log fewer fishnet client errors

Thibault Duplessis 2018-12-05 14:44:41 +07:00
parent c5979b83f8
commit 09e2de14e8
1 changed files with 2 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -49,10 +49,7 @@ object Fishnet extends LilaController {
def keyExists(key: String) = Action.async { req =>
api keyExists lila.fishnet.Client.Key(key) map {
case true => Ok
case false =>
val ip = HTTPRequest.lastRemoteAddress(req)
logger.info(s"Unauthorized key: $key ip: $ip")
case false => NotFound
@ -68,11 +65,7 @@ object Fishnet extends LilaController {
BadRequest(jsonError(JsError toJson err)).fuccess
data => api.authenticateClient(data, HTTPRequest lastRemoteAddress req) flatMap {
case Failure(msg) => {
val ip = HTTPRequest.lastRemoteAddress(req)
logger.info(s"Unauthorized key: ${data.fishnet.apikey} ip: $ip | ${msg.getMessage}")
case Failure(msg) => Unauthorized(jsonError(msg.getMessage)).fuccess
case Success(client) => f(data)(client).map {
case Right(Some(work)) => Accepted(Json toJson work)
case Right(None) => NoContent