importer app

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2013-05-09 12:11:06 -03:00
parent 46d3370a67
commit 2a83d25eae
4 changed files with 40 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
package controllers
import views._
import lila.user.Context
import views._
import play.api.mvc.Result
private[controllers] trait BaseGame { self: LilaController
protected def nbAnalysis = Env.analyse.cached.nbAnalysis _
protected def bookmarkApi = Env.bookmark.api
protected def listMenu =
protected def makeListMenu(implicit ctx: Context) =
listMenu(bookmarkApi countByUser _, nbAnalysis,
protected def makeListMenu(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[ListMenu] =
Env.bookmark.api countByUser _,
Env.analyse.cached.nbAnalysis _,

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ object Game extends LilaController with BaseGame {
def bookmark(page: Int) = Auth { implicit ctx
Reasonable(page) {
bookmarkApi.gamePaginatorByUser(me, page) zip makeListMenu map {
Env.bookmark.api.gamePaginatorByUser(me, page) zip makeListMenu map {
case (pag, menu), menu)

View file

@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ import views._
object Importer extends LilaController with BaseGame {
// private def forms = env.importer.forms
// private def importer = env.importer.importer
private def env = Env.importer
def importGame = TODO
// Open { implicit ctx
// Ok(, forms.importForm))
// }
def sendGame = TODO
// OpenBody { implicit ctx
// Async {
// implicit def req = ctx.body
// forms.importForm.bindFromRequest.fold(
// failure Akka.future {
// Ok(, failure))
// },
// data (importer(data, ctx.userId) map {
// _.fold(Redirect(routes.Importer.importGame)) { game =>
// Redirect(routes.Analyse.replay(, "white"))
// }
// })
// )
// }
// }
def importGame = Open { implicit ctx
makeListMenu map { listMenu
Ok(, env.forms.importForm))
def sendGame = OpenBody { implicit ctx
implicit def req = ctx.body
failure makeListMenu map { listMenu
Ok(, failure))
data env.importer(data, ctx.userId) map { game
Redirect(routes.Analyse.replay(, "white"))
} recover {
case e {

View file

@ -16,27 +16,25 @@ private[importer] final class Importer(
bookmark: ActorRef,
delay: Duration) {
def apply(data: ImportData, user: Option[String]): Fu[Option[Game]] =
gameExists(data.pgn) {
data preprocess user match {
case scalaz.Success(Preprocessed(game, moves, result)) for {
def apply(data: ImportData, user: Option[String]): Fu[Game] = gameExists(data.pgn) {
(data preprocess user).fold[Fu[Game]](fufail(_), {
case Preprocessed(game, moves, result) for {
_ $insert(game) >>
(GameRepo denormalize game) >>
applyMoves(, moves)
dbGame $find.byId[Game](
_ ~((result |@| dbGame) apply {
case (res, dbg) finish(dbg, res)
_ ~((dbGame |@| result) apply {
case (dbg, res) finish(dbg, res)
}) >>- ~((dbGame |@| user) apply {
case (dbg, u) bookmark ! ( -> u)
} yield game.some
case _ fuccess(none)
} yield game
private def gameExists(pgn: String)(processing: Fu[Option[Game]]): Fu[Option[Game]] =
private def gameExists(pgn: String)(processing: Fu[Game]): Fu[Game] =
$ pgnImport pgn) flatMap {
_.fold(processing)(game fuccess(game.some))
_.fold(processing)(game fuccess(game))
private def finish(game: Game, result: Result): Funit = result match {