
109 lines
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2019-11-28 18:34:46 -07:00
import play.sbt.PlayImport._
2017-02-14 08:12:00 -07:00
import sbt._, Keys._
2020-08-01 01:36:51 -06:00
import bloop.integrations.sbt.BloopKeys.bloopGenerate
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
object BuildSettings {
import Dependencies._
2020-09-05 07:27:23 -06:00
val lilaVersion = "3.2"
2021-05-17 06:02:32 -06:00
val globalScalaVersion = "2.13.6"
2015-01-08 08:22:26 -07:00
val useEpoll = sys.props.get("epoll").fold(false)(_.toBoolean)
if (useEpoll) println("--- epoll build ---")
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
def buildSettings =
Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
version := lilaVersion,
organization := "org.lichess",
2020-08-12 09:23:37 -06:00
resolvers += lilaMaven,
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
scalaVersion := globalScalaVersion,
scalacOptions ++= compilerOptions,
2020-08-01 01:36:51 -06:00
// No bloop project for tests
2021-04-09 01:15:28 -06:00
Test / bloopGenerate := None,
// disable publishing doc and sources
Compile / doc / sources := Seq.empty,
Compile / packageDoc / publishArtifact := false,
Compile / packageSrc / publishArtifact := false,
2021-08-26 04:19:21 -06:00
javaOptions ++= Seq("-Xms64m", "-Xmx256m"),
// brings in 0.9.0, but we want 1.0.0:
libraryDependencySchemes += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-java8-compat" % "always"
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
2020-08-12 09:23:37 -06:00
lazy val defaultLibs: Seq[ModuleID] =
akka.bundle ++ macwire.bundle ++ Seq(
2020-05-05 22:11:15 -06:00
2020-08-07 09:51:07 -06:00
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
2020-08-12 09:23:37 -06:00
def smallModule(
2019-12-12 22:03:38 -07:00
name: String,
deps: Seq[sbt.ClasspathDep[sbt.ProjectReference]],
libs: Seq[ModuleID]
2019-12-07 20:23:31 -07:00
) =
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
2017-08-23 18:47:35 -06:00
file("modules/" + name)
2019-12-12 22:03:38 -07:00
).dependsOn(deps: _*)
2017-08-23 17:39:19 -06:00
2020-08-12 09:23:37 -06:00
libraryDependencies ++= libs,
2017-08-23 17:39:19 -06:00
2017-08-23 18:47:35 -06:00
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
2020-08-12 09:23:37 -06:00
def module(
2020-08-06 07:24:22 -06:00
name: String,
deps: Seq[sbt.ClasspathDep[sbt.ProjectReference]],
libs: Seq[ModuleID]
) =
2020-08-12 09:23:37 -06:00
smallModule(name, deps, defaultLibs ++ libs)
2020-08-06 07:24:22 -06:00
val compilerOptions = Seq(
2020-07-08 04:40:14 -06:00
2019-11-28 11:20:59 -07:00
2019-11-28 17:50:19 -07:00
2020-07-08 04:40:14 -06:00
// Warnings as errors!
2021-04-09 03:03:24 -06:00
2020-07-08 04:40:14 -06:00
// Linting options
2020-07-08 04:40:14 -06:00
// "-Wnumeric-widen",
2020-11-11 02:08:19 -07:00
// "-Wunused:imports",
// "-Wunused:locals",
2021-04-09 03:03:24 -06:00
// "-Wunused:privates", // unfortunately doesn't work with wire macros
// "-Wunused:implicits", // unfortunately doesn't work with wire macros
// "-Wunused:params" // unfortunately doesn't work with wire macros
2017-08-23 17:39:19 -06:00
2013-05-04 12:00:55 -06:00
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
val srcMain = Seq(
2021-04-09 01:15:28 -06:00
Compile / scalaSource := (Compile / sourceDirectory).value,
Test / scalaSource := (Test / sourceDirectory).value
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00
2013-04-01 19:21:22 -06:00
2013-07-30 10:38:29 -06:00
def projectToRef(p: Project): ProjectReference = LocalProject(
2013-03-14 12:16:36 -06:00