paypal support WIP

Thibault Duplessis 2016-07-12 00:55:35 +02:00
parent e8af4e9734
commit 2a280361e2
2 changed files with 40 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,12 @@ object Patron {
object Stripe {
case class CustomerId(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class PayPal(email: Option[PayPal.Email], subId: Option[PayPal.SubId])
case class PayPal(
email: Option[PayPal.Email],
subId: Option[PayPal.SubId],
lastCharge: DateTime) {
def isExpired = lastCharge isBefore
object PayPal {
case class Email(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class SubId(value: String) extends AnyVal

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@ -107,24 +107,46 @@ final class StripeApi(
def sync(user: User): Fu[Boolean] = userCustomerId(user) flatMap {
def sync(user: User): Fu[Boolean] = userPatron(user) flatMap {
case None if !user.plan.isEmpty =>
logger.warn(s"sync: disable plan of non-customer")
logger.warn(s"sync: disable plan of non-patron")
UserRepo.setPlan(user, user.plan.disable) inject true
case Some(customerId) => client.getCustomer(customerId) flatMap {
case None =>
logger.warn(s"sync: remove DB customer that's not in stripe")
patronColl.remove(selectStripeCustomerId(customerId)) >>
case None => fuccess(false)
case Some(patron) => (patron.stripe, patron.payPal) match {
case (Some(stripe), _) => client.getCustomer(stripe.customerId) flatMap {
case None =>
logger.warn(s"sync: unset DB patron that's not in stripe")
patronColl.unsetField($id(, "stripe") >> sync(user)
case Some(customer) if customer.firstSubscription.isEmpty =>
logger.warn(s"sync: unset DB patron of customer without a subscription")
patronColl.unsetField($id(, "stripe") >> sync(user)
case Some(customer) if customer.firstSubscription.isDefined && ! =>
logger.warn(s"sync: enable plan of customer with a subscription")
UserRepo.setPlan(user, user.plan.enable) inject true
case _ => fuccess(false)
case (_, Some(paypal)) =>
if (paypal.isExpired && {
logger.warn(s"sync: disable plan of patron with expired paypal")
UserRepo.setPlan(user, user.plan.disable) inject true
case Some(customer) if customer.firstSubscription.isEmpty && =>
logger.warn(s"sync: disable plan of customer without a subscription")
else if (!paypal.isExpired && ! {
logger.warn(s"sync: enable plan of customer with paypal")
UserRepo.setPlan(user, user.plan.enable) inject true
else fuccess(false)
case (None, None) if =>
logger.warn(s"sync: disable plan of patron with no paypal or stripe")
UserRepo.setPlan(user, user.plan.disable) inject true
case Some(customer) if customer.firstSubscription.isDefined && ! =>
logger.warn(s"sync: enable plan of customer with a subscription")
UserRepo.setPlan(user, user.plan.enable) inject true
case _ => fuccess(false)
case _ => fuccess(false)
private def setUserPlan(user: User, plan: StripePlan, source: Source): Fu[StripeSubscription] =