fix study server analysis

Thibault Duplessis 2021-02-05 11:39:07 +01:00
parent 15b05b02c9
commit 4864a70877
2 changed files with 59 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ final class ChapterRepo(val coll: AsyncColl)(implicit
def setTagsFor(chapter: Chapter) =
coll(_.updateField($id(, "tags", chapter.tags)).void
def setShapes(shapes: lila.tree.Node.Shapes) = setNodeValue("h", shapes.value.nonEmpty option shapes) _
def setShapes(shapes: lila.tree.Node.Shapes) =
setNodeValue(Node.BsonFields.shapes, shapes.value.nonEmpty option shapes) _
def setComments(comments: lila.tree.Node.Comments) =
setNodeValue("co", comments.value.nonEmpty option comments) _
setNodeValue(Node.BsonFields.comments, comments.value.nonEmpty option comments) _
def setGamebook(gamebook: lila.tree.Node.Gamebook) = setNodeValue("ga", gamebook.nonEmpty option gamebook) _
def setGamebook(gamebook: lila.tree.Node.Gamebook) =
setNodeValue(Node.BsonFields.gamebook, gamebook.nonEmpty option gamebook) _
def setGlyphs(glyphs: chess.format.pgn.Glyphs) = setNodeValue("g", glyphs.nonEmpty) _
def setGlyphs(glyphs: chess.format.pgn.Glyphs) = setNodeValue(Node.BsonFields.glyphs, glyphs.nonEmpty) _
def setClock(clock: Option[chess.Centis]) = setNodeValue("l", clock) _
def setClock(clock: Option[chess.Centis]) = setNodeValue(Node.BsonFields.clock, clock) _
def forceVariation(force: Boolean) = setNodeValue("fv", force option true) _
def setScore(score: Option[lila.tree.Eval.Score]) = setNodeValue("e", score) _
def forceVariation(force: Boolean) = setNodeValue(Node.BsonFields.forceVariation, force option true) _
// overrides all children sub-nodes in DB! Make the tree merge beforehand.
def setChildren(children: Node.Children)(chapter: Chapter, path: Path): Funit = {
@ -162,15 +162,28 @@ final class ChapterRepo(val coll: AsyncColl)(implicit
$id( ++ $doc(path.toDbField $exists true),
pathToField(path, field),
).map {
case 0 =>
s"Can't setNodeValue ${chapter.studyId}/${} '$path' $field '${path.toDbField}' / no node matched!"
case _ => true
private[study] def setNodeValues(
chapter: Chapter,
path: Path,
values: List[(String, Option[BSONValue])]
): Funit =
values.collect { case (field, Some(v)) =>
pathToField(path, field) -> v
} match {
case Nil => funit
case sets =>
coll {
$id( ++ $doc(path.toDbField $exists true),
// root.path.subField
private def pathToField(path: Path, subField: String): String = s"${path.toDbField}.$subField"

View File

@ -59,31 +59,39 @@ object ServerEval {
.fold( {
case (path, (node, (info, advOpt))) =>
chapter.root.nodeAt(path).flatMap { parent =>
analysisLine(parent, chapter.setup.variant, info) map parent.addChild
} ?? { parentWithNewChildren =>
chapterRepo.setChildren(parentWithNewChildren.children)(chapter, path)
} >> {
import BSONHandlers._
import Node.{ BsonFields => F }
path + node,
F.score -> info.eval.score
.ifTrue {
node.score.isEmpty ||
advOpt.isDefined && node.comments.findBy(Comment.Author.Lichess).isEmpty
.?? { score =>
chapterRepo.setScore(score.some)(chapter, path + node) >>
advOpt.?? { adv =>
F.comments -> advOpt
.map { adv =>
node.comments + Comment(
Comment.Text(adv.makeComment(withEval = false, withBestMove = true)),
)(chapter, path + node) >>
F.glyphs -> advOpt
.map { adv =>
node.glyphs merge Glyphs.fromList(List(adv.judgment.glyph))
)(chapter, path + node) >> {
chapter.root.nodeAt(path).flatMap { parent =>
analysisLine(parent, chapter.setup.variant, info) map parent.addChild
} ?? { parentWithNewChildren =>
chapterRepo.setChildren(parentWithNewChildren.children)(chapter, path)
} inject path + node
} void
} >>- {