modules/db compiles, kinda

Thibault Duplessis 2019-11-29 16:17:35 -06:00
parent 02dc801ec9
commit 72aa06c2f2
3 changed files with 46 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import reactivemongo.api.bson._
trait QueryBuilderExt { self: dsl =>
// #TODO is uno, gather really needed?
final implicit class ExtendQueryBuilder[P <: SerializationPack](val b: dsl.QueryBuilder[P]) {
// probably remove this entirely
final implicit class ExtendQueryBuilder[P <: SerializationPack](val b: collections.GenericQueryBuilder[P]) {
def skip(nb: Int) = b.options(b.options skip nb)

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@ -27,32 +27,19 @@ trait dsl {
type Bdoc = BSONDocument
type Barr = BSONArray
type QueryBuilder[P] = GenericQueryBuilder[P]
implicit val LilaBSONDocumentZero: Zero[BSONDocument] =
implicit def bsonDocumentToPretty(document: BSONDocument): String = {
implicit val LilaBSONDocumentZero: Zero[Bdoc] = Zero.instance($empty)
// Helpers
def $empty: BSONDocument = BSONDocument.empty
def $empty: Bdoc = document
def $doc(elements: ElementProducer*): BSONDocument = BSONDocument(elements: _*)
def $doc(elements: ElementProducer*): Bdoc = BSONDocument(elements: _*)
def $doc(elements: Iterable[(String, BSONValue)]): BSONDocument = BSONDocument(elements)
def $doc(elements: Iterable[(String, BSONValue)]): Bdoc = BSONDocument(elements)
def $doc(elements: Iterable[BSONElement]): BSONDocument = BSONDocument { {
e => -> e.value
def $id[T: BSONWriter](id: T): Bdoc = $doc("_id" -> id)
def $id[T: BSONWriter](id: T): BSONDocument = $doc("_id" -> id)
def $inIds[T: BSONWriter](ids: Iterable[T]): BSONDocument =
def $inIds[T: BSONWriter](ids: Iterable[T]): Bdoc =
$id($doc("$in" -> ids))
def $boolean(b: Boolean) = BSONBoolean(b)
@ -64,15 +51,15 @@ trait dsl {
// Top Level Logical Operators
def $or(expressions: BSONDocument*): BSONDocument = {
def $or(expressions: Bdoc*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$or" -> expressions)
def $and(expressions: BSONDocument*): BSONDocument = {
def $and(expressions: Bdoc*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$and" -> expressions)
def $nor(expressions: BSONDocument*): BSONDocument = {
def $nor(expressions: Bdoc*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$nor" -> expressions)
// End of Top Level Logical Operators
@ -80,15 +67,15 @@ trait dsl {
// Top Level Evaluation Operators
def $text(search: String): BSONDocument = {
def $text(search: String): Bdoc = {
$doc("$text" -> $doc("$search" -> search))
def $text(search: String, language: String): BSONDocument = {
def $text(search: String, language: String): Bdoc = {
$doc("$text" -> $doc("$search" -> search, "$language" -> language))
def $where(expression: String): BSONDocument = {
def $where(expression: String): Bdoc = {
$doc("$where" -> expression)
// End of Top Level Evaluation Operators
@ -96,37 +83,37 @@ trait dsl {
// Top Level Field Update Operators
def $inc(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): BSONDocument = {
def $inc(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$inc" -> $doc((Seq(item) ++ items): _*))
// def $inc(items: Traversable[BSONElement]): BSONDocument =
// def $inc(items: Traversable[BSONElement]): Bdoc =
// $doc("$inc" -> $doc( { e => (, e.value) }): _*)
def $mul(item: ElementProducer): BSONDocument = {
def $mul(item: ElementProducer): Bdoc = {
$doc("$mul" -> $doc(item))
def $setOnInsert(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): BSONDocument = {
def $setOnInsert(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$setOnInsert" -> $doc((Seq(item) ++ items): _*))
def $set(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): BSONDocument = {
def $set(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$set" -> $doc((Seq(item) ++ items): _*))
def $unset(field: String, fields: String*): BSONDocument = {
$doc("$unset" -> $doc((Seq(field) ++ fields).map(k => BSONElement(k, BSONString("")))))
def $unset(field: String, fields: String*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$unset" -> $doc((Seq(field) ++ fields).map(k => (k, BSONString("")))))
def $setBoolOrUnset(field: String, value: Boolean): BSONDocument = {
def $setBoolOrUnset(field: String, value: Boolean): Bdoc = {
if (value) $set(field -> true) else $unset(field)
def $min(item: ElementProducer): BSONDocument = {
def $min(item: ElementProducer): Bdoc = {
$doc("$min" -> $doc(item))
def $max(item: ElementProducer): BSONDocument = {
def $max(item: ElementProducer): Bdoc = {
$doc("$max" -> $doc(item))
@ -174,30 +161,30 @@ trait dsl {
def $currentDate(items: (String, CurrentDateValueProducer[_])*): BSONDocument = {
$doc("$currentDate" -> $doc( => BSONElement(item._1, item._2.produce))))
def $currentDate(items: (String, CurrentDateValueProducer[_])*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$currentDate" -> $doc( => (item._1, item._2.produce))))
// End of Top Level Field Update Operators
// Top Level Array Update Operators
def $addToSet(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): BSONDocument = {
def $addToSet(item: ElementProducer, items: ElementProducer*): Bdoc = {
$doc("$addToSet" -> $doc((Seq(item) ++ items): _*))
def $pop(item: (String, Int)): BSONDocument = {
def $pop(item: (String, Int)): Bdoc = {
if (item._2 != -1 && item._2 != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${item._2} is not equal to: -1 | 1")
$doc("$pop" -> $doc(item))
def $push(item: ElementProducer): BSONDocument = {
def $push(item: ElementProducer): Bdoc = {
$doc("$push" -> $doc(item))
def $pushEach[T: BSONWriter](field: String, values: T*): BSONDocument = {
def $pushEach[T: BSONWriter](field: String, values: T*): Bdoc = {
"$push" -> $doc(
field -> $doc(
@ -207,7 +194,7 @@ trait dsl {
def $pull(item: ElementProducer): BSONDocument = {
def $pull(item: ElementProducer): Bdoc = {
$doc("$pull" -> $doc(item))
// End ofTop Level Array Update Operators
@ -221,7 +208,7 @@ trait dsl {
trait ElementBuilder {
def field: String
def append(value: BSONDocument): BSONDocument = value
def append(value: Bdoc): Bdoc = value
/** Represents the state of an expression which has a field and a value */
@ -253,10 +240,10 @@ trait dsl {
* }}}
case class CompositeExpression(field: String, value: BSONDocument)
extends Expression[BSONDocument]
case class CompositeExpression(field: String, value: Bdoc)
extends Expression[Bdoc]
with ComparisonOperators {
override def append(value: BSONDocument): BSONDocument = {
override def append(value: Bdoc): Bdoc = {
this.value ++ value
@ -279,7 +266,7 @@ trait dsl {
/** Matches any of the values that exist in an array specified in the query.*/
def $in[T: BSONWriter](values: Iterable[T]): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $in[T: BSONWriter](values: Iterable[T]): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$in" -> values))
@ -294,32 +281,32 @@ trait dsl {
/** Matches all values that are not equal to the value specified in the query. */
def $ne[T: BSONWriter](value: T): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $ne[T: BSONWriter](value: T): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$ne" -> value))
/** Matches values that do not exist in an array specified to the query. */
def $nin[T: BSONWriter](values: Iterable[T]): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $nin[T: BSONWriter](values: Iterable[T]): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$nin" -> values))
trait LogicalOperators { self: ElementBuilder =>
def $not(f: (String => Expression[BSONDocument])): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $not(f: (String => Expression[Bdoc])): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
val expression = f(field)
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$not" -> expression.value))
trait ElementOperators { self: ElementBuilder =>
def $exists(exists: Boolean): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $exists(exists: Boolean): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$exists" -> exists))
trait EvaluationOperators { self: ElementBuilder =>
def $mod(divisor: Int, remainder: Int): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] =
def $mod(divisor: Int, remainder: Int): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] =
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$mod" -> BSONArray(divisor, remainder)))
def $regex(value: String, options: String = ""): SimpleExpression[BSONRegex] =
@ -330,15 +317,15 @@ trait dsl {
trait ArrayOperators { self: ElementBuilder =>
def $all[T: BSONWriter](values: Seq[T]): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $all[T: BSONWriter](values: Seq[T]): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$all" -> values))
def $elemMatch(query: ElementProducer*): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $elemMatch(query: ElementProducer*): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$elemMatch" -> $doc(query: _*)))
def $size(size: Int): SimpleExpression[BSONDocument] = {
def $size(size: Int): SimpleExpression[Bdoc] = {
SimpleExpression(field, $doc("$size" -> size))
@ -365,7 +352,7 @@ trait dsl {
with LogicalOperators
with ArrayOperators
implicit def toBSONDocument[V: BSONWriter](expression: Expression[V]): BSONDocument =
implicit def toBSONDocument[V: BSONWriter](expression: Expression[V]): Bdoc =
$doc(expression.field -> expression.value)

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object BuildSettings {
"-language:reflectiveCalls", // #TODO remove me for perfs
// "-Xfatal-warnings",
"-Xmaxerrs", "5"