Implement castles conversion and remove game statuses

Thibault Duplessis 2012-03-04 16:56:12 +01:00
parent a322c77131
commit 661f5891c0
4 changed files with 77 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package lila.system
import ornicar.scalalib.{IntStatus, IntStatuses}
import lila.chess.Situation
sealed case class GameStatus(id: Int, name: String) extends IntStatus
sealed case class GameVariant(id: Int, name: String) extends IntStatus
@ -19,6 +20,13 @@ object GameStatuses extends IntStatuses[GameStatus] {
GameStatus(35, "outoftime"),
GameStatus(36, "cheat")
def fromSituation(situation: Situation): Option[Int] = {
if (situation.checkMate) find("checkmate")
else if (situation.staleMate) find("stalemate")
else if (situation.autoDraw) find("draw")
else None
} map (_.toInt)
object GameVariants extends IntStatuses[GameVariant] {

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ case class DbGame(
turns: Int,
clock: Option[DbClock],
lastMove: Option[String],
positionHashes: String = "") {
positionHashes: String = "",
castles: String = "KQkq") {
def playerById(id: String): Option[DbPlayer] = playersById get id
@ -50,16 +51,7 @@ case class DbGame(
board = Board(
lastMove = lastMove flatMap {
case MoveString(a, b) for (o posAt(a); d posAt(b)) yield (o, d)
case _ None
positionHashes = positionHashes grouped History.hashSize toList
board = Board(pieces, toChessHistory),
player = if (0 == turns % 2) White else Black,
pgnMoves = pgn,
clock = for {
@ -78,12 +70,25 @@ case class DbGame(
private def toChessHistory = History(
lastMove = lastMove flatMap {
case MoveString(a, b) for (o posAt(a); d posAt(b)) yield (o, d)
case _ None
castles = Map(
White -> (castles contains 'K', castles contains 'Q'),
Black -> (castles contains 'k', castles contains 'q')
positionHashes = positionHashes grouped History.hashSize toList
def update(game: Game, move: Move): DbGame = {
val allPieces = (game.board.pieces map {
case (pos, piece) (pos, piece, false)
}) ++ (game.deads map {
case (pos, piece) (pos, piece, true)
val (history, situation) = (game.board.history, game.situation)
val events = (Event fromMove move) ::: (Event fromSituation game.situation)
pgn = game.pgnMoves,
@ -95,7 +100,18 @@ case class DbGame(
evts = player.newEvts(events :+ Event.possibleMoves(game.situation, color))
turns = game.turns,
positionHashes = game.board.history.positionHashes mkString
positionHashes = history.positionHashes mkString,
castles = List(
if (history canCastle White on KingSide) "K" else "",
if (history canCastle White on QueenSide) "Q" else "",
if (history canCastle Black on KingSide) "k" else "",
if (history canCastle Black on QueenSide) "q" else ""
) mkString,
status =
if (situation.checkMate) DbGame.MATE
else if (situation.staleMate) DbGame.STALEMATE
else if (situation.autoDraw) DbGame.DRAW
else status
@ -105,4 +121,15 @@ object DbGame {
val gameIdSize = 8
val playerIdSize = 4
val fullIdSize = 12
val CREATED = 10
val STARTED = 20
val ABORTED = 25
val MATE = 30
val RESIGN = 31
val STALEMATE = 32
val TIMEOUT = 33
val DRAW = 34
val OUTOFTIME = 35
val CHEAT = 36

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@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ trait Fixtures {
clock = None
def newDbGameWithBoard(b: Board) =
newDbGame.update(Game(b), anyMove)
def newDbGameWithBoard(b: Board) = newDbGame.update(Game(b), anyMove)
def newDbGameWithRandomIds() = newDbGame.copy(
def newDbGameWithRandomIds() = randomizeIds(newDbGame)
def randomizeIds(game: DbGame) = game.copy(
id = randomString(gameIdSize),
players = newDbGame.players map (_.copy(id = randomString(playerIdSize)))
players = game.players map (_.copy(id = randomString(playerIdSize)))
lazy val white = newDbPlayer("white", "ip ar jp bn kp cb lp dq mp ek np fb op gn pp hr")

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@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ class ServerTest extends SystemTest {
val repo = env.gameRepo
val server = env.server
def insert() = {
val game = newDbGameWithRandomIds
repo insert game
def insert(dbGame: DbGame = newDbGameWithRandomIds) = {
repo insert dbGame
def move(game: DbGame, m: String = "d2 d4") = for {
player game playerByColor "white"
@ -119,5 +118,27 @@ B p p
"play on playing game" in {
val dbGame = insert(randomizeIds(newDbGameWithBoard("""
PP kr
move(dbGame, "a1 b1") must { case r r must beSuccess }
"play on finished game" in {
"by checkmate" in {
val game = insert(randomizeIds(newDbGameWithBoard("""
K r
move(game, "a1 b1") must { case r r must beFailure }
"by autodraw" in {
val game = insert(randomizeIds(newDbGameWithBoard("""
K B""")))
move(game, "a1 b1") must { case r r must beFailure }