Merge branch 'master' into tournamentLeader

* master:
  add daily crazyhouse to tournament winners leaderboard
  rename Page functions
  reorganize content pages
  Move pages router to save chess960
  Adds several new pages
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2016-01-25 17:47:28 +07:00
commit 4d40bbc417
6 changed files with 57 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -7,29 +7,37 @@ import views._
object Page extends LilaController {
private def page(bookmark: String) = Open { implicit ctx =>
OptionOk(Prismic oneShotBookmark bookmark) {
private def bookmark(name: String) = Open { implicit ctx =>
OptionOk(Prismic oneShotBookmark name) {
case (doc, resolver) =>, resolver)
def thanks = page("thanks")
def thanks = bookmark("thanks")
def tos = page("tos")
def tos = bookmark("tos")
def helpLichess = page("help")
def contribute = bookmark("help")
def streamHowTo = page("stream-howto")
def streamHowTo = bookmark("stream-howto")
def contact = page("contact")
def contact = bookmark("contact")
def kingOfTheHill = page("king-of-the-hill")
def master = bookmark("master")
def atomic = page("atomic")
def kingOfTheHill = bookmark("king-of-the-hill")
def racingKings = page("racing-kings")
def atomic = bookmark("atomic")
def crazyhouse = page("crazyhouse")
def antichess = bookmark("antichess")
def privacy = page("privacy")
def chess960 = bookmark("chess960")
def horde = bookmark("horde")
def racingKings = bookmark("racing-kings")
def crazyhouse = bookmark("crazyhouse")
def privacy = bookmark("privacy")

View file

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
@url = {
@variant match {
case chess.variant.Standard => {}
case chess.variant.Chess960 => {}
case chess.variant.Chess960 => {@routes.Page.chess960}
case chess.variant.KingOfTheHill => {@routes.Page.kingOfTheHill}
case chess.variant.ThreeCheck => {}
case chess.variant.Antichess => {}
case chess.variant.Antichess => {@routes.Page.antichess}
case chess.variant.FromPosition => {@routes.Editor.index?" ", "_"))}
case chess.variant.Atomic => {@routes.Page.atomic}
case chess.variant.Horde => {}
case chess.variant.Horde => {@routes.Page.horde}
case chess.variant.RacingKings => {@routes.Page.racingKings}
case chess.variant.Crazyhouse => {@routes.Page.crazyhouse}
case _ => {}

View file

@ -387,24 +387,32 @@ GET /network/stream
POST /mobile/register/:platform/:deviceId controllers.Main.mobileRegister(platform: String, deviceId: String)
POST /mobile/unregister controllers.Main.mobileUnregister
# Pages
GET /thanks controllers.Page.thanks
GET /help-lichess controllers.Page.helpLichess
GET /terms-of-service controllers.Page.tos
GET /how-to-stream-on-lichess controllers.Page.streamHowTo
GET /contact
GET /king-of-the-hill controllers.Page.kingOfTheHill
GET /atomic controllers.Page.atomic
GET /racing-kings controllers.Page.racingKings
GET /crazyhouse controllers.Page.crazyhouse
GET /privacy controllers.Page.privacy
# Donate
GET /donate controllers.Donation.index
GET /donate/thanks controllers.Donation.thanks
POST /donate/thanks controllers.Donation.thanksRedirect
POST /donate/ipn controllers.Donation.ipn
# Pages
GET /thanks controllers.Page.thanks
GET /terms-of-service controllers.Page.tos
GET /privacy controllers.Page.privacy
GET /contact
# Variants
GET /variant/king-of-the-hill controllers.Page.kingOfTheHill
GET /variant/atomic controllers.Page.atomic
GET /variant/antichess controllers.Page.antichess
GET /variant/chess960 controllers.Page.chess960
GET /variant/horde controllers.Page.horde
GET /variant/racing-kings controllers.Page.racingKings
GET /variant/crazyhouse controllers.Page.crazyhouse
# Help
GET /help/contribute controllers.Page.contribute
GET /help/master controllers.Page.master
GET /help/stream-on-lichess controllers.Page.streamHowTo
POST /jslog/$id<\w{12}> controllers.Main.jslog(id)
# Assets

View file

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ object PlayerRepo {
b += (u.get.asInstanceOf[BSONString].value -> r)
r = r + 1
case _ => Map.empty

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package lila.tournament
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import reactivemongo.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONArray, BSONInteger }
import chess.variant.Variant
import BSONHandlers._
import lila.common.paginator.Paginator
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ object TournamentRepo {
private val unfinishedSelect = BSONDocument("status" -> BSONDocument("$ne" ->
private[tournament] val scheduledSelect = BSONDocument("schedule" -> BSONDocument("$exists" -> true))
private def sinceSelect(date: DateTime) = BSONDocument("startsAt" -> BSONDocument("$gt" -> date))
private def variantSelect(variant: chess.variant.Variant) =
private def variantSelect(variant: Variant) =
if (variant.standard) BSONDocument("variant" -> BSONDocument("$exists" -> false))
else BSONDocument("variant" ->
@ -187,13 +188,18 @@ object TournamentRepo {
def lastFinishedScheduledByFreqStandard(freq: Schedule.Freq, since: DateTime): Fu[List[Tournament]] = coll.find(
def lastFinishedScheduledByFreq(freq: Schedule.Freq, since: DateTime): Fu[List[Tournament]] = coll.find(
finishedSelect ++ sinceSelect(since) ++ variantSelect(chess.variant.Standard) ++ BSONDocument(
"schedule.freq" ->,
"schedule.speed" -> BSONDocument("$in" ->
).sort(BSONDocument("startsAt" -> -1)).toList[Tournament](Schedule.Speed.mostPopular.size.some)
def lastFinishedDaily(variant: Variant): Fu[Option[Tournament]] = coll.find(
finishedSelect ++ sinceSelect( minusDays 1) ++ variantSelect(variant) ++
BSONDocument("schedule.freq" ->
).sort(BSONDocument("startsAt" -> -1)).one[Tournament]
def update(tour: Tournament) = coll.update(BSONDocument("_id" ->, tour)
def insert(tour: Tournament) = coll.insert(tour)

View file

@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ final class Winners(
import Schedule.Freq
private def fetchScheduled(nb: Int): Fu[List[Winner]] = {
val since = minusMonths 1
List(Freq.Marathon, Freq.Monthly, Freq.Weekly, Freq.Daily).map { freq =>
TournamentRepo.lastFinishedScheduledByFreqStandard(freq, since) flatMap toursToWinners
List(Freq.Monthly, Freq.Weekly, Freq.Daily).map { freq =>
TournamentRepo.lastFinishedScheduledByFreq(freq, since)
} flatMap { stds =>
TournamentRepo.lastFinishedDaily(chess.variant.Crazyhouse) map (stds ::: _.toList)
} flatMap toursToWinners
private def toursToWinners(tours: List[Tournament]): Fu[List[Winner]] =