Refactor to introduce Move

Thibault Duplessis 2012-02-27 00:19:32 +01:00
parent 310ff0c9cf
commit 72f6e7d3df
4 changed files with 80 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import scala.math.{ min, max }
case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
lazy val implications: Implications = kingSafety(piece.role match {
lazy val moves: List[Move] = kingSafety(piece.role match {
case Bishop longRange(Bishop.dirs)
@ -22,45 +22,47 @@ case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
side Side.kingRookSide(kingPos, pos)
if history canCastle color on side
} yield history.withoutCastle(color, side)) map { nh
longRange(Rook.dirs) mapValues (_ withHistory nh)
longRange(Rook.dirs) map (_ withHistory nh)
} getOrElse longRange(Rook.dirs)
case Pawn pawnDir(pos) map { next
val fwd = Some(next) filterNot board.occupations
def capture(horizontal: Direction): Option[Implication] = for {
def capture(horizontal: Direction): Option[Move] = for {
p horizontal(next); if enemies(p);
b board.taking(pos, p)
} yield (p, b)
def enpassant(horizontal: Direction): Option[Implication] = for {
} yield move(p, b, Some(p))
def enpassant(horizontal: Direction): Option[Move] = for {
victimPos horizontal(pos); if pos.y == color.passablePawnY
victim board(victimPos); if victim == !color - Pawn
targetPos horizontal(next)
victimFrom pawnDir(victimPos) flatMap pawnDir
if history.lastMove == Some(victimFrom, victimPos)
b board.taking(pos, targetPos, Some(victimPos))
} yield (targetPos, b)
def forward(p: Pos) =
if (pos.y == color.promotablePawnY) board.promote(pos, p)
else board.move(pos, p)
} yield move(targetPos, b, enpassant = true)
def forward(p: Pos): Option[Move] =
if (pos.y == color.promotablePawnY)
board.promote(pos, p) map { b move(p, b, promotion = Some(Queen)) }
board.move(pos, p) map { b move(p, b) }
for {
p fwd
b forward(p)
} yield (p, b),
m forward(p)
} yield m,
for {
p fwd; if pos.y == color.unmovedPawnY
p2 pawnDir(p); if !(board occupations p2)
b board.move(pos, p2)
} yield (p2, b),
} yield move(p2, b),
).flatten toMap
} getOrElse Map.empty
} getOrElse Nil
lazy val moves: Set[Pos] = implications.keySet
lazy val destinations: List[Pos] = moves map (_.dest)
def color = piece.color
def is(c: Color) = c == piece.color
@ -76,20 +78,20 @@ case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
case role (role.dirs map { d d(pos) }).flatten toSet
private def kingSafety(implications: Implications): Implications =
implications filterNot {
case (p, b) b actorsOf !color exists { enemy
b kingPosOf color map (enemy threatens _) getOrElse false
private def kingSafety(ms: List[Move]): List[Move] =
ms filterNot { m
m.after actorsOf !color exists { enemy
m.after kingPosOf color map (enemy threatens _) getOrElse false
private def castle: Implications = {
private def castle: List[Move] = {
lazy val enemyThreats = (board actorsOf !color).toSet flatMap { actor: Actor
def on(side: Side): Option[Implication] = for {
def on(side: Side): Option[Move] = for {
kingPos board kingPosOf color
if history canCastle color on side
tripToRook = side.tripToRook(kingPos, board)
@ -102,38 +104,39 @@ case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
b1 board take rookPos
b2 b1.move(kingPos, newKingPos)
b3, newRookPos)
} yield (newKingPos, b3 updateHistory (_ withoutCastles color))
b4 = b3 updateHistory (_ withoutCastles color)
} yield move(newKingPos, b4, castle = true)
List(on(KingSide), on(QueenSide)).flatten toMap
List(on(KingSide), on(QueenSide)).flatten
private def preventsCastle(implications: Implications) =
private def preventsCastle(ms: List[Move]) =
if (history.canCastle(color).any) {
val newHistory = history withoutCastles color
implications mapValues (_ withHistory newHistory)
ms map (_ withHistory newHistory)
else implications
else ms
private def shortRange(dirs: Directions): Implications = {
private def shortRange(dirs: Directions): List[Move] =
(dirs map { _(pos) }).flatten filterNot friends map { to
(if (enemies(to)) board.taking(pos, to) else board.move(pos, to)) map (to -> _)
if (enemies(to)) board.taking(pos, to) map { move(to, _, Some(to)) }
else board.move(pos, to) map { move(to, _) }
} flatten
} toMap
private def longRange(dirs: Directions): Implications = {
private def longRange(dirs: Directions): List[Move] = {
def forward(p: Pos, dir: Direction): List[Implication] = dir(p) match {
def forward(p: Pos, dir: Direction): List[Move] = dir(p) match {
case None Nil
case Some(next) if friends(next) Nil
case Some(next) if enemies(next) board.taking(pos, next) map { b
(next, b)
move(next, b, Some(pos))
} toList
case Some(next) board.move(pos, next) map { b
(next, b) :: forward(next, dir)
move(next, b) :: forward(next, dir)
} getOrElse Nil
(dirs flatMap { dir forward(pos, dir) }) toMap
dirs flatMap { dir forward(pos, dir) }
private def longRangePoss(dirs: Directions): List[Pos] = {
@ -148,6 +151,23 @@ case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
dirs flatMap { dir forward(pos, dir) }
private def move(
dest: Pos,
after: Board,
capture: Option[Pos] = None,
castle: Boolean = false,
promotion: Option[PromotableRole] = None,
enpassant: Boolean = false) = Move(
piece = piece,
orig = pos,
dest = dest,
before = board,
after = after,
capture = capture,
castle = castle,
promotion = promotion,
enpassant = enpassant)
private def history = board.history
private def friends = board occupation color
private def enemies = board occupation !color

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@ -3,10 +3,19 @@ package model
case class Game(
board: Board,
player: Color) {
player: Color,
pgnMoves: List[String] = Nil) {
def this() = this(Board.empty, White)
//def playMoves(moves: (Pos, Pos)*): Valid[Game] =
//moves.foldLeft(success(this): Valid[Situation]) { (sit, move)
//sit flatMap { s s.playMove(move._1, move._2) }
//def playMove(from: Pos, to: Pos, promotion: PromotableRole = Queen): Valid[Game] = {
val players = List(White, Black)
def situation = board as player

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package lila.chess
package model
case class Move(
piece: Piece,
orig: Pos,
dest: Pos,
before: Board,
after: Board,
capture: Option[Pos],
promotion: Option[PromotableRole],
castle: Boolean,
enpassant: Boolean) {
def withHistory(h: History) = copy(after = after withHistory h)

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@ -4,7 +4,4 @@ package object model {
type Direction = Pos => Option[Pos]
type Directions = List[Direction]
type Implication = (Pos, Board)
type Implications = Map[Pos, Board]