fix anon challenges on mobile

It should just work now.
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2016-02-07 17:10:49 +07:00
parent 6125ba6d69
commit 77dde01948
5 changed files with 40 additions and 40 deletions

View file

@ -42,28 +42,12 @@ object Challenge extends LilaController {
else if (isForMe(c)) Direction.In.some
else none
val json =, version, direction)
challengeAnonOwnerCookie(c) flatMap { cookieOption =>
html = fuccess {
Ok(mine.fold(html.challenge.mine.apply _, html.challenge.theirs.apply _)(c, json))
api = _ => Ok(json).fuccess
) map { res =>
cookieOption.fold(res) { res.withCookies(_) }
private def challengeAnonOwnerCookie(c: ChallengeModel)(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[Option[Cookie]] =
(c.accepted && c.challengerIsAnon) ?? {
_ map { game =>
implicit val req = ctx.req
maxAge = AnonCookie.maxAge.some,
httpOnly = false.some)
html = fuccess {
Ok(mine.fold(html.challenge.mine.apply _, html.challenge.theirs.apply _)(c, json))
api = _ => Ok(json).fuccess
) flatMap withChallengeAnonCookie(mine && c.challengerIsAnon, c, true)
private def isMine(challenge: ChallengeModel)(implicit ctx: Context) = challenge.challenger match {
@ -78,9 +62,9 @@ object Challenge extends LilaController {
OptionFuResult(env.api byId id) { c =>
isForMe(c) ?? env.api.accept(c, {
case Some(pov) => negotiate(
html = Setup.redirectPov(pov).fuccess,
api = apiVersion =>
Env.api.roundApi.player(pov, apiVersion) map { Ok(_) })
html = Redirect(routes.Round.watcher(, "white")).fuccess,
api = apiVersion => Env.api.roundApi.player(pov, apiVersion) map { Ok(_) }
) flatMap withChallengeAnonCookie(ctx.isAnon, c, false)
case None => negotiate(
html = Redirect(routes.Round.watcher(, "white")).fuccess,
api = _ => notFoundJson("Someone else accepted the challenge"))
@ -88,6 +72,22 @@ object Challenge extends LilaController {
private def withChallengeAnonCookie(cond: Boolean, c: ChallengeModel, owner: Boolean)(res: Result)(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[Result] =
cond ?? { {
_ map { game =>
implicit val req = ctx.req
game.player(owner.fold(c.finalColor, !c.finalColor)).id,
maxAge = AnonCookie.maxAge.some,
httpOnly = true.some)
} map { cookieOption =>
cookieOption.fold(res) { res.withCookies(_) }
def decline(id: String) = Auth { implicit ctx =>
me =>
OptionFuResult(env.api byId id) { c =>

View file

@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ object Round extends LilaController with TheftPrevention {
def watch(pov: Pov, userTv: Option[UserModel] = None)(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[Result] =
html =
if (getBool("sudo") && isGranted(_.SuperAdmin)) Redirect(routes.Round.player(pov.fullId)).fuccess
else if ( Analyse.replay(pov, userTv = userTv)
else playablePovForReq( match {
case Some(player) if userTv.isEmpty => renderPlayer(pov withColor player.color)
case _ if HTTPRequest.isHuman(ctx.req) =>
playablePovForReq( match {
case Some(player) if userTv.isEmpty => renderPlayer(pov withColor player.color)
case _ => negotiate(
html = {
if (getBool("sudo") && isGranted(_.SuperAdmin)) Redirect(routes.Round.player(pov.fullId)).fuccess
else if ( Analyse.replay(pov, userTv = userTv)
else if (HTTPRequest.isHuman(ctx.req))
myTour(, false) zip
( ?? Env.simul.repo.find) zip zip
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ object Round extends LilaController with TheftPrevention {
case (((tour, simul), crosstable), data) =>
Ok(html.round.watcher(pov, data, tour, simul, crosstable, userTv = userTv))
case _ => // web crawlers don't need the full thing
else // web crawlers don't need the full thing
GameRepo.initialFen( zip map {
case (initialFen, crosstable) =>
@ -168,8 +168,9 @@ object Round extends LilaController with TheftPrevention {
Ok(html.round.watcherBot(pov, initialFen, pgn, crosstable))
api = apiVersion => Env.api.roundApi.watcher(pov, apiVersion, tv = none) map { Ok(_) }
) map NoCache
api = apiVersion => Env.api.roundApi.watcher(pov, apiVersion, tv = none) map { Ok(_) }
) map NoCache
private def myTour(tourId: Option[String], withStanding: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Fu[Option[MiniStanding]] =
tourId ?? { tid =>

View file

@ -197,12 +197,12 @@ object Setup extends LilaController with TheftPrevention {
private[controllers] def redirectPov(pov: Pov)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
implicit val req = ctx.req
val redir = Redirect(routes.Round.player(pov.fullId))
val redir = Redirect(routes.Round.watcher(, "white"))
if (ctx.isAuth) redir
else redir withCookies LilaCookie.cookie(,
maxAge = AnonCookie.maxAge.some,
httpOnly = false.some)
httpOnly = true.some)

View file

@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ private[controllers] trait TheftPrevention {
case (Some(playerId), Some(userId)) =>
playerId != userId && !( ?? Granter.superAdmin)
case (None, _) =>
lila.api.Mobile.Api.requestVersion(ctx.req).isEmpty &&
ctx.req.cookies.get( != Some(pov.playerId)

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import akka.pattern.ask
import chess.format.Forsyth
import chess.format.Forsyth.SituationPlus
import chess.{ Situation, Mode }
import{ GameRepo, Game, Pov, Source, Player, AnonCookie, PerfPicker }
import{ GameRepo, Game, Pov, Source, Player, PerfPicker }
import lila.user.{ User, UserRepo }
private[challenge] final class Joiner(onStart: String => Unit) {