game db awesomeness

Thibault Duplessis 2013-03-22 18:53:13 +01:00
parent 662a6d681d
commit 653b24b354
9 changed files with 635 additions and 633 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package round
import play.api.libs.json._
import chess.{ PromotableRole, Pos, Color, Situation, Move ChessMove, Clock ChessClock }
import Pos.{ piotr, allPiotrs }
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml
sealed trait Event {
def typ: String
@ -116,16 +116,27 @@ object Event {
case class Message(author: String, message: String) extends Event {
def typ = "message"
def data = JsString(Room render (author, message))
def data = JsString(renderRoom(author, message))
override def owner = true
case class WatcherMessage(message: WatcherRoom.Message) extends Event {
private def renderRoom(author: String, text: String): String =
"""<li class="%s%s">%s</li>""".format(
(author == "system") ?? " trans_me",
case class WatcherMessage(author: Option[String], text: String) extends Event {
def typ = "message"
def data = JsString(WatcherRoom render message)
def data = JsString(renderWatcherRoom(author, text))
override def watcher = true
private def renderWatcherRoom(author: Option[String], text: String): String =
author.fold("Anonymous")("@" + _),
case class End() extends Empty {
def typ = "end"

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@ -47,332 +47,335 @@ case class Game(
updatedAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
metadata: Option[Metadata] = None) {
// val players = List(whitePlayer, blackPlayer)
// val playersByColor: Map[Color, Player] = Map(
// White -> whitePlayer,
// Black -> blackPlayer
// )
// def player(color: Color): Player = color match {
// case White whitePlayer
// case Black blackPlayer
// }
// def player(playerId: String): Option[Player] =
// players find ( == playerId)
// def player(user: User): Option[Player] =
// players find (_ isUser user)
// def player(c: Color.type Color): Player = player(c(Color))
// def isPlayerFullId(player: Player, fullId: String): Boolean =
// (fullId.size == Game.fullIdSize) && == (fullId drop 8)
// def player: Player = player(turnColor)
// def opponent(p: Player): Player = opponent(p.color)
// def opponent(c: Color): Player = player(!c)
// def turnColor = Color(0 == turns % 2)
// def turnOf(p: Player) = p == player
// def fullIdOf(player: Player): Option[String] =
// (players contains player) option id +
// def fullIdOf(color: Color): String = id + player(color).id
// def isTournament = tournamentId.isDefined
// def nonTournament = tournamentId.isEmpty
// def hasChat = nonTournament && nonAi
// lazy val toChess: Game = {
// def posPiece(posCode: Char, roleCode: Char, color: Color): Option[(Pos, Piece)] = for {
// pos piotr(posCode)
// role forsyth(roleCode)
// } yield (pos, Piece(color, role))
// val (pieces, deads) = {
// for {
// player players
// color = player.color
// piece grouped 2
// } yield (color, piece(0), piece(1))
// }.foldLeft((Map[Pos, Piece](), List[(Pos, Piece)]())) {
// case ((ps, ds), (color, pos, role)) {
// if (role.isUpper) posPiece(pos, role.toLower, color) map { p (ps, p :: ds) }
// else posPiece(pos, role, color) map { p (ps + p, ds) }
// } getOrElse (ps, ds)
// case (acc, _) acc
// }
// Game(
// board = Board(pieces, toChessHistory, variant),
// player = Color(0 == turns % 2),
// clock = clock,
// deads = deads,
// turns = turns
// )
// }
// lazy val toChessHistory = ChessHistory(
// lastMove = lastMove,
// castles = castles,
// positionHashes = positionHashes)
// def update(
// game: Game,
// move: Move,
// blur: Boolean = false): (Progress, String) = {
// val (history, situation) = (game.board.history, game.situation)
// val events =
// Event.possibleMoves(game.situation, White) ::
// Event.possibleMoves(game.situation, Black) ::
// Event.State(game.situation.color, game.turns) ::
// (Event fromMove move) :::
// (Event fromSituation game.situation)
// def copyPlayer(player: Player) = player.copy(
// ps = player encodePieces game.allPieces,
// blurs = player.blurs + (blur && move.color == player.color).fold(1, 0),
// moveTimes = ((!isPgnImport) && (move.color == player.color)).fold(
// lastMoveTime.fold("") { lmt
// (nowSeconds - lmt) |> { mt
// val encoded = MoveTime encode mt
// player.moveTimes.isEmpty.fold(encoded.toString, player.moveTimes + encoded)
// }
// }, player.moveTimes
// )
// )
// val updated = copy(
// whitePlayer = copyPlayer(whitePlayer),
// blackPlayer = copyPlayer(blackPlayer),
// turns = game.turns,
// positionHashes = history.positionHashes mkString,
// castles = history.castleNotation,
// lastMove = history.lastMoveString,
// status = situation.status | status,
// clock = game.clock,
// check = if (situation.check) situation.kingPos else None,
// lastMoveTime = nowSeconds.some
// )
// val finalEvents = events :::
// List(Event.Clock(c))) ::: {
// (updated.playable && (
// abortable != updated.abortable || (Color.all exists { color
// playerCanOfferDraw(color) != updated.playerCanOfferDraw(color)
// })
// )).fold(Color.all map Event.ReloadTable, Nil)
// }
val players = List(whitePlayer, blackPlayer)
val playersByColor: Map[Color, Player] = Map(
White -> whitePlayer,
Black -> blackPlayer
def player(color: Color): Player = color match {
case White whitePlayer
case Black blackPlayer
def player(playerId: String): Option[Player] =
players find ( == playerId)
def player(user: User): Option[Player] =
players find (_ isUser user)
def player(c: Color.type Color): Player = player(c(Color))
def isPlayerFullId(player: Player, fullId: String): Boolean =
(fullId.size == Game.fullIdSize) && == (fullId drop 8)
def player: Player = player(turnColor)
def opponent(p: Player): Player = opponent(p.color)
def opponent(c: Color): Player = player(!c)
def turnColor = Color(0 == turns % 2)
def turnOf(p: Player) = p == player
def fullIdOf(player: Player): Option[String] =
(players contains player) option id +
def fullIdOf(color: Color): String = id + player(color).id
def tournamentId = metadata flatMap (_.tournamentId)
def isTournament = tournamentId.isDefined
def nonTournament = tournamentId.isEmpty
def hasChat = nonTournament && nonAi
lazy val toChess: ChessGame = {
def posPiece(posCode: Char, roleCode: Char, color: Color): Option[(Pos, Piece)] = for {
pos piotr(posCode)
role forsyth(roleCode)
} yield (pos, Piece(color, role))
val (pieces, deads) = {
for {
player players
color = player.color
piece grouped 2
} yield (color, piece(0), piece(1))
}.foldLeft((Map[Pos, Piece](), List[(Pos, Piece)]())) {
case ((ps, ds), (color, pos, role)) {
if (role.isUpper) posPiece(pos, role.toLower, color) map { p (ps, p :: ds) }
else posPiece(pos, role, color) map { p (ps + p, ds) }
} | (ps, ds)
case (acc, _) acc
board = Board(pieces, toChessHistory, variant),
player = Color(0 == turns % 2),
clock = clock,
deads = deads,
turns = turns
lazy val toChessHistory = ChessHistory(
lastMove = lastMove,
castles = castles,
positionHashes = positionHashes)
def update(
game: ChessGame,
move: Move,
blur: Boolean = false): (Progress, String) = {
val (history, situation) = (game.board.history, game.situation)
val events =
Event.possibleMoves(game.situation, White) ::
Event.possibleMoves(game.situation, Black) ::
Event.State(game.situation.color, game.turns) ::
(Event fromMove move) :::
(Event fromSituation game.situation)
def copyPlayer(player: Player) = player.copy(
ps = player encodePieces game.allPieces,
blurs = player.blurs + (blur && move.color == player.color).fold(1, 0),
moveTimes = ((!isPgnImport) && (move.color == player.color)).fold(
lastMoveTime.fold("") { lmt
(nowSeconds - lmt) |> { mt
val encoded = MoveTime encode mt
player.moveTimes.isEmpty.fold(encoded.toString, player.moveTimes + encoded)
}, player.moveTimes
val updated = copy(
whitePlayer = copyPlayer(whitePlayer),
blackPlayer = copyPlayer(blackPlayer),
turns = game.turns,
positionHashes = history.positionHashes mkString,
castles = history.castleNotation,
lastMove = history.lastMoveString,
status = situation.status | status,
clock = game.clock,
check = if (situation.check) situation.kingPos else None,
lastMoveTime = nowSeconds.some
val finalEvents = events ::: List(Event.Clock(c))) ::: {
(updated.playable && (
abortable != updated.abortable || (Color.all exists { color
playerCanOfferDraw(color) != updated.playerCanOfferDraw(color)
)).fold(Color.all map Event.ReloadTable, Nil)
// Progress(this, updated, finalEvents) -> game.pgnMoves
// }
// def updatePlayer(color: Color, f: Player Player) = color match {
// case White copy(whitePlayer = f(whitePlayer))
// case Black copy(blackPlayer = f(blackPlayer))
// }
// def updatePlayers(f: Player Player) = copy(
// whitePlayer = f(whitePlayer),
// blackPlayer = f(blackPlayer)
// )
// def start = started.fold(this, copy(
// status = Status.Started,
// mode = Mode(mode.rated && (players forall (_.hasUser))),
// updatedAt =
// ))
// def startClock(compensation: Float) = clock.filterNot(_.isRunning).fold(this) { c
// copy(clock =, compensation).some)
// }
// def hasMoveTimes = players forall (_.hasMoveTimes)
Progress(this, updated, finalEvents) -> game.pgnMoves
def updatePlayer(color: Color, f: Player Player) = color match {
case White copy(whitePlayer = f(whitePlayer))
case Black copy(blackPlayer = f(blackPlayer))
def updatePlayers(f: Player Player) = copy(
whitePlayer = f(whitePlayer),
blackPlayer = f(blackPlayer)
def start = started.fold(this, copy(
status = Status.Started,
mode = Mode(mode.rated && (players forall (_.hasUser))),
updatedAt =
def startClock(compensation: Float) = clock.filterNot(_.isRunning).fold(this) { c
copy(clock =, compensation).some)
def hasMoveTimes = players forall (_.hasMoveTimes)
// def started = status >= Status.Started
// def notStarted = !started
// def aborted = status == Status.Aborted
def started = status >= Status.Started
def notStarted = !started
def aborted = status == Status.Aborted
// def playable = status < Status.Aborted
def playable = status < Status.Aborted
// def playableBy(p: Player): Boolean = playable && turnOf(p)
def playableBy(p: Player): Boolean = playable && turnOf(p)
// def playableBy(c: Color): Boolean = playableBy(player(c))
def playableBy(c: Color): Boolean = playableBy(player(c))
// def continuable = status != Status.Mate && status != Status.Stalemate
def continuable = status != Status.Mate && status != Status.Stalemate
// def fenString = Forsyth >> toChess
def fenString = Forsyth >> toChess
// def aiLevel: Option[Int] = players find (_.isAi) flatMap (_.aiLevel)
def aiLevel: Option[Int] = players find (_.isAi) flatMap (_.aiLevel)
// def hasAi: Boolean = players exists (_.isAi)
// def nonAi = !hasAi
def hasAi: Boolean = players exists (_.isAi)
def nonAi = !hasAi
// def mapPlayers(f: Player Player) = copy(
// whitePlayer = f(whitePlayer),
// blackPlayer = f(blackPlayer)
// )
def mapPlayers(f: Player Player) = copy(
whitePlayer = f(whitePlayer),
blackPlayer = f(blackPlayer)
// def playerCanOfferDraw(color: Color) =
// started && playable &&
// turns >= 2 &&
// !player(color).isOfferingDraw &&
// !(opponent(color).isAi) &&
// !(playerHasOfferedDraw(color))
def playerCanOfferDraw(color: Color) =
started && playable &&
turns >= 2 &&
!player(color).isOfferingDraw &&
!(opponent(color).isAi) &&
// def playerHasOfferedDraw(color: Color) =
// player(color).lastDrawOffer.fold(false)(_ >= turns - 1)
def playerHasOfferedDraw(color: Color) =
player(color).lastDrawOffer.fold(false)(_ >= turns - 1)
// def playerCanRematch(color: Color) =
// finishedOrAborted && opponent(color).isHuman && nonTournament
def playerCanRematch(color: Color) =
finishedOrAborted && opponent(color).isHuman && nonTournament
// def playerCanProposeTakeback(color: Color) =
// started && playable && nonTournament &&
// bothPlayersHaveMoved &&
// !opponent(color).isProposingTakeback
def playerCanProposeTakeback(color: Color) =
started && playable && nonTournament &&
bothPlayersHaveMoved &&
// def moretimeable = playable && nonTournament && hasClock
def moretimeable = playable && nonTournament && hasClock
// def abortable = status == Status.Started && turns < 2 && nonTournament
def abortable = status == Status.Started && turns < 2 && nonTournament
// def resignable = playable && !abortable
def resignable = playable && !abortable
// def finish(status: Status, winner: Option[Color]) = Progress(
// this,
// copy(
// status = status,
// whitePlayer = whitePlayer finish (winner == Some(White)),
// blackPlayer = blackPlayer finish (winner == Some(Black)),
// clock = clock map (_.stop)
// ),
// List(Event.End())
// )
def finish(status: Status, winner: Option[Color]) = Progress(
status = status,
whitePlayer = whitePlayer finish (winner == Some(White)),
blackPlayer = blackPlayer finish (winner == Some(Black)),
clock = clock map (_.stop)
// def rated = mode.rated
def rated = mode.rated
// def finished = status >= Status.Mate
def finished = status >= Status.Mate
// def finishedOrAborted = finished || aborted
def finishedOrAborted = finished || aborted
// def winner = players find (_.wins)
def winner = players find (_.wins)
// def loser = winner map opponent
def loser = winner map opponent
// def winnerColor: Option[Color] = winner map (_.color)
def winnerColor: Option[Color] = winner map (_.color)
// def winnerUserId: Option[String] = winner flatMap (_.userId)
def winnerUserId: Option[String] = winner flatMap (_.userId)
// def loserUserId: Option[String] = loser flatMap (_.userId)
def loserUserId: Option[String] = loser flatMap (_.userId)
// def wonBy(c: Color): Option[Boolean] = winnerColor map (_ == c)
def wonBy(c: Color): Option[Boolean] = winnerColor map (_ == c)
// def outoftimePlayer: Option[Player] = for {
// c clock
// if playable
// if !c.isRunning || (c outoftime player.color)
// } yield player
def outoftimePlayer: Option[Player] = for {
c clock
if playable
if !c.isRunning || (c outoftime player.color)
} yield player
// def hasClock = clock.isDefined
def hasClock = clock.isDefined
// def isClockRunning = clock.fold(false)(_.isRunning)
def isClockRunning = clock.fold(false)(_.isRunning)
// def withClock(c: Clock) = Progress(this, copy(clock = Some(c)))
def withClock(c: Clock) = Progress(this, copy(clock = Some(c)))
// def estimateTotalTime = clock.fold(1200)(_.estimateTotalTime)
def estimateTotalTime = clock.fold(1200)(_.estimateTotalTime)
// def creator = player(creatorColor)
def creator = player(creatorColor)
// def invitedColor = !creatorColor
def invitedColor = !creatorColor
// def invited = player(invitedColor)
def invited = player(invitedColor)
// def playerWhoDidNotMove: Option[Player] = turns match {
// case 0 player(White).some
// case 1 player(Black).some
// case _ none
// }
def playerWhoDidNotMove: Option[Player] = turns match {
case 0 player(White).some
case 1 player(Black).some
case _ none
// def bothPlayersHaveMoved = turns > 1
def bothPlayersHaveMoved = turns > 1
// def playerMoves(color: Color): Int = (turns + color.fold(1, 0)) / 2
def playerMoves(color: Color): Int = (turns + color.fold(1, 0)) / 2
// def playerHasMoved(color: Color) = playerMoves(color) > 0
def playerHasMoved(color: Color) = playerMoves(color) > 0
// def playerBlurPercent(color: Color): Int = (turns > 5).fold(
// (player(color).blurs * 100) / playerMoves(color),
// 0
// )
def playerBlurPercent(color: Color): Int = (turns > 5).fold(
(player(color).blurs * 100) / playerMoves(color),
// def deadPiecesOf(color: Color): List[Role] = toChess.deads collect {
// case (_, piece) if piece is color piece.role
// }
def deadPiecesOf(color: Color): List[Role] = toChess.deads collect {
case (_, piece) if piece is color piece.role
// def isBeingPlayed =
// !finishedOrAborted && updatedAt.fold(false)(_ > - 20.seconds)
def isBeingPlayed =
!finishedOrAborted && updatedAt.fold(false)(_ > - 20.seconds)
// def abandoned = updatedAt.fold(false) { u
// (status <= Status.Started) && (u <= Game.abandonedDate)
// }
def abandoned = updatedAt.fold(false) { u
(status <= Status.Started) && (u <= Game.abandonedDate)
// def hasBookmarks = bookmarks > 0
def hasBookmarks = bookmarks > 0
// def showBookmarks = if (hasBookmarks) bookmarks else ""
def showBookmarks = hasBookmarks ?? bookmarks
// def encode = RawGame(
// id = id,
// tk = token.some filter (Game.defaultToken !=),
// p = players map (_.encode),
// s =,
// t = turns,
// c = clock map RawClock.encode,
// lm = lastMove,
// ck = check map (_.key),
// cc = creatorColor.white.fold(None, Some(false)),
// ph = positionHashes.some filter (_.nonEmpty),
// cs = castles.some filter ("-" !=),
// ra = mode.rated option true,
// v = variant.exotic option,
// next = next,
// lmt = lastMoveTime,
// bm = bookmarks.some filter (0 <),
// r960 = is960Rematch option true,
// ca = createdAt,
// ua = updatedAt,
// me = metadata map (_.encode))
def encode = RawGame(
id = id,
tk = token.some filter (Game.defaultToken !=),
p = players map (_.encode),
s =,
t = turns,
c = clock map RawClocks.encode,
lm = lastMove,
ck = check map (_.key),
cc = creatorColor.white.fold(None, Some(false)),
ph = positionHashes.some filter (_.nonEmpty),
cs = castles.some filter ("-" !=),
ra = mode.rated option true,
v = variant.exotic option,
next = next,
lmt = lastMoveTime,
bm = bookmarks.some filter (0 <),
r960 = is960Rematch option true,
ca = createdAt,
ua = updatedAt,
me = metadata map (_.encode))
// def userIds = playerMaps(_.userId)
def userIds = playerMaps(_.userId)
// def userElos = playerMaps(_.elo)
def userElos = playerMaps(_.elo)
// def averageUsersElo = userElos match {
// case a :: b :: Nil Some((a + b) / 2)
// case a :: Nil Some((a + 1200) / 2)
// case _ None
// }
def averageUsersElo = userElos match {
case a :: b :: Nil Some((a + b) / 2)
case a :: Nil Some((a + 1200) / 2)
case _ None
// def with960Rematch(v: Boolean) = this.copy(is960Rematch = v)
def with960Rematch(v: Boolean) = this.copy(is960Rematch = v)
// def withTournamentId(id: String) = this.copy(tournamentId = id.some)
def withTournamentId(id: String) = this.copy(
metadata = metadata map (_.copy(tournamentId = id.some)))
// def withId(newId: String) = this.copy(id = newId)
def withId(newId: String) = this.copy(id = newId)
// def source = metadata map (_.source)
def source = metadata map (_.source)
// def pgnImport = metadata flatMap (_.pgnImport)
def pgnImport = metadata flatMap (_.pgnImport)
// def isPgnImport = pgnImport.isDefined
def isPgnImport = pgnImport.isDefined
// private def playerMaps[A](f: Player Option[A]): List[A] =
private def playerMaps[A](f: Player Option[A]): List[A] =
object Game {
@ -387,35 +390,51 @@ object Game {
def takeGameId(fullId: String) = fullId take gameIdSize
// def apply(
// game: Game,
// whitePlayer: Player,
// blackPlayer: Player,
// ai: Option[(Color, Int)],
// creatorColor: Color,
// mode: Mode,
// variant: Variant,
// source: Source,
// pgnImport: Option[PgnImport]): Game = Game(
// id =,
// token = IdGenerator.token,
// whitePlayer = whitePlayer withEncodedPieces game.allPieces,
// blackPlayer = blackPlayer withEncodedPieces game.allPieces,
// status = Status.Created,
// turns = game.turns,
// clock = game.clock,
// lastMove = None,
// check = None,
// creatorColor = creatorColor,
// positionHashes = "",
// castles = "KQkq",
// mode = mode,
// variant = variant,
// lastMoveTime = None,
// metadata = Metadata(
// source = source,
// pgnImport = pgnImport).some,
// createdAt =
def apply(
game: ChessGame,
whitePlayer: Player,
blackPlayer: Player,
ai: Option[(Color, Int)],
creatorColor: Color,
mode: Mode,
variant: Variant,
source: Source,
pgnImport: Option[PgnImport]): Game = Game(
id =,
token = IdGenerator.token,
whitePlayer = whitePlayer withEncodedPieces game.allPieces,
blackPlayer = blackPlayer withEncodedPieces game.allPieces,
status = Status.Created,
turns = game.turns,
clock = game.clock,
lastMove = None,
check = None,
creatorColor = creatorColor,
positionHashes = "",
castles = "KQkq",
mode = mode,
variant = variant,
lastMoveTime = None,
metadata = Metadata(
source = source,
pgnImport = pgnImport).some,
createdAt =
import lila.db.JsonTube
import play.api.libs.json._
val json = JsonTube(
reads = Reads[Game](js
(for {
obj js.asOpt[JsObject]
game rawGame.decode
} yield JsSuccess(game): JsResult[Game]) | JsError(Seq.empty)
writes = Writes[Game](game
RawGames.json.write(game.encode) getOrElse JsUndefined(s"[db] Can't write game ${}")
case class RawGame(
@ -440,35 +459,34 @@ case class RawGame(
ua: Option[DateTime],
me: Option[RawMetadata]) {
// def decode: Option[Game] = for {
// whitePlayer p.headOption map (_ decode Color.White)
// blackPlayer p lift 1 map (_ decode Color.Black)
// trueStatus Status(s)
// metadata = me map (_.decode)
// } yield Game(
// id = id,
// token = tk | Game.defaultToken,
// whitePlayer = whitePlayer,
// blackPlayer = blackPlayer,
// status = trueStatus,
// turns = t,
// clock = c map (_.decode),
// lastMove = lm,
// check = ck flatMap Pos.posAt,
// creatorColor = cc.fold(Color.white)(Color.apply),
// positionHashes = ph | "",
// castles = cs | "-",
// mode = (ra map Mode.apply) | Mode.Casual,
// variant = (v flatMap Variant.apply) | Variant.Standard,
// next = next,
// lastMoveTime = lmt,
// bookmarks = bm | 0,
// is960Rematch = r960 | false,
// createdAt = ca,
// updatedAt = ua,
// tournamentId = tid,
// metadata = me flatMap (_.decode)
// )
def decode: Option[Game] = for {
whitePlayer p.headOption map (_ decode Color.White)
blackPlayer p lift 1 map (_ decode Color.Black)
trueStatus Status(s)
metadata = me map (_.decode)
} yield Game(
id = id,
token = tk | Game.defaultToken,
whitePlayer = whitePlayer,
blackPlayer = blackPlayer,
status = trueStatus,
turns = t,
clock = c map (_.decode),
lastMove = lm,
check = ck flatMap Pos.posAt,
creatorColor = cc.fold(Color.white)(Color.apply),
positionHashes = ph | "",
castles = cs | "-",
mode = (ra map Mode.apply) | Mode.Casual,
variant = (v flatMap Variant.apply) | Variant.Standard,
next = next,
lastMoveTime = lmt,
bookmarks = bm | 0,
is960Rematch = r960 | false,
createdAt = ca,
updatedAt = ua,
metadata = me flatMap (_.decode)
object RawGames {

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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
import chess.{ Color, Variant, Status }
import chess.format.Forsyth
import lila.user.User
import lila.db.{ Repo, DbApi }
import lila.db.Implicits._
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
import reactivemongo.api._
import reactivemongo.bson._
import reactivemongo.core.commands._
import play.modules.reactivemongo.Implicits._
import play.modules.reactivemongo.MongoJSONHelpers._
import com.roundeights.hasher.Implicits._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.scala_tools.time.Imports._
import scala.util.Random
final class GameRepo(coll: ReactiveColl) extends Repo[String, Game](coll, Game.json) {
type ID = String
import Game._
def player(gameId: ID, color: Color): Fu[Option[Player]] =
find byId gameId map2 { game: Game game player color }
def pov(gameId: ID, color: Color): Fu[Option[Pov]] =
find byId gameId map2 { game: Game Pov(game, game player color) }
def pov(gameId: ID, color: String): Fu[Option[Pov]] =
Color(color) zmap (pov(gameId, _))
def pov(fullId: ID): Fu[Option[Pov]] =
find byId (fullId take gameIdSize) map { gameOption
gameOption flatMap { g
g player (fullId drop gameIdSize) map { Pov(g, _) }
// def pov(ref: PovRef): Fu[Option[Pov]] = pov(ref.gameId, ref.color)
// def token(id: ID): Fu[String] = io {
// primitiveProjection[String](idSelector(id), "tk") | Game.defaultToken
// }
// def save(game: Game): Fu[Unit] = io {
// update(idSelector(game), _grater asDBObject game.encode)
// }
// def save(progress: Progress): Fu[Unit] =
// GameDiff(progress.origin.encode, |> {
// case (Nil, Nil) io()
// case (sets, unsets) {
// val fullSets = ("ua" -> new Date) :: sets
// val ops = unsets.isEmpty.fold(
// $set(fullSets),
// $set(fullSets) ++ $unset(unsets)
// )
// val wc = WriteConcern.None
// io { collection.update(idSelector(progress.origin), ops, concern = wc) }
// }
// }
// def insert(game: Game): Fu[Option[String]] = io {
// insert(game.encode)
// }
// // makes the asumption that player 0 is white!
// // proved to be true on prod DB at March 31 2012
// def setEloDiffs(id: ID, white: Int, black: Int) = io {
// update(idSelector(id), $set(Seq("p.0.ed" -> white, "p.1.ed" -> black)))
// }
// def setUser(id: ID, color: Color, user: User) = io {
// val pn = "p.%d".format(color.fold(0, 1))
// update(idSelector(id), $set(Seq(pn + ".uid" ->, pn + ".elo" -> user.elo)))
// }
// def incBookmarks(id: ID, value: Int) = io {
// update(idSelector(id), $inc("bm" -> value))
// }
// def finish(id: ID, winnerId: Option[String]) = io {
// update(
// idSelector(id),
// (winnerId.fold($set(Seq.empty)) { userId $set(Seq("wid" -> userId)) }) ++ $unset(Seq(
// "c.t",
// "ph",
// "lmt",
// "p.0.previousMoveTs",
// "p.1.previousMoveTs",
// "p.0.lastDrawOffer",
// "p.1.lastDrawOffer",
// "p.0.isOfferingDraw",
// "p.1.isOfferingDraw",
// "p.0.isProposingTakeback",
// "p.1.isProposingTakeback"
// ))
// )
// }
// def findRandomStandardCheckmate(distribution: Int): Fu[Option[Game]] = io {
// find(Query.mate ++ ("v" $exists false))
// .sort(Query.sortCreated)
// .limit(1)
// .skip(Random nextInt distribution)
// }
// def denormalize(game: Game): Fu[Unit] = io {
// val userIds =
// if (userIds.nonEmpty) update(idSelector(game), $set(Seq("uids" -> userIds)))
// if (game.mode.rated) update(idSelector(game), $set(Seq("ra" -> true)))
// if (game.variant.exotic) update(idSelector(game), $set(Seq("if" -> (Forsyth >> game.toChess))))
// }
// def saveNext(game: Game, nextId: ID): Fu[Unit] = io {
// update(
// idSelector(game),
// $set(Seq("next" -> nextId)) ++
// $unset(Seq("p.0.isOfferingRematch", "p.1.isOfferingRematch"))
// )
// }
// def initialFen(gameId: ID): Fu[Option[String]] = io {
// primitiveProjection[String](idSelector(gameId), "if")
// }
// val unplayedIds: Fu[List[ID]] = io {
// primitiveProjections[ID](
// ("t" $lt 2) ++ ("ca" $lt ( - $gt ( - 1.week)),
// "_id"
// )
// }
// // bookmarks and pgns should also be removed
// def remove(id: ID): Fu[Unit] = io {
// remove(idSelector(id))
// }
// // bookmarks and pgns should also be removed
// def removeIds(ids: List[ID]): Fu[Unit] = io {
// remove("_id" $in ids)
// }
// val candidatesToAutofinish: Fu[List[Game]] = io {
// find(Query.playable ++
// Query.clock(true) ++
// ("ca" $gt ( - ++ // index
// ("ua" $lt ( - 2.hour))
// )
// }
// def abandoned(max: Int): Fu[List[Game]] = io {
// find(
// Query.notFinished ++ ("ua" $lt Game.abandonedDate)
// ).limit(max)
// }
// val featuredCandidates: Fu[List[Game]] = io {
// find(Query.playable ++
// Query.clock(true) ++
// ("t" $gt 1) ++
// ("ca" $gt ( - 4.minutes)) ++
// ("ua" $gt ( - 15.seconds))
// )
// }
// def count(query: DBObject): Fu[Int] = io {
// super.count(query).toInt
// }
// def count(query: Query.type DBObject): Fu[Int] = count(query(Query))
// def exists(id: ID) = count(idSelector(id)) map (_ > 0)
// def recentGames(limit: Int): Fu[List[Game]] = io {
// find(Query.started ++ Query.turnsGt(1))
// .sort(Query.sortCreated)
// .limit(limit)
// }
// def games(ids: List[ID]): Fu[List[Game]] = io {
// find("_id" $in ids)
// } map { gs
// val gsMap = -> g).toMap
// }
// def nbPerDay(days: Int): Fu[List[Int]] = ((days to 1 by -1).toList map { day
// val from = - day.days
// val to = from +
// count(("ca" $gte from $lt to))
// }).sequence
// def recentAverageElo(minutes: Int): Fu[(Int, Int)] = io {
// val result = collection.mapReduce(
// mapFunction = """function() {
// emit(!!this.ra, this.p);
// }""",
// reduceFunction = """function(rated, values) {
// var sum = 0, nb = 0;
// values.forEach(function(game) {
// if(typeof game[0] != "undefined") {
// game.forEach(function(player) {
// if(player.elo) {
// sum += player.elo;
// ++nb;
// }
// });
// }
// });
// return nb == 0 ? nb : Math.round(sum / nb);
// }""",
// output = MapReduceInlineOutput,
// query = Some {
// ("ca" $gte ( - minutes.minutes)) ++ ("p.elo" $exists true)
// }
// )
// (for {
// ratedRow result.hasNext option
// rated ratedRow.getAs[Double]("value")
// casualRow result.hasNext option
// casual casualRow.getAs[Double]("value")
// } yield rated.toInt -> casual.toInt) | (0, 0)
// }
// private def idSelector(game: Game): DBObject = idSelector(
// private def idSelector(id: ID): DBObject = DBObject("_id" -> id)

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
package game
import chess.Color
case class Pov(game: DbGame, color: Color) {
case class Pov(game: Game, color: Color) {
def player = game player color
@ -22,16 +21,16 @@ case class Pov(game: DbGame, color: Color) {
def ref = PovRef(, color)
def withGame(g: DbGame) = Pov(g, color)
def withGame(g: Game) = Pov(g, color)
object Pov {
def apply(game: DbGame): List[Pov] = { apply(game, _) }
def apply(game: Game): List[Pov] = { apply(game, _) }
def apply(game: DbGame, player: DbPlayer) = new Pov(game, player.color)
def apply(game: Game, player: Player) = new Pov(game, player.color)
def apply(game: DbGame, playerId: String): Option[Pov] =
def apply(game: Game, playerId: String): Option[Pov] =
game player playerId map { p new Pov(game, p.color) }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// events are kept in insertion/addition order
case class Progress(origin: Game, game: Game, events: List[Event] = Nil) {
def map(f: Game Game) = copy(game = f(game))
def flatMap(f: Game Progress) = f(game) match {
case Progress(_, g2, e2) copy(game = g2, events = events ::: e2)
def +(event: Event) = copy(events = events :+ event)
def ++(es: List[Event]) = copy(events = events ::: es)
def withGame(g: Game) = copy(game = g)
object Progress {
def apply(game: Game): Progress =
new Progress(game, game)
def apply(game: Game, events: List[Event]): Progress =
new Progress(game, game, events)
def apply(game: Game, events: Event): Progress =
new Progress(game, game, events :: Nil)

View File

@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
package game
import DbGame._
import chess.{ Color, Variant, Status }
import chess.format.Forsyth
import round.Progress
import user.User
import com.novus.salat._
import com.novus.salat.dao._
import com.mongodb.casbah.{ WriteConcern, MongoCollection }
import com.mongodb.casbah.query.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.map_reduce.MapReduceInlineOutput
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.scala_tools.time.Imports._
import java.util.Date
import scala.util.Random
import scalaz.effects._
final class GameRepo(collection: MongoCollection)
extends SalatDAO[RawDbGame, String](collection) {
def game(gameId: String): IO[Option[DbGame]] = io {
if (gameId.size != gameIdSize) None
else findOneById(gameId) flatMap (_.decode)
def game(query: DBObject): IO[Option[DbGame]] = io {
super.findOne(query) flatMap (_.decode)
def player(gameId: String, color: Color): IO[Option[DbPlayer]] =
game(gameId) map { gameOption
gameOption map { _ player color }
def pov(gameId: String, color: Color): IO[Option[Pov]] =
game(gameId) map { gameOption
gameOption map { g Pov(g, g player color) }
def pov(gameId: String, color: String): IO[Option[Pov]] =
Color(color).fold(io(none[Pov]))(pov(gameId, _))
def pov(fullId: String): IO[Option[Pov]] =
game(fullId take gameIdSize) map { gameOption
gameOption flatMap { g
g player (fullId drop gameIdSize) map { Pov(g, _) }
def pov(ref: PovRef): IO[Option[Pov]] = pov(ref.gameId, ref.color)
def token(id: String): IO[String] = io {
primitiveProjection[String](idSelector(id), "tk") | DbGame.defaultToken
def save(game: DbGame): IO[Unit] = io {
update(idSelector(game), _grater asDBObject game.encode)
def save(progress: Progress): IO[Unit] =
GameDiff(progress.origin.encode, |> {
case (Nil, Nil) io()
case (sets, unsets) {
val fullSets = ("ua" -> new Date) :: sets
val ops = unsets.isEmpty.fold(
$set(fullSets) ++ $unset(unsets)
val wc = WriteConcern.None
io { collection.update(idSelector(progress.origin), ops, concern = wc) }
def insert(game: DbGame): IO[Option[String]] = io {
// makes the asumption that player 0 is white!
// proved to be true on prod DB at March 31 2012
def setEloDiffs(id: String, white: Int, black: Int) = io {
update(idSelector(id), $set(Seq("p.0.ed" -> white, "p.1.ed" -> black)))
def setUser(id: String, color: Color, user: User) = io {
val pn = "p.%d".format(color.fold(0, 1))
update(idSelector(id), $set(Seq(pn + ".uid" ->, pn + ".elo" -> user.elo)))
def incBookmarks(id: String, value: Int) = io {
update(idSelector(id), $inc("bm" -> value))
def finish(id: String, winnerId: Option[String]) = io {
(winnerId.fold($set(Seq.empty)) { userId $set(Seq("wid" -> userId)) }) ++ $unset(Seq(
def findRandomStandardCheckmate(distribution: Int): IO[Option[DbGame]] = io {
find(Query.mate ++ ("v" $exists false))
.skip(Random nextInt distribution)
def denormalize(game: DbGame): IO[Unit] = io {
val userIds =
if (userIds.nonEmpty) update(idSelector(game), $set(Seq("uids" -> userIds)))
if (game.mode.rated) update(idSelector(game), $set(Seq("ra" -> true)))
if (game.variant.exotic) update(idSelector(game), $set(Seq("if" -> (Forsyth >> game.toChess))))
def saveNext(game: DbGame, nextId: String): IO[Unit] = io {
$set(Seq("next" -> nextId)) ++
$unset(Seq("p.0.isOfferingRematch", "p.1.isOfferingRematch"))
def initialFen(gameId: String): IO[Option[String]] = io {
primitiveProjection[String](idSelector(gameId), "if")
val unplayedIds: IO[List[String]] = io {
("t" $lt 2) ++ ("ca" $lt ( - $gt ( - 1.week)),
// bookmarks and pgns should also be removed
def remove(id: String): IO[Unit] = io {
// bookmarks and pgns should also be removed
def removeIds(ids: List[String]): IO[Unit] = io {
remove("_id" $in ids)
val candidatesToAutofinish: IO[List[DbGame]] = io {
find(Query.playable ++
Query.clock(true) ++
("ca" $gt ( - ++ // index
("ua" $lt ( - 2.hour))
def abandoned(max: Int): IO[List[DbGame]] = io {
Query.notFinished ++ ("ua" $lt DbGame.abandonedDate)
val featuredCandidates: IO[List[DbGame]] = io {
find(Query.playable ++
Query.clock(true) ++
("t" $gt 1) ++
("ca" $gt ( - 4.minutes)) ++
("ua" $gt ( - 15.seconds))
def count(query: DBObject): IO[Int] = io {
def count(query: Query.type DBObject): IO[Int] = count(query(Query))
def exists(id: String) = count(idSelector(id)) map (_ > 0)
def recentGames(limit: Int): IO[List[DbGame]] = io {
find(Query.started ++ Query.turnsGt(1))
def games(ids: List[String]): IO[List[DbGame]] = io {
find("_id" $in ids)
} map { gs
val gsMap = -> g).toMap
def nbPerDay(days: Int): IO[List[Int]] = ((days to 1 by -1).toList map { day
val from = - day.days
val to = from +
count(("ca" $gte from $lt to))
def recentAverageElo(minutes: Int): IO[(Int, Int)] = io {
val result = collection.mapReduce(
mapFunction = """function() {
emit(!!this.ra, this.p);
reduceFunction = """function(rated, values) {
var sum = 0, nb = 0;
values.forEach(function(game) {
if(typeof game[0] != "undefined") {
game.forEach(function(player) {
if(player.elo) {
sum += player.elo;
return nb == 0 ? nb : Math.round(sum / nb);
output = MapReduceInlineOutput,
query = Some {
("ca" $gte ( - minutes.minutes)) ++ ("p.elo" $exists true)
(for {
ratedRow result.hasNext option
rated ratedRow.getAs[Double]("value")
casualRow result.hasNext option
casual casualRow.getAs[Double]("value")
} yield rated.toInt -> casual.toInt) | (0, 0)
private def idSelector(game: DbGame): DBObject = idSelector(
private def idSelector(id: String): DBObject = DBObject("_id" -> id)

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package round
import game.DbGame
// events are kept in insertion/addition order
case class Progress(origin: DbGame, game: DbGame, events: List[Event] = Nil) {
def map(f: DbGame DbGame) = copy(game = f(game))
def flatMap(f: DbGame Progress) = f(game) match {
case Progress(_, g2, e2) copy(game = g2, events = events ::: e2)
def +(event: Event) = copy(events = events :+ event)
def ++(es: List[Event]) = copy(events = events ::: es)
def withGame(g: DbGame) = copy(game = g)
object Progress {
def apply(game: DbGame): Progress =
new Progress(game, game)
def apply(game: DbGame, events: List[Event]): Progress =
new Progress(game, game, events)
def apply(game: DbGame, events: Event): Progress =
new Progress(game, game, events :: Nil)

View File

@ -31,12 +31,4 @@ object Room {
case "b" "black"
case _ "system"
}, encoded drop 1)
def render(msg: (String, String)): String = msg match {
case (author, text) """<li class="%s%s">%s</li>""".format(
if (author == "system") " trans_me" else "",

View File

@ -34,12 +34,4 @@ object WatcherRoom {
case username :: rest Message(Some(username), rest mkString "|")
case Nil Message(None, "")
def render(msg: Message): String =
msg.username.fold("Anonymous") { u
"""<a class="user_link" href="%s">%s</a>""".format(userRoute(u), u take 12)