make ragesite time-control dependant and other tweaks - closes #5872

Thibault Duplessis 2020-01-04 20:07:03 -06:00
parent fef7e352f9
commit 0aecdfa17c
3 changed files with 92 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package lila.playban
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import chess.variant._
import chess.{ Color, Status }
import lila.common.{ Bus, Iso, Uptime }
import lila.db.dsl._
@ -47,31 +46,22 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
blameable(game) flatMap { _ ?? f }
private def roughWinEstimate(game: Game, color: Color) = {
(game.chess.board.materialImbalance, game.variant) match {
case (_, Antichess | Crazyhouse | Horde) => 0
case (a, _) if a >= 5 => 1
case (a, _) if a <= -5 => -1
case _ => 0
} * (if (color.white) 1 else -1)
def abort(pov: Pov, isOnGame: Set[Color]): Funit = IfBlameable( {
pov.player.userId.ifTrue(isOnGame(pov.opponent.color)) ?? { userId =>
save(Outcome.Abort, userId, 0) >>- feedback.abort(pov)
save(Outcome.Abort, userId, RageSit.Reset) >>- feedback.abort(pov)
def noStart(pov: Pov): Funit = IfBlameable( {
pov.player.userId ?? { userId =>
save(Outcome.NoPlay, userId, 0) >>- feedback.noStart(pov)
save(Outcome.NoPlay, userId, RageSit.Reset) >>- feedback.noStart(pov)
def rageQuit(game: Game, quitterColor: Color): Funit =
sandbag(game, quitterColor) >> IfBlameable(game) {
game.player(quitterColor).userId ?? { userId =>
save(Outcome.RageQuit, userId, roughWinEstimate(game, quitterColor) * 10) >>-
save(Outcome.RageQuit, userId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, quitterColor)) >>-
feedback.rageQuit(Pov(game, quitterColor))
@ -88,7 +78,7 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
userId <- game.player(flaggerColor).userId
seconds = nowSeconds - game.movedAt.getSeconds
if unreasonableTime.exists(seconds >= _)
} yield save(Outcome.Sitting, userId, roughWinEstimate(game, flaggerColor) * 10) >>-
} yield save(Outcome.Sitting, userId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, flaggerColor)) >>-
feedback.sitting(Pov(game, flaggerColor)) >>-
propagateSitting(game, userId)
@ -103,7 +93,7 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
limit <- unreasonableTime
} yield lastMovetime.toSeconds >= limit)
} map { userId =>
save(Outcome.SitMoving, userId, roughWinEstimate(game, flaggerColor) * 10) >>-
save(Outcome.SitMoving, userId, RageSit.imbalanceInc(game, flaggerColor)) >>-
feedback.sitting(Pov(game, flaggerColor)) >>-
propagateSitting(game, userId)
@ -131,7 +121,8 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
w <- winner
loserId <- game.player(!w).userId
} yield {
if (Status.NoStart is status) save(Outcome.NoPlay, loserId, 0) >>- feedback.noStart(Pov(game, !w))
if (Status.NoStart is status)
save(Outcome.NoPlay, loserId, RageSit.Reset) >>- feedback.noStart(Pov(game, !w))
else goodOrSandbag(game, !w, isSandbag)
@ -140,7 +131,9 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
private def goodOrSandbag(game: Game, loserColor: Color, isSandbag: Boolean): Funit =
game.player(loserColor).userId ?? { userId =>
if (isSandbag) feedback.sandbag(Pov(game, loserColor))
val rageSitDelta = if (isSandbag) 0 else 1 // proper defeat decays ragesit
val rageSitDelta =
if (isSandbag) RageSit.Reset
else RageSit.redeem(game)
save(if (isSandbag) Outcome.Sandbag else Outcome.Good, userId, rageSitDelta)
@ -198,15 +191,19 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
private def save(outcome: Outcome, userId: User.ID, rageSitDelta: Int): Funit = {
private def save(outcome: Outcome, userId: User.ID, rsUpdate: RageSit.Update): Funit = {
selector = $id(userId),
update = $doc(
$push("o" -> $doc("$each" -> List(outcome), "$slice" -> -30)),
if (rageSitDelta == 0) $min("c" -> 0)
else $inc("c" -> rageSitDelta)
$push("o" -> $doc("$each" -> List(outcome), "$slice" -> -30)), {
rsUpdate match {
case RageSit.Reset => $min("c" -> 0)
case RageSit.Inc(v) if v != 0 => $inc("c" -> v)
case _ => $empty
fetchNewObject = true,
upsert = true
@ -215,27 +212,28 @@ final class PlaybanApi(
s"can't find newly created record for user $userId" flatMap { record =>
(outcome != Outcome.Good) ?? {
userRepo.createdAtById(userId).flatMap { _ ?? { legiferate(record, _) } }
} >> {
(rageSitDelta != 0) ?? registerRageSit(record, rageSitDelta)
} >>
registerRageSit(record, rsUpdate)
}.void logFailure lila.log("playban")
private def registerRageSit(record: UserRecord, delta: Int): Funit = {
rageSitCache.put(record.userId, fuccess(record.rageSit))
(delta < 0) ?? {
if (record.rageSit.isTerrible) funit
else if (record.rageSit.isVeryBad) for {
mod <- userRepo.lichess
user <- userRepo byId record.userId
} yield (mod zip user).headOption foreach {
case (m, u) =>
lila.log("ragesit").info(s"${u.username} ${record.rageSit.counterView}")
Bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.mod.AutoWarning(, ModPreset.sittingAuto.subject), "autoWarning")
messenger.sendPreset(m, u, ModPreset.sittingAuto).void
private def registerRageSit(record: UserRecord, update: RageSit.Update): Funit = update match {
case RageSit.Inc(delta) =>
rageSitCache.put(record.userId, fuccess(record.rageSit))
(delta < 0) ?? {
if (record.rageSit.isTerrible) funit
else if (record.rageSit.isVeryBad) for {
mod <- userRepo.lichess
user <- userRepo byId record.userId
} yield (mod zip user).headOption foreach {
case (m, u) =>
lila.log("ragesit").info(s"${u.username} ${record.rageSit.counterView}")
Bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.mod.AutoWarning(, ModPreset.sittingAuto.subject), "autoWarning")
messenger.sendPreset(m, u, ModPreset.sittingAuto).void
else funit
else funit
case _ => funit
private def legiferate(record: UserRecord, accCreatedAt: DateTime): Funit =

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package lila.playban
import chess.{ Color, Speed }
import scala.math.{ log10, sqrt }
case class RageSit(counter: Int) extends AnyVal {
def isBad = counter <= -40
def isVeryBad = counter <= -80
def isTerrible = counter <= -160
def goneWeight: Float =
if (!isBad) 1f
else (1 - 0.7 * sqrt(log10(-(counter / 10) - 3))).toFloat atLeast 0.1f
def counterView = counter / 10
object RageSit {
val empty = RageSit(0)
sealed trait Update
case object Noop extends Update
case object Reset extends Update
case class Inc(v: Int) extends Update
def imbalanceInc(game: Game, loser: Color) = Inc {
import chess.variant._
(game.chess.board.materialImbalance, game.variant) match {
case (_, Antichess | Crazyhouse | Horde) => 0
case (a, _) if a >= 4 => 1
case (a, _) if a <= -4 => -1
case _ => 0
} * {
if (loser.white) 1 else -1
} * {
if (game.speed <= Speed.Bullet) 5
else if (game.speed == Speed.Blitz) 10
else 15
def redeem(game: Game): Inc = Inc {
game.speed match {
case s if s < Speed.Bullet => 0
case Speed.Bullet => scala.util.Random.nextInt(1)
case Speed.Blitz => 1
case _ => 2
case class SittingDetected(game: Game, userId: String)

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@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ package lila.playban
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.math.{ log10, sqrt }
import lila.common.Json.jodaWrites
case class UserRecord(
_id: String,
@ -137,21 +135,3 @@ object Outcome {
def apply(id: Int): Option[Outcome] = byId get id
case class RageSit(counter: Int) extends AnyVal {
def isBad = counter <= -50
def isVeryBad = counter <= -100
def isTerrible = counter <= -200
def goneWeight: Float =
if (!isBad) 1f
else (1 - 0.7 * sqrt(log10(-(counter / 10) - 3))).toFloat atLeast 0.1f
def counterView = counter / 10
object RageSit {
val empty = RageSit(0)
case class SittingDetected(game: Game, userId: String)