more scalatags

Thibault Duplessis 2019-04-24 13:17:46 +07:00
parent 97b138575e
commit 76427b5113
3 changed files with 33 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ trait AssetHelper { self: I18nHelper with SecurityHelper =>
def cssTagNoTheme(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Frag =
cssAt(s"css/$name.${if (isProd) "min" else "dev"}.css")
private def cssAt(path: String): Frag = raw {
s"""<link href="${assetUrl(path)}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>"""
private def cssAt(path: String): Frag =
link(href := assetUrl(path), tpe := "text/css", rel := "stylesheet")
def jsTag(name: String, defer: Boolean = false): Frag =
jsAt("javascripts/" + name, defer = defer)

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ trait SecurityHelper {
def canViewRoles(user: User)(implicit ctx: UserContext): Boolean =
isGranted(_.ChangePermission) || (isGranted(_.Admin) && user.roles.nonEmpty)
def reportScore(score: Frag = raw {
s"""<div class="score ${score.color}" title="Report score">${score.value.toInt}</div>"""
def reportScore(score: Frag =
div(cls := s"score ${score.color}", title := "Report score")(score.value.toInt)

View File

@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ import lila.user.{ User, Title, UserContext }
trait UserHelper { self: I18nHelper with StringHelper with NumberHelper =>
def ratingProgress(progress: Int) = raw {
if (progress > 0) s"""<good class="rp">$progress</good>"""
else if (progress < 0) s"""<bad class="rp">${math.abs(progress)}</bad>"""
else ""
def ratingProgress(progress: Int) =
if (progress > 0) goodTag(cls := "rp")(progress)
else if (progress < 0) badTag(cls := "rp")(math.abs(progress))
else emptyFrag
val topBarSortedPerfTypes: List[PerfType] = List(
@ -34,12 +33,14 @@ trait UserHelper { self: I18nHelper with StringHelper with NumberHelper =>
def showPerfRating(rating: Int, name: String, nb: Int, provisional: Boolean, icon: Char)(implicit ctx: Context): Frag = raw {
val title = s"$name rating over ${nb.localize} games"
val number = if (nb > 0) s"$rating${if (provisional) "?" else ""}"
else "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-"
s"""<span title="$title" data-icon="$icon">$number</span>"""
def showPerfRating(rating: Int, name: String, nb: Int, provisional: Boolean, icon: Char)(implicit ctx: Context): Frag =
title := s"$name rating over ${nb.localize} games",
dataIcon := icon
if (nb > 0) frag(rating, provisional option "?")
else frag(nbsp, nbsp, nbsp, "-")
def showPerfRating(perfType: PerfType, perf: Perf)(implicit ctx: Context): Frag =
showPerfRating(perf.intRating,, perf.nb, perf.provisional, perfType.iconChar)
@ -58,12 +59,10 @@ trait UserHelper { self: I18nHelper with StringHelper with NumberHelper =>
case (pt, perf) => showPerfRating(pt, perf)
def showRatingDiff(diff: Int): Frag = raw {
diff match {
case 0 => """<span>±0</span>"""
case d if d > 0 => s"""<good>+$d</good>"""
case d => s"""<bad>${-d}</bad>"""
def showRatingDiff(diff: Int): Frag = diff match {
case 0 => span("±0")
case d if d > 0 => goodTag(s"+$d")
case d => badTag(s"${-d}")
def lightUser(userId: String): Option[LightUser] = Env.user lightUserSync userId
@ -125,10 +124,14 @@ trait UserHelper { self: I18nHelper with StringHelper with NumberHelper =>
cssClass: Option[String]
): Frag = userIdLink(userId.some, cssClass)
def titleTag(title: Option[Title]): Frag = raw {
title ?? { t =>
s"""<span class="title"${(t == Title.BOT) ?? " data-bot"} title="${Title titleName t}">$t</span>&nbsp;"""
def titleTag(title: Option[Title]): Option[Frag] = title map { t =>
cls := s"title${(t == Title.BOT) ?? " data-bot"}",
st.title := Title.titleName(t)
def titleTag(lu: LightUser): Frag = titleTag(lu.title map Title.apply)
@ -203,9 +206,11 @@ trait UserHelper { self: I18nHelper with StringHelper with NumberHelper =>
private def renderRating(perf: Perf): Frag = raw {
s"&nbsp;(${perf.intRating}${if (perf.provisional) "?" else ""})"
private def renderRating(perf: Perf): Frag = frag(
perf.provisional option "?"
private def userRating(user: User, withPerfRating: Option[PerfType], withBestRating: Boolean): Frag =
withPerfRating match {