remove Howler, use HTML Audio directly

Thibault Duplessis 2020-08-27 14:20:51 +02:00
parent 03ce1fb238
commit 23b0980aac
7 changed files with 178 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -1,49 +1,43 @@
function lichessOrchestra() {
var soundDir = lichess.assetUrl('sound/instrument/', {noVersion: true});
const soundDir = lichess.assetUrl('sound/instrument/', {
noVersion: true
var makeSoundPair = function(sound) {
return [soundDir + sound + '.ogg', soundDir + sound + '.mp3'];
const load = (instrument, index, filename) =>
var instruments = {
celesta: [],
clav: [],
swells: []
const volumes = {
celesta: 0.3,
clav: 0.2,
swells: 0.8
noteOverlap = 15,
noteTimeout = 300,
currentNotes = 0,
maxPitch = 23;
let currentNotes = 0;
// load celesta and clav sounds
for (var i = 1; i <= 24; i++) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 24; i++) {
if (i > 9) fn = 'c0' + i;
else fn = 'c00' + i;
instruments.celesta.push(new Howl({
src: makeSoundPair('celesta/' + fn),
volume: 0.3
instruments.clav.push(new Howl({
src: makeSoundPair('clav/' + fn),
volume: 0.2
load('celesta', i - 1, fn);
load('clav', i - 1, fn);
// load swell sounds
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
instruments.swells.push(new Howl({
src: makeSoundPair('swells/swell' + i),
volume: 0.8
for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) load('swells', i - 1, `swell${i}`);
var play = function(instrument, pitch) {
const play = (instrument, pitch) => {
pitch = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(maxPitch, pitch)));
if (instrument === 'swells') pitch = Math.floor(pitch / 8);
if (currentNotes < noteOverlap) {
setTimeout(function() {`orchestra.${instrument}.${pitch}`, volumes[instrument]);
setTimeout(() => {
}, noteTimeout);

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@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ function makeDependencies(filename) {
...(abFile ? ['./dist/ab.js'] : []),

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import './standalones/util';
import './timeago';
import './soundbox';
import './sound';
import './standalones/trans';
import './socket';
import './main';

View File

@ -501,141 +501,6 @@
lichess.sound = (function() {
var api = {};
var soundSet = $('body').data('sound-set');
var speechStorage ='speech.enabled');
api.speech = function(v) {
if (typeof v == 'undefined') return speechStorage.get();
api.volumeStorage ='sound-volume');
api.defaultVolume = 0.7;
var memoize = function(factory) {
var loaded = {};
var f = function(key) {
if (!loaded[key]) loaded[key] = factory(key);
return loaded[key];
f.clear = function() {
loaded = {};
return f;
var names = {
genericNotify: 'GenericNotify',
move: 'Move',
capture: 'Capture',
explode: 'Explosion',
lowtime: 'LowTime',
victory: 'Victory',
defeat: 'Defeat',
draw: 'Draw',
tournament1st: 'Tournament1st',
tournament2nd: 'Tournament2nd',
tournament3rd: 'Tournament3rd',
tournamentOther: 'TournamentOther',
berserk: 'Berserk',
check: 'Check',
newChallenge: 'NewChallenge',
newPM: 'NewPM',
confirmation: 'Confirmation',
error: 'Error'
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) names['countDown' + i] = 'CountDown' + i;
var volumes = {
lowtime: 0.5,
explode: 0.35,
confirmation: 0.5
var collection = new memoize(function(k) {
var set = soundSet;
if (set === 'music' || speechStorage.get()) {
if (['move', 'capture', 'check'].includes(k)) return {
play: $.noop
set = 'standard';
var baseUrl = lichess.assetUrl('sound', {
noVersion: true
return new Howl({
src: ['ogg', 'mp3'].map(function(ext) {
return [baseUrl, set, names[k] + '.' + ext].join('/');
volume: volumes[k] || 1
var enabled = function() {
return soundSet !== 'silent';
Object.keys(names).forEach(function(name) {
api[name] = function(text) {
if (!enabled()) return;
if (!text || !api.say(text)) {
var sound = collection(name);
if (Howler.ctx && Howler.ctx.state == "suspended") {
Howler.ctx.resume().then(() =>;
} else {;
api.say = function(text, cut, force) {
if (!speechStorage.get() && !force) return false;
var msg = text.text ? text : new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
msg.volume = api.getVolume();
msg.lang = 'en-US';
if (cut) speechSynthesis.cancel();
console.log(`%c${msg.text}`, 'color: blue');
return true;
api.load = function(name) {
if (enabled() && name in names) collection(name);
api.setVolume = function(v) {
api.getVolume = () => {
// garbage has been stored stored by accident (e972d5612d)
const v = parseFloat(api.volumeStorage.get());
return v >= 0 ? v : api.defaultVolume;
var publish = function() {
lichess.pubsub.emit('sound_set', soundSet);
setTimeout(publish, 500);
api.changeSet = function(s) {
soundSet = s;
api.warmup = function() {
if (enabled()) {
// See goldfire/howler.js#715
Howler._autoResume(); // This resumes sound if suspended.
Howler._autoSuspend(); // This starts the 30s timer to suspend.
api.set = function() {
return soundSet;
return api;
lichess.widget('watchers', {
_create: function() {
this.list = this.element.find(".list");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
lichess.sound = (() => {
const api = {};
let soundSet = $('body').data('sound-set');
const speechStorage ='speech.enabled');
api.speech = v => {
if (typeof v == 'undefined') return speechStorage.get();
api.volumeStorage ='sound-volume');
function memoize(factory) {
let loaded = {};
const f = key => {
if (!loaded[key]) loaded[key] = factory(key);
return loaded[key];
f.clear = () => {
loaded = {};
return f;
const names = {
genericNotify: 'GenericNotify',
move: 'Move',
capture: 'Capture',
explode: 'Explosion',
lowtime: 'LowTime',
victory: 'Victory',
defeat: 'Defeat',
draw: 'Draw',
tournament1st: 'Tournament1st',
tournament2nd: 'Tournament2nd',
tournament3rd: 'Tournament3rd',
tournamentOther: 'TournamentOther',
berserk: 'Berserk',
check: 'Check',
newChallenge: 'NewChallenge',
newPM: 'NewPM',
confirmation: 'Confirmation',
error: 'Error'
for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) names['countDown' + i] = 'CountDown' + i;
const volumes = {
lowtime: 0.5,
explode: 0.35,
confirmation: 0.5
const collection = new memoize(k => {
let set = soundSet;
if (set === 'music' || speechStorage.get()) {
if (['move', 'capture', 'check'].includes(k)) return $.noop;
set = 'standard';
const baseUrl = lichess.assetUrl('sound', {
noVersion: true
const path = `${baseUrl}/${set}/${names[k]}`;
lichess.soundBox.load(k, `${path}.ogg`).catch(() =>
lichess.soundBox.load(k, `${path}.mp3`)
return () =>, (volumes[k] || 1) * api.getVolume());
const enabled = () => soundSet !== 'silent';
Object.keys(names).forEach(name => {
api[name] = text => {
if (enabled() && (!text || !api.say(text))) collection(name)();
api.say = (text, cut, force) => {
if (!speechStorage.get() && !force) return false;
const msg = text.text ? text : new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
msg.volume = api.getVolume();
msg.lang = 'en-US';
if (cut) speechSynthesis.cancel();
// console.log(`%c${msg.text}`, 'color: blue');
return true;
api.load = name => {
if (enabled() && name in names) collection(name);
api.setVolume = api.volumeStorage.set;
api.getVolume = () => {
// garbage has been stored stored by accident (e972d5612d)
const v = parseFloat(api.volumeStorage.get());
return v >= 0 ? v : 0.7;
const publish = () => lichess.pubsub.emit('sound_set', soundSet);
if (soundSet == 'music') setTimeout(publish, 500);
api.changeSet = s => {
soundSet = s;
api.set = () => soundSet;
return api;

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// based on
class SoundBox {
sounds = {}; // The loaded sounds and their instances
instances = []; // Sounds that are currently playing
load(soundName, path) {
this.sounds[soundName] = new Audio(path);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.sounds[soundName].addEventListener("canplaythrough", resolve);
this.sounds[soundName].addEventListener("error", reject);
play(soundName, volume = 1) {
if (!this.sounds[soundName]) {
console.error(`Can't find sound ${soundName}`);
return false;
const soundInstance = this.sounds[soundName].cloneNode(true);
soundInstance.volume = volume; => {
return new Promise(resolve => soundInstance.addEventListener("ended", () => {
deleteInstance = soundInstance => {
let index = this.instances.indexOf(soundInstance);
if (index != -1) this.instances.splice(index, 1);
// stopAll() {
// // Pause all currently playing sounds
// // Shallow clone the array to avoid issues with instances auto-removing themselves
// this.instances.slice().forEach(instance => {
// instance.pause();
// instance.dispatchEvent(new Event("ended"));
// });
// }
lichess.soundBox = new SoundBox

View File

@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ export function countDown(data: TournamentData) {
doCountDown( + 1000 * data.secondsToStart - 100),
900); // wait 900ms before starting countdown.
setTimeout(li.sound.warmup, (data.secondsToStart - 15) * 1000);
// Preload countdown sounds.
for (let i = 10; i>=0; i--) li.sound.load('countDown' + i);