back to synchronous, unthrottled password hashing

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2017-09-27 18:40:44 -05:00
parent 0cc0b02e9f
commit 6162060ea4
5 changed files with 39 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package lila.user
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object DataForm {
@ -39,11 +38,7 @@ object DataForm {
def passwd(u: User) = UserRepo loginCandidate u map { candidate =>
"oldPasswd" -> nonEmptyText.verifying("incorrectPassword", { pass =>
// ugly shit, but Play forms are synchronous.
// make sure the form is ratelimited by user upstream
candidate.check(pass) await 2.seconds
"oldPasswd" -> nonEmptyText.verifying("incorrectPassword", candidate.check),
"newPasswd1" -> nonEmptyText(minLength = 2),
"newPasswd2" -> nonEmptyText(minLength = 2)
)(Passwd.apply)(Passwd.unapply).verifying("the new passwords don't match", _.samePasswords))

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@ -91,18 +91,12 @@ final class Env(
lazy val passwordAuth = new Authenticator(
new AsyncPasswordHasher(
new PasswordHasher(
secret = PasswordBPassSecret,
logRounds = 10,
hashTimer = lila.mon.measure(_.user.auth.hashTime)
new lila.hub.SyncMultiSequencer(
system = system,
parallelismFactor = PasswordParallelism
new PasswordHasher(
secret = PasswordBPassSecret,
logRounds = 10,
hashTimer = lila.mon.measure(_.user.auth.hashTime)
onShaLogin = lila.mon.user.auth.shaLogin
lazy val upgradeShaPasswords = PasswordUpgradeSha

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@ -61,17 +61,3 @@ final class PasswordHasher(
BCrypt.bytesEqualSecure(hash, bHash(salt, pass))
final class AsyncPasswordHasher(
hasher: PasswordHasher,
sequencer: lila.hub.SyncMultiSequencer
) {
def hash(pass: String): Fu[Array[Byte]] = sequencer {
def check(bytes: Array[Byte], pass: String): Fu[Boolean] = sequencer {
hasher.check(bytes, pass)

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@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ object User {
type ID = String
type CredentialCheck = String => Fu[Boolean]
type CredentialCheck = String => Boolean
case class LoginCandidate(user: User, check: CredentialCheck) {
def apply(password: String): Fu[Option[User]] =
check(password) map { res =>
res option user
def apply(password: String): Option[User] = {
val res = check(password)
res option user
val anonymous = "Anonymous"
@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ object User {
final class Authenticator(passHasher: AsyncPasswordHasher, onShaLogin: => Unit) {
final class Authenticator(passHasher: PasswordHasher, onShaLogin: () => Unit) {
import com.roundeights.hasher.Implicits._
def passEnc(pass: String): Fu[Array[Byte]] = passHasher.hash(pass)
def passEnc(pass: String): Array[Byte] = passHasher.hash(pass)
case class AuthData(
_id: String,
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ final class Authenticator(passHasher: AsyncPasswordHasher, onShaLogin: => Unit)
salt: Option[String] = None,
sha512: Option[Boolean] = None
) {
def compare(p: String): Fu[Boolean] = {
def compare(p: String): Boolean = {
val newP = salt.fold(p) { s =>
val salted = s"$p{$s}" // BC
(~sha512).fold(salted.sha512, salted.sha1).hex
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ final class Authenticator(passHasher: AsyncPasswordHasher, onShaLogin: => Unit)
bpass match {
// Deprecated fallback. Log & fail after DB migration.
case None => password ?? { p => onShaLogin; fuccess(p == newP) }
case None => password ?? { p => onShaLogin(); p == newP }
case Some(bHash) => passHasher.check(bHash, newP)

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@ -225,24 +225,21 @@ object UserRepo {
def removeAllToints = coll.update($empty, $unset("toints"), multi = true)
def authenticateById(id: ID, password: String): Fu[Option[User]] =
loginCandidateById(id) flatMap { _ ?? { _(password) } }
loginCandidateById(id) map { _ flatMap { _(password) } }
def authenticateByEmail(email: EmailAddress, password: String): Fu[Option[User]] =
loginCandidateByEmail(email) flatMap { _ ?? { _(password) } }
loginCandidateByEmail(email) map { _ flatMap { _(password) } }
import Env.current.passwordAuth._
// This creates a bcrypt hash using the existing sha as input,
// allowing us to migrate all users in bulk.
def upgradePassword(a: AuthData) = (a.bpass, a.password) match {
case (None, Some(pass)) => Some {
passEnc(pass) flatMap { hash =>
$set(F.bpass -> hash) ++ $unset(F.password)
).void >>- lila.mon.user.auth.shaBcUpgrade()
case (None, Some(pass)) => Some(coll.update(
$set(F.bpass -> passEnc(pass)) ++ $unset(F.password)
).void >>- lila.mon.user.auth.shaBcUpgrade())
case _ => None
@ -253,19 +250,19 @@ object UserRepo {
loginCandidate($doc( -> email))
def loginCandidate(u: User): Fu[User.LoginCandidate] =
loginCandidateById( map { _ | User.LoginCandidate(u, _ => fuccess(false)) }
loginCandidateById( map { _ | User.LoginCandidate(u, _ => false) }
def authWithBenefits(auth: AuthData)(p: String): Fu[Boolean] =
auth compare p map { res =>
if (res && auth.salt.isDefined && Env.current.upgradeShaPasswords)
passwd(id = auth._id, pass = p) >>- lila.mon.user.auth.bcFullMigrate()
def authWithBenefits(auth: AuthData)(p: String) = {
val res = auth compare p
if (res && auth.salt.isDefined && Env.current.upgradeShaPasswords)
passwd(id = auth._id, pass = p) >>- lila.mon.user.auth.bcFullMigrate()
private def loginCandidate(select: Bdoc): Fu[Option[User.LoginCandidate]] =[AuthData](select) zip[User](select) map {
case (Some(authData), Some(user)) if user.enabled =>
User.LoginCandidate(user, authWithBenefits(authData) _).some
User.LoginCandidate(user, authWithBenefits(authData)).some
case _ => none
@ -283,11 +280,9 @@ object UserRepo {
): Fu[Option[User]] =
!nameExists(username) flatMap {
_ ?? {
passEnc(password) flatMap { hash =>
val doc = newUser(username, hash, email, blind, mobileApiVersion, mustConfirmEmail) ++
("len" -> BSONInteger(username.size))
coll.insert(doc) >> named(normalize(username))
val doc = newUser(username, password, email, blind, mobileApiVersion, mustConfirmEmail) ++
("len" -> BSONInteger(username.size))
coll.insert(doc) >> named(normalize(username))
@ -352,12 +347,9 @@ object UserRepo {
def passwd(id: ID, pass: String): Funit = passEnc(pass) flatMap { hash =>
$set(F.bpass -> hash) ++ $unset(F.salt, F.password, F.sha512)
def passwd(id: ID, pass: String): Funit =
coll.update($id(id), $set(F.bpass -> passEnc(pass))
++ $unset(F.salt, F.password, F.sha512)).void
def email(id: ID, email: EmailAddress): Funit =
coll.update($id(id), $set( -> email) ++ $unset(F.prevEmail)).void
@ -452,7 +444,7 @@ object UserRepo {
private def newUser(
username: String,
passwordHash: Array[Byte],
password: String,
email: EmailAddress,
blind: Boolean,
mobileApiVersion: Option[ApiVersion],
@ -468,7 +460,7 @@ object UserRepo {
F.username -> username, -> email,
F.mustConfirmEmail -> mustConfirmEmail.option(,
F.bpass -> passwordHash,
F.bpass -> passEnc(password),
F.perfs -> $empty,
F.count -> Count.default,
F.enabled -> true,