fix team leader forum deletion message - closes lichess-org/tavern#119

Thibault Duplessis 2021-06-03 10:08:59 +02:00
parent bea19922b2
commit 17870be430
2 changed files with 11 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -84,13 +84,16 @@ final class ForumPost(env: Env) extends LilaController(env) with ForumController
postApi.erasePost(post) inject Redirect(routes.ForumPost.redirect(id))
isGrantedMod(categSlug) flatMap { granted =>
(granted | isGranted(_.ModerateForum)) ?? postApi.delete(categSlug, id, me) inject {
postApi.delete(categSlug, id, me) inject {
implicit val req = ctx.body
for {
userId <- post.userId
reasonOpt <- forms.deleteWithReason.bindFromRequest().value
reason <- reasonOpt
} env.msg.api.systemPost(userId, lila.msg.MsgPreset forumDeletion reason)
preset =
if (isGranted(_.ModerateForum)) lila.msg.MsgPreset.forumDeletionByModerator
else lila.msg.MsgPreset.forumDeletionByTeamLeader
} env.msg.api.systemPost(userId, preset(reason))

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@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ To follow new players, you must first unfollow some on$us
Thank you for your understanding."""
def forumDeletion(reason: String) =
s"""A moderator deleted one of your posts for this reason: $reason. Please read our Forum-Etiquette:"""
def forumDeletionByModerator = forumDeletion("A moderator") _
def forumDeletionByTeamLeader = forumDeletion("A team leader") _
private def forumDeletion(by: String)(reason: String) =
s"""$by deleted one of your posts for this reason: $reason. Please read our Forum-Etiquette:"""