adjusted common/richText and msg/enhance per Ornicar's request

Nicholas Omron 2021-04-22 12:47:45 -04:00
parent bff2db9cf5
commit 29aa706c4e
2 changed files with 44 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ export const linkRegex = /(^|[\s\n]|<[A-Za-z]*\/?>)((?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|liche
export const newLineRegex = /\n/g;
export const userPattern = /(^|[^\w@#/])@([\w-]{2,})/g;
// looks like it has a @mention or #gameid or a url.tld
export function isMoreThanText(str: string) {
return /(\n|(@|#|\.)\w{2,})/.test(str);
export function toLink(url: string): string {
return `<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="${url}">${url.replace(/https?:\/\//, '')}</a>`;
@ -30,11 +35,6 @@ export function innerHTML<A>(a: A, toHtml: (a: A) => string): Hooks {
// looks like it has a @mention or #gameid or a url.tld
export function isMoreThanText(str: string) {
return /(\n|(@|#|\.)\w{2,})/.test(str);
export function linkReplace(href: string, body?: string, cls?: string) {
if (href.includes('&quot;')) return href;
return `<a target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" href="${
@ -83,41 +83,6 @@ export function enhance(text: string, parseMoves: boolean): string {
return plied;
const imgurRegex = /https?:\/\/(?:i\.)?imgur\.com\/(\w+)(?:\.jpe?g|\.png|\.gif)?/;
const giphyRegex = /https:\/\/(?:media\.giphy\.com\/media\/|giphy\.com\/gifs\/(?:\w+-)*)(\w+)(?:\/giphy\.gif)?/;
const img = (src: string) => `<img src="${src}"/>`;
const aImg = (src: string) => linkReplace(src, img(src));
const expandImgur = (url: string) =>
imgurRegex.test(url) ? url.replace(imgurRegex, (_, id) => aImg(`${id}.jpg`)) : undefined;
const expandGiphy = (url: string) =>
? url.replace(giphyRegex, (_, id) => aImg(`${id}/giphy.gif`))
: undefined;
const expandImage = (url: string) => (/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/.test(url) ? aImg(url) : undefined);
const expandLink = (url: string) => linkReplace(url, url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''));
const expandUrl = (url: string) => expandImgur(url) || expandGiphy(url) || expandImage(url) || expandLink(url);
const expandUrls = (html: string) =>
html.replace(linkRegex, (_, space: string, url: string) => `${space}${expandUrl(url)}`);
const expandMentions = (html: string) => html.replace(userPattern, userLinkReplace);
const expandGameIds = (html: string) =>
(_: string, id: string, suffix: string) => ' ' + linkReplace('/' + id, '#' + id, 'text') + suffix
export const enhanceAll = (str: string) =>
expandGameIds(expandMentions(expandUrls(lichess.escapeHtml(str)))).replace(newLineRegex, '<br>');
function toYouTubeEmbedUrl(url: string) {
if (!url) return;
const m = url.match(

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@ -1,5 +1,43 @@
import { scroller } from './scroller';
export { isMoreThanText, enhanceAll as enhance } from 'common/richText';
import { linkRegex, linkReplace, newLineRegex, userPattern, userLinkReplace } from 'common/richText';
export { isMoreThanText } from 'common/richText';
const imgurRegex = /https?:\/\/(?:i\.)?imgur\.com\/(\w+)(?:\.jpe?g|\.png|\.gif)?/;
const giphyRegex = /https:\/\/(?:media\.giphy\.com\/media\/|giphy\.com\/gifs\/(?:\w+-)*)(\w+)(?:\/giphy\.gif)?/;
const img = (src: string) => `<img src="${src}"/>`;
const aImg = (src: string) => linkReplace(src, img(src));
const expandImgur = (url: string) =>
imgurRegex.test(url) ? url.replace(imgurRegex, (_, id) => aImg(`${id}.jpg`)) : undefined;
const expandGiphy = (url: string) =>
? url.replace(giphyRegex, (_, id) => aImg(`${id}/giphy.gif`))
: undefined;
const expandImage = (url: string) => (/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/.test(url) ? aImg(url) : undefined);
const expandLink = (url: string) => linkReplace(url, url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''));
const expandUrl = (url: string) => expandImgur(url) || expandGiphy(url) || expandImage(url) || expandLink(url);
const expandUrls = (html: string) =>
html.replace(linkRegex, (_, space: string, url: string) => `${space}${expandUrl(url)}`);
const expandMentions = (html: string) => html.replace(userPattern, userLinkReplace);
const expandGameIds = (html: string) =>
(_: string, id: string, suffix: string) => ' ' + linkReplace('/' + id, '#' + id, 'text') + suffix
export const enhance = (str: string) =>
expandGameIds(expandMentions(expandUrls(lichess.escapeHtml(str)))).replace(newLineRegex, '<br>');
/* Enhance with iframe expansion */
interface Expandable {