improve translation fetch

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2013-05-15 12:14:21 -03:00
parent ca3e8e6868
commit 40ee27169d
5 changed files with 19 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package lila.api
private[api] final class Cli(env: Env) {
def apply(args: List[String]): Fu[String] = run(args).map(_ + "\n") ~ {
_ logFailure("[cli] " + args.mkString(" ")) foreach {
case output loginfo("[cli] %s\n%s".format(args mkString " ", output))
_ logFailure ("[cli] " + args.mkString(" ")) foreach { output
loginfo("[cli] %s\n%s".format(args mkString " ", output))

View file

@ -11,14 +11,12 @@ private[i18n] final class GitWrite(transRelPath: String, repoPath: String) {
private val repo = new FileRepository(repoPath + "/.git")
private val git = new Git(repo, debug = true)
private def putStrLn(msg: String) = fuccess(println(msg))
def apply(translations: List[Translation]): Funit = for {
_ putStrLn("Working on " + repoPath)
_ fuloginfo("Working on " + repoPath)
currentBranch git.currentBranch
_ putStrLn("Current branch is " + currentBranch)
_ (translations map write).sequence.void
_ putStrLn("Checkout " + currentBranch)
_ fuloginfo("Current branch is " + currentBranch)
_ (translations.pp map write).sequence.void
_ fuloginfo("Checkout " + currentBranch)
_ git checkout currentBranch
} yield ()
@ -29,19 +27,19 @@ private[i18n] final class GitWrite(transRelPath: String, repoPath: String) {
val commitMsg = commitMessage(translation, name)
git branchExists branch flatMap {
putStrLn("! Branch already exists: " + branch) >>
fuloginfo("! Branch already exists: " + branch) >>
git.checkout(branch, true) >>
writeMessages(translation) >>
putStrLn("Add " + relFileOf(translation)) >>
fuloginfo("Add " + relFileOf(translation)) >>
(git add relFileOf(translation)) >>
putStrLn("- " + commitMsg) >>
fuloginfo("- " + commitMsg) >>
(git commit commitMsg).void,
private def writeMessages(translation: Translation) =
putStrLn("Write messages to " + absFileOf(translation)) >>
fuloginfo("Write messages to " + absFileOf(translation)) >>
printToFile(absFileOf(translation)) { writer
translation.lines foreach writer.println
@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ private[i18n] final class GitWrite(transRelPath: String, repoPath: String) {
private def cleanupBranch(branch: String) =
branch.replace("refs/heads/", "")
private def log(msg: Any) = debug.fold(putStrLn(msg.toString), funit)
private def log(msg: Any) = debug.fold(fuloginfo(msg.toString), funit)

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ private[i18n] case class Translation(
createdAt: DateTime) {
def lines = text.split("\n").toList
override def toString = "#%d %s".format(id, code)
private[i18n] object Translation {

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package lila.i18n
import lila.common.PimpedJson._
import tube.translationTube
import play.api.libs.json._
@ -12,35 +13,16 @@ private[i18n] final class UpstreamFetch(upstreamUrl: Int ⇒ String) {
private type Fetched = Fu[List[Translation]]
def apply(from: Int): Fetched =
fetch(upstreamUrl(from)) map parse
fetch(upstreamUrl(from)) map parse flatMap {
_.fold(e fufail(e.toString), fuccess(_))
def apply(from: String): Fetched =
parseIntOption(from).fold(fufail("Bad from argument"): Fetched)(apply)
// private def upstreamUrl(from: Int) =
// "http://" + upstreamDomain + routes.I18n.fetch(from)
private def fetch(url: String): Fu[JsValue] =
WS.url(url).get() map (_.json)
// this function signature is lying.
private def parse(json: JsValue): List[Translation] =
([List[JsObject]].value map parseTranslation).toList map {
_ err "Received broken JSON from upstream"
private def parseTranslation(js: JsObject): Option[Translation] = for {
id js int "id"
code js str "code"
text js str "text"
author = js str "author"
comment = js str "comment"
ts js long "createdAt"
} yield Translation(
id = id,
code = code,
text = text,
author = author,
comment = comment,
createdAt = new DateTime(ts))
private def parse(json: JsValue): JsResult[List[Translation]] =

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@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ opponent history
show tournament trophies on user profile
mute ip
games with me
ssl websocket would pass through proxies requires play 2.1
team chat
let players block other players
detect lack of support for date formatting (gl) and use 2013-02-15 13:48:00 instead