new search

Thibault Duplessis 2016-01-07 13:14:46 +07:00
parent 9bb640ba08
commit 02d8487f96
4 changed files with 31 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ final class ForumSearchApi( ->
def reset = client match {
case c: ESClientHttp => c.createTempIndex flatMap { temp =>
loginfo(s"Index to ${}")
case c: ESClientHttp => c.putMapping >> {
loginfo(s"Index to ${}")
import lila.db.api._
$enumerate.bulk[Option[Post]]($query[Post](Json.obj()), 500) { postOptions =>
(postApi liteViews postOptions.flatten) flatMap { views =>
temp.storeBulk(views map (v => Id( -> toDoc(v)))
c.storeBulk(views map (v => Id( -> toDoc(v)))
} >> temp.aliasBackToMain
case _ => funit

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import play.api.libs.json._
final class GameSearchApi(client: ESClient) extends SearchReadApi[Game, Query] {
private var writeable = true
def search(query: Query, from: From, size: Size) =, from, size) flatMap { res =>
import lila.db.api.$find
@ -23,13 +25,13 @@ final class GameSearchApi(client: ESClient) extends SearchReadApi[Game, Query] {
def ids(query: Query, max: Int): Fu[List[String]] =, From(0), Size(max)).map(_.ids)
def store(game: Game) = storable(game) ?? {
def store(game: Game) = (writeable && storable(game)) ?? {
GameRepo isAnalysed flatMap { analysed =>, toDoc(game, analysed))
private def storable(game: Game) = (game.finished || game.imported) && game.playedTurns > 4
private def storable(game: Game) = (game.finished || game.imported)
private def toDoc(game: Game, analysed: Boolean) = Json.obj(
Fields.status -> (game.status match {
@ -55,22 +57,25 @@ final class GameSearchApi(client: ESClient) extends SearchReadApi[Game, Query] {
def reset(max: Option[Int]): Funit = client match {
case c: ESClientHttp => c.createTempIndex flatMap { temp =>
loginfo(s"Index to ${}")
case c: ESClientHttp =>
loginfo(s"Index to ${}")
val resetStartAt =
val resetStartSeconds = nowSeconds
writeable = false
Thread sleep 3000
for {
_ <- doIndex(temp, Json.obj(), max)
_ <- c.putMapping
_ <- doIndex(c, Json.obj(), max)
_ = loginfo("[game search] Complete indexation in %ss".format(nowSeconds - resetStartSeconds))
_ <- doIndex(temp, createdSince resetStartAt.minusHours(3), max)
_ <- doIndex(c, createdSince resetStartAt.minusHours(3), max)
_ = loginfo("[game search] Complete indexation in %ss".format(nowSeconds - resetStartSeconds))
_ <- temp.aliasBackToMain
} yield ()
} yield {
writeable = true
case _ => funit
private def doIndex(temp: ESClientHttpTemp, selector: JsObject, max: Option[Int]): Funit = {
private def doIndex(client: ESClientHttp, selector: JsObject, max: Option[Int]): Funit = {
import lila.db.api._
var nb = 0
@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ final class GameSearchApi(client: ESClient) extends SearchReadApi[Game, Query] {
val games = gameOptions.flatten filter storable
val nbGames = games.size
(GameRepo filterAnalysed flatMap { analysedIds =>
temp.storeBulk(games map { g =>
client.storeBulk(games map { g =>
Id( -> toDoc(g, analysedIds(
}).logFailure("game bulk")
}) >>- {

View File

@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ final class ESClientHttp(
def deleteByIds(ids: List[]) = writeable ??
HTTP(s"delete/ids/${}", Json.obj("ids" ->
def createTempIndex = {
val tempIndex = Index(s"${}_${ornicar.scalalib.Random.nextString(4)}")
val tempClient = new ESClientHttpTemp(
new ESClientHttp(endpoint, tempIndex, writeable))
tempClient.putMapping inject tempClient
def putMapping =
HTTP(s"mapping/${}/${}", Json.obj())
def storeBulk(docs: Seq[(Id, JsObject)]) =
HTTP(s"store/bulk/${}/${}", JsObject(docs map {
case (Id(id), doc) => id -> JsString(Json.stringify(doc))
private[search] def HTTP[D: Writes, R](url: String, data: D, read: String => R): Fu[R] =
WS.url(s"$endpoint/$url").post(Json toJson data) flatMap {
@ -55,25 +55,6 @@ final class ESClientHttp(
private val logger = play.api.Logger("ESClientHttp")
final class ESClientHttpTemp(
mainIndex: Index,
client: ESClientHttp) {
def putMapping =
client.HTTP(s"mapping/${}/${}", Json.obj())
def tempIndex = client.index
def storeBulk(docs: Seq[(Id, JsObject)]) =
client.HTTP(s"store/bulk/${}/${}", JsObject(docs map {
case (Id(id), doc) => id -> JsString(Json.stringify(doc))
def aliasBackToMain =
client.HTTP(s"alias/${}/${}", Json.obj())
final class ESClientStub extends ESClient {
def search[Q: Writes](query: Q, from: From, size: Size) = fuccess(SearchResponse(Nil))
def count[Q: Writes](query: Q) = fuccess(CountResponse(0))

View File

@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ final class TeamSearchApi(
Fields.nbMembers -> team.nbMembers)
def reset = client match {
case c: ESClientHttp => c.createTempIndex flatMap { temp =>
loginfo(s"Index to ${}")
case c: ESClientHttp => c.putMapping >> {
loginfo(s"Index to ${}")
import lila.db.api._
$enumerate.bulk[Option[Team]]($query[Team](Json.obj("enabled" -> true)), 300) { teamOptions =>
temp.storeBulk(teamOptions.flatten map (t => Id( -> toDoc(t)))
} >> temp.aliasBackToMain
c.storeBulk(teamOptions.flatten map (t => Id( -> toDoc(t)))
case _ => funit