26 13:31:27 -06:00
chapterRepo.setComments(node.comments.filterEmpty)(newChapter, position.path) >>- {
sendTo(, c, who))
2017-09-19 10:22:42 -06:00
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid setComment ${} $position") >>-
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2017-09-19 10:22:42 -06:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def deleteComment(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, id: Comment.Id)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapter.deleteComment(id, position.path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
chapterRepo.update(newChapter) >>-
sendTo(, id, who)) >>-
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid deleteComment $studyId $position $id") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
2016-05-17 08:23:09 -06:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def toggleGlyph(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, glyph: Glyph)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapter.toggleGlyph(glyph, position.path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
newChapter.root.nodeAt(position.path) ?? { node =>
chapterRepo.setGlyphs(node.glyphs)(newChapter, position.path) >>-
newChapter.root.nodeAt(position.path).foreach { node =>
sendTo(, node.glyphs, who))
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid toggleGlyph $studyId $position $glyph") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
2016-04-28 00:18:45 -06:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def setGamebook(studyId: Study.Id, position: Position.Ref, gamebook: Gamebook)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapter.setGamebook(gamebook, position.path) match {
case Some(newChapter) =>
chapterRepo.setGamebook(gamebook)(newChapter, position.path) >>-
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid setGamebook $studyId $position") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
2017-08-14 18:44:04 -06:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
def explorerGame(studyId: Study.Id, data: actorApi.ExplorerGame)(who: Who) =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, data.position.chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
if (data.insert)
explorerGameHandler.insert(study, Position(chapter, data.position.path), data.gameId) flatMap {
case None =>
fufail(s"Invalid explorerGame insert $studyId $data") >>-
reloadSriBecauseOf(study, who.sri,
case Some((chapter, path)) =>
chapter.root.nodeAt(path) ?? { parent =>
chapterRepo.setChildren(parent.children)(chapter, path) >>-
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
explorerGameHandler.quote(data.gameId) flatMap {
_ ?? {
doSetComment(study, Position(chapter, data.position.path), _, who)
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
2017-09-19 07:29:43 -06:00
def addChapter(studyId: Study.Id, data: ChapterMaker.Data, sticky: Boolean)(who: Who): Funit =
data.manyGames match {
case Some(datas) =>
lila.common.Future.applySequentially(datas) { data =>
addChapter(studyId, data, sticky)(who)
case _ =>
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.countByStudyId( flatMap { count =>
if (count >= Study.maxChapters) funit
chapterRepo.nextOrderByStudy( flatMap { order =>
chapterMaker(study, data, order, who.u) flatMap { chapter =>
data.initial ?? {
chapterRepo.firstByStudy( flatMap {
_.filter(_.isEmptyInitial) ?? chapterRepo.delete
} >> doAddChapter(study, chapter, sticky, who)
} addFailureEffect {
case ChapterMaker.ValidationException(error) =>
sendTo(, who.sri))
2020-06-27 06:37:45 -06:00
case u => logger.error(s"StudyApi.addChapter to $studyId", u)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2016-04-25 03:09:26 -06:00
2016-04-24 03:15:18 -06:00
def rename(studyId: Study.Id, name: Study.Name): Funit =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { old =>
val study = old.copy(name = name)
studyRepo.updateSomeFields(study) >>- indexStudy(study)
2019-10-24 11:37:19 -06:00
def importPgns(studyId: Study.Id, datas: List[ChapterMaker.Data], sticky: Boolean)(who: Who) =
2018-04-26 09:56:14 -06:00
lila.common.Future.applySequentially(datas) { data =>
2019-10-24 11:37:19 -06:00
addChapter(studyId, data, sticky)(who)
2018-04-26 09:56:14 -06:00
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
def doAddChapter(study: Study, chapter: Chapter, sticky: Boolean, who: Who) =
2017-09-20 13:25:05 -06:00
chapterRepo.insert(chapter) >> {
val newStudy = study withChapter chapter
(sticky ?? studyRepo.updateSomeFields(newStudy)) >>-
sendTo(, sticky, who))
2021-02-19 03:52:05 -07:00
} >>
2017-09-20 13:25:05 -06:00
studyRepo.updateNow(study) >>-
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def setChapter(studyId: Study.Id, chapterId: Chapter.Id)(who: Who) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
study.canContribute(who.u) ?? doSetChapter(study, chapterId, who)
2016-04-25 03:09:26 -06:00
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
private def doSetChapter(study: Study, chapterId: Chapter.Id, who: Who) =
2016-07-26 03:47:15 -06:00
(study.position.chapterId != chapterId) ?? {
2016-04-25 03:09:26 -06:00
chapterRepo.byIdAndStudy(chapterId, flatMap {
2016-04-24 04:45:34 -06:00
_ ?? { chapter =>
2017-06-14 00:50:51 -06:00
val newStudy = study withChapter chapter
studyRepo.updateSomeFields(newStudy) >>-
sendTo(, who))
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
def editChapter(studyId: Study.Id, data: ChapterMaker.EditData)(who: Who) =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.byIdAndStudy(, studyId) flatMap {
_ ?? { chapter =>
val name = Chapter fixName
val newChapter = chapter.copy(
name = name,
practice = data.isPractice option true,
gamebook = data.isGamebook option true,
conceal = (chapter.conceal, data.isConceal) match {
case (None, true) => Chapter.Ply(chapter.root.ply).some
case (Some(_), false) => None
case _ => chapter.conceal
setup = chapter.setup.copy(orientation = data.realOrientation),
description = data.hasDescription option {
chapter.description | "-"
if (chapter == newChapter) funit
chapterRepo.update(newChapter) >> {
if (chapter.conceal != newChapter.conceal) {
(newChapter.conceal.isDefined && study.position.chapterId == {
val newPosition = study.position.withPath(Path.root)
studyRepo.setPosition(, newPosition)
} >>-
} else
fuccess {
val shouldReload =
(newChapter.setup.orientation != chapter.setup.orientation) ||
(newChapter.practice != chapter.practice) ||
(newChapter.gamebook != chapter.gamebook) ||
(newChapter.description != chapter.description)
if (shouldReload) sendTo(, who))
else reloadChapters(study)
} >>- indexStudy(study)
2016-04-24 04:45:34 -06:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
2016-04-24 04:45:34 -06:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
def descChapter(studyId: Study.Id, data: ChapterMaker.DescData)(who: Who) =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.byIdAndStudy(, studyId) flatMap {
_ ?? { chapter =>
val newChapter = chapter.copy(
description = data.desc.nonEmpty option data.desc
(chapter != newChapter) ?? {
chapterRepo.update(newChapter) >>- {
sendTo(, newChapter.description, who))
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
def deleteChapter(studyId: Study.Id, chapterId: Chapter.Id)(who: Who) =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.byIdAndStudy(chapterId, studyId) flatMap {
_ ?? { chapter =>
chapterRepo.orderedMetadataByStudy(studyId).flatMap { chaps =>
// deleting the only chapter? Automatically create an empty one
if (chaps.sizeIs < 2) {
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
chapterMaker(study, ChapterMaker.Data(Chapter.Name("Chapter 1")), 1, who.u) flatMap { c =>
doAddChapter(study, c, sticky = true, who) >> doSetChapter(study,, who)
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
} // deleting the current chapter? Automatically move to another one
(study.position.chapterId == chapterId).?? {
chaps.find( != chapterId) ?? { newChap =>
doSetChapter(study,, who)
} >> chapterRepo.delete( >>- reloadChapters(study)
} >>- indexStudy(study)
2016-04-24 23:23:13 -06:00
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
def sortChapters(studyId: Study.Id, chapterIds: List[Chapter.Id])(who: Who) =
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
Contribute(who.u, study) {
chapterRepo.sort(study, chapterIds) >>- reloadChapters(study)
2020-01-14 21:09:31 -07:00
2016-05-16 04:01:03 -06:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def descStudy(studyId: Study.Id, desc: String)(who: Who) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
val newStudy = study.copy(description = desc.nonEmpty option desc)
(study != newStudy) ?? {
studyRepo.updateSomeFields(newStudy) >>-
sendTo(, who)) >>-
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def setTopics(studyId: Study.Id, topicStrs: List[String])(who: Who) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
Contribute(who.u, study) {
val topics = StudyTopics.fromStrs(topicStrs)
val newStudy = study.copy(topics = topics.some)
val newTopics = study.topics.fold(topics)(topics.diff)
(study != newStudy) ?? {
studyRepo.updateTopics(newStudy) >>
topicApi.userTopicsAdd(who.u, newTopics) >>- {
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sendTo(, who))
2020-02-21 17:47:45 -07:00
2020-02-21 12:27:22 -07:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def addTopics(studyId: Study.Id, topics: List[String]) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
studyRepo.updateTopics(study addTopics StudyTopics.fromStrs(topics))
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def editStudy(studyId: Study.Id, data: Study.Data)(who: Who) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
canActAsOwner(study, who.u) flatMap { asOwner =>
data.settings.ifTrue(asOwner) ?? { settings =>
val newStudy = study.copy(
name = Study toName,
settings = settings,
visibility = data.vis,
description = settings.description option {
study.description.filter(_.nonEmpty) | "-"
(newStudy != study) ?? {
studyRepo.updateSomeFields(newStudy) >>-
sendTo( >>-
2020-03-02 13:23:03 -07:00
2020-01-18 12:12:44 -07:00
2016-04-26 21:12:53 -06:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def delete(study: Study) =
sequenceStudy( { study =>
studyRepo.delete(study) >>
2016-05-12 08:21:25 -06:00
2019-10-24 11:37:19 -06:00
def like(studyId: Study.Id, v: Boolean)(who: Who): Funit =
2019-10-23 09:31:31 -06:00, who.u, v) map { likes =>
sendTo(studyId)(_.setLiking(Study.Liking(likes, v), who))
2019-11-29 17:07:51 -07:00
Bus.publish(actorApi.StudyLikes(studyId, likes), "studyLikes")
if (v) studyRepo byId studyId foreach {
_ foreach { study =>
2019-10-23 09:31:31 -06:00
if (who.u != study.ownerId && study.isPublic)
timeline ! (Propagate(StudyLike(who.u,, toFollowersOf who.u)
2016-05-31 18:14:02 -06:00
2016-05-26 14:01:43 -06:00
def resetAllRanks = studyRepo.resetAllRanks
2017-01-21 06:22:51 -07:00
def chapterIdNames(studyIds: List[Study.Id]): Fu[Map[Study.Id, Vector[Chapter.IdName]]] =
2019-07-08 17:35:27 -06:00
chapterRepo.idNamesByStudyIds(studyIds, Study.maxChapters)
2017-01-21 06:22:51 -07:00
def chapterMetadatas = chapterRepo.orderedMetadataByStudy _
2017-10-06 18:56:06 -06:00
def withLiked(me: Option[User])(studies: Seq[Study]): Fu[Seq[Study.WithLiked]] =
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
me.?? { u =>
} map { liked =>
2017-10-06 18:56:06 -06:00 { study =>
Study.WithLiked(study, liked(
2019-10-25 04:46:42 -06:00
def analysisRequest(studyId: Study.Id, chapterId: Chapter.Id, userId: User.ID): Funit =
2020-09-21 01:28:28 -06:00
sequenceStudyWithChapter(studyId, chapterId) { case Study.WithChapter(study, chapter) =>
Contribute(userId, study) {
serverEvalRequester(study, chapter, userId)
2018-01-15 21:12:10 -07:00
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def deleteAllChapters(studyId: Study.Id, by: User) =
sequenceStudy(studyId) { study =>
Contribute(, study) {
chapterRepo deleteByStudy study
2019-11-14 17:13:41 -07:00
def adminInvite(studyId: Study.Id, me: Holder): Funit =
2020-03-02 13:23:03 -07:00
sequenceStudy(studyId) { inviter.admin(_, me) }
private def indexStudy(study: Study) =
2019-11-29 17:07:51 -07:00
Bus.publish(actorApi.SaveStudy(study), "study")
2016-07-25 14:34:15 -06:00
2019-07-13 12:02:50 -06:00
private def reloadSriBecauseOf(study: Study, sri: Sri, chapterId: Chapter.Id) =
sendTo(, chapterId))
def reloadChapters(study: Study) =
2016-04-24 03:15:18 -06:00
chapterRepo.orderedMetadataByStudy( { chapters =>
2019-11-14 17:13:41 -07:00
sendTo( reloadChapters chapters)
2016-04-24 03:15:18 -06:00
2020-03-02 13:23:03 -07:00
private def canActAsOwner(study: Study, userId: User.ID): Fu[Boolean] =
fuccess(study isOwner userId) >>| studyRepo.isAdminMember(study, userId)
import ornicar.scalalib.Zero
private def Contribute[A](userId: User.ID, study: Study)(f: => A)(implicit default: Zero[A]): A =
if (study canContribute userId) f else
// work around circular dependency
private var socket: Option[StudySocket] = None
private[study] def registerSocket(s: StudySocket) = { socket = s.some }
private def sendTo(studyId: Study.Id)(f: StudySocket => Study.Id => Unit): Unit =
2019-12-13 07:30:20 -07:00
socket foreach { s =>
2016-02-26 05:08:11 -07:00