This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2018-03-11 11:45:45 -05:00
parent 645c78d814
commit 246ddda0b3

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@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ final class GarbageCollector(
// User just signed up and doesn't have security data yet, so wait a bit
def delay(user: User, ip: IpAddress, email: EmailAddress): Unit =
if (!recentlyChecked.get( && user.createdAt.isAfter( minusDays 3)) {
recentlyChecked put
if (user.createdAt.isAfter( minusDays 3)) {
debug(email, s"${user.username} $email $ip", "pre")
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(5 seconds) {
apply(user, ip, email)
private val recentlyChecked = new lila.memo.ExpireSetMemo(ttl = 3 seconds)
private def apply(user: User, ip: IpAddress, email: EmailAddress): Funit =
userSpy(user) flatMap { spy =>
debug(email, spy, "spy")
badOtherAccounts( ?? { others =>
debug(email,, "others")
lila.common.Future.exists(spy.ips)(ipTrust.isSuspicious).map {
_ ?? {
val ipBan = spy.usersSharingIp.forall { u =>
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ final class GarbageCollector(
private def debug(email: EmailAddress, stuff: Any, as: String = "-") =
if (email.value contains "iralas".reverse)"GC debug $as: $stuff")
private def badOtherAccounts(accounts: Set[User]): Option[List[User]] = {
val others = accounts.toList