simplify PerfStat streaks, remove extra arg, rename functions

after #9872
Thibault Duplessis 2021-09-29 09:46:56 +02:00
parent 1dc508f975
commit 607e47252d
1 changed files with 20 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ object PerfStat {
case class ResultStreak(win: Streaks, loss: Streaks) {
def agg(pov: Pov) =
win = win(, pov)(1),
loss = loss(~pov.loss, pov)(1)
win = win.continueOrReset(, pov)(1),
loss = loss.continueOrReset(~pov.loss, pov)(1)
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ case class PlayStreak(nb: Streaks, time: Streaks, lastDate: Option[DateTime]) { { seconds =>
val cont = seconds < 3 * 60 * 60 && isContinued(
nb = nb(cont, pov, 1)(1),
time = time(cont, pov, seconds)(seconds),
nb = nb.continueOrStart(cont, pov)(1),
time = time.continueOrStart(cont, pov)(seconds),
lastDate =
@ -91,14 +91,10 @@ object PlayStreak {
case class Streaks(cur: Streak, max: Streak) {
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) =
cur = cur(cont, pov)(v)
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov, r: Int)(v: Int) =
cur = cur(cont, pov, r)(v)
def continueOrReset(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) =
copy(cur = cur.continueOrReset(cont, pov)(v)).setMax
def continueOrStart(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) =
copy(cur = cur.continueOrStart(cont, pov)(v)).setMax
def reset = copy(cur = Streak.init)
private def setMax = copy(max = if (cur.v >= max.v) cur else max)
@ -106,20 +102,18 @@ object Streaks {
val init = Streaks(Streak.init, Streak.init)
case class Streak(v: Int, from: Option[GameAt], to: Option[GameAt]) {
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) = if (cont) inc(pov, v) else Streak.init
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov, r: Int)(v: Int) = if (cont) inc(pov, v) else res(pov, r)
private def inc(pov: Pov, by: Int) =
v = v + by,
from = from orElse GameAt(, pov.gameId).some,
to = GameAt(, pov.gameId).some
private def res(pov: Pov, by: Int) =
v = by,
from = GameAt(, pov.gameId).some,
to = GameAt(, pov.gameId).some
def continueOrReset(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) =
if (cont) inc(pov, v) else Streak.init
def continueOrStart(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) =
if (cont) inc(pov, v)
else {
val at = GameAt(, pov.gameId).some
Streak(v, at, at)
private def inc(pov: Pov, by: Int) = {
val at = GameAt(, pov.gameId).some
Streak(v + by, from orElse at, at)
def period = new Period(v * 1000L)
object Streak {