less logging

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2014-03-12 20:33:21 +01:00
parent f01844de5c
commit 6fe17fd9f2
3 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ private[app] final class Renderer extends Actor {
case lila.hub.actorApi.setup.RemindChallenge(gameId, from, _) => {
val replyTo = sender
(GameRepo game gameId) zip (UserRepo named from) foreach {
(GameRepo game gameId) zip (UserRepo named from) onSuccess {
case (Some(game), Some(user)) => replyTo ! V.setup.challengeNotification(game, user)
case x => logwarn(s"remind challenge $x")

View file

@ -117,8 +117,9 @@ object Setup extends LilaController with TheftPrevention {
def join(id: String) = Open { implicit ctx =>
OptionFuResult(GameRepo game id) { game =>
env.friendJoiner(game, ctx.me).fold(
err => fulogwarn("setup join " + err) inject
Redirect(routes.Round.watcher(id, "white")),
err => fuccess {
Redirect(routes.Round.watcher(id, "white"))
_ map {
case (p, events) => {
Env.hub.socket.round ! lila.hub.actorApi.map.Tell(p.gameId, events)

View file

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ final class RelationApi(
}).sequenceFu map (_ sortBy (-_._2) take max map (_._1)) flatMap UserRepo.byOrderedIds
def follow(u1: ID, u2: ID): Funit =
if (u1 == u2) fufail("Cannot follow yourself")
if (u1 == u2) funit
else relation(u1, u2) flatMap {
case Some(Follow) => fufail("Already following")
case Some(Follow) => funit
case _ => doFollow(u1, u2)
@ -59,26 +59,26 @@ final class RelationApi(
def block(u1: ID, u2: ID): Funit =
if (u1 == u2) fufail("Cannot block yourself")
if (u1 == u2) funit
else relation(u1, u2) flatMap {
case Some(Block) => fufail("Already blocking")
case Some(Block) => funit
case _ => RelationRepo.block(u1, u2) >> refresh(u1, u2) >>-
bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.relation.Block(u1, u2), 'relation)
def unfollow(u1: ID, u2: ID): Funit =
if (u1 == u2) fufail("Cannot unfollow yourself")
if (u1 == u2) funit
else relation(u1, u2) flatMap {
case Some(Follow) => RelationRepo.unfollow(u1, u2) >> refresh(u1, u2)
case _ => fufail("Not following")
case _ => funit
def unblock(u1: ID, u2: ID): Funit =
if (u1 == u2) fufail("Cannot unblock yourself")
if (u1 == u2) funit
else relation(u1, u2) flatMap {
case Some(Block) => RelationRepo.unblock(u1, u2) >> refresh(u1, u2) >>-
bus.publish(lila.hub.actorApi.relation.UnBlock(u1, u2), 'relation)
case _ => fufail("Not blocking")
case _ => funit
private def refresh(u1: ID, u2: ID): Funit =