Merge pull request #2871 from isaacl/clockWriteTweaks

Tweak Clock History format
Thibault Duplessis 2017-03-31 08:20:17 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7bf94c3d9a
6 changed files with 63 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ object BSONHandlers {
implicit val gameBSONHandler = new BSON[Game] {
implicit val gameBSONHandler: BSON[Game] = new BSON[Game] {
import Game.BSONFields._
import PgnImport.pgnImportBSONHandler
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ object BSONHandlers {
private val emptyPlayerBuilder =
def reads(r: BSON.Reader): Game = {
val nbTurns = r int turns
val winC = r boolO winnerColor map Color.apply
val (whiteId, blackId) = r str playerIds splitAt 4
val uids = ~r.getO[List[String]](playerUids)
@ -76,22 +75,16 @@ object BSONHandlers {
val win = winC map (_ == color)
val wPlayer = player(whitePlayer, White, whiteId, whiteUid)
val bPlayer = player(blackPlayer, Black, blackId, blackUid)
val createdAtValue = r date createdAt
val realVariant = Variant(r intD variant) | chess.variant.Standard
val gameClock = r.getO[Color => Clock](clock)(clockBSONReader(createdAtValue, wPlayer.berserk, bPlayer.berserk)) map (_(Color(0 == nbTurns % 2)))
val gameId = r str id
id = gameId,
whitePlayer = wPlayer,
blackPlayer = bPlayer,
val g = Game(
id = r str id,
whitePlayer = player(whitePlayer, White, whiteId, whiteUid),
blackPlayer = player(blackPlayer, Black, blackId, blackUid),
binaryPieces = r bytes binaryPieces,
binaryPgn = r bytesD binaryPgn,
status = r.get[Status](status),
turns = nbTurns,
turns = r int turns,
startedAtTurn = r intD startedAtTurn,
clock = gameClock,
positionHashes = r.bytesD(positionHashes).value,
checkCount = {
val counts = r.intsD(checkCount)
@ -101,19 +94,11 @@ object BSONHandlers {
unmovedRooks = r.getO[UnmovedRooks](unmovedRooks) | UnmovedRooks.default,
daysPerTurn = r intO daysPerTurn,
binaryMoveTimes = r bytesO moveTimes,
clockHistory = for {
clk <- gameClock
start = Centis(clk.limit * 100)
bw <- r bytesO whiteClockHistory
bb <- r bytesO blackClockHistory
history <-, bw, bb)(gameId)
} yield history,
mode = Mode(r boolD rated),
variant = realVariant,
crazyData = (realVariant == Crazyhouse) option r.get[Crazyhouse.Data](crazyData),
variant = Variant(r intD variant) | chess.variant.Standard,
next = r strO next,
bookmarks = r intD bookmarks,
createdAt = createdAtValue,
createdAt = r date createdAt,
updatedAt = r dateO updatedAt,
metadata = Metadata(
source = r intO source flatMap Source.apply,
@ -124,6 +109,20 @@ object BSONHandlers {
analysed = r boolD analysed
val gameClock = r.getO[Color => Clock](clock)(clockBSONReader(g.createdAt, g.whitePlayer.berserk, g.blackPlayer.berserk)) map (_(g.turnColor))
clock = gameClock,
crazyData = (g.variant == Crazyhouse) option r.get[Crazyhouse.Data](crazyData),
clockHistory = for {
clk <- gameClock
start = Centis(clk.limit * 100)
bw <- r bytesO whiteClockHistory
bb <- r bytesO blackClockHistory
history <-, bw, bb, g.flagged,
} yield history
def writes(w: BSON.Writer, o: Game) = BSONDocument(
@ -144,8 +143,8 @@ object BSONHandlers {
unmovedRooks -> o.unmovedRooks,
daysPerTurn -> o.daysPerTurn,
moveTimes -> o.binaryMoveTimes,
whiteClockHistory -> clockHistory(White, o.clockHistory, o.clock),
blackClockHistory -> clockHistory(Black, o.clockHistory, o.clock),
whiteClockHistory -> clockHistory(White, o.clockHistory, o.clock, o.flagged),
blackClockHistory -> clockHistory(Black, o.clockHistory, o.clock, o.flagged),
rated -> w.boolO(o.mode.rated),
variant -> o.variant.exotic.option(,
crazyData -> o.crazyData,
@ -162,17 +161,19 @@ object BSONHandlers {
private def clockHistory(color: Color, clockHistory: Option[ClockHistory], clock: Option[Clock]): Option[ByteArray] =
private def clockHistory(color: Color, clockHistory: Option[ClockHistory], clock: Option[Clock], flagged: Option[Color]) =
for {
clk <- clock
history <- clockHistory
} yield BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(Centis(clk.limit * 100), history.get(color))
times = history.get(color)
} yield BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(Centis(clk.limit * 100), times, flagged has color)
private[game] def clockBSONReader(since: DateTime, whiteBerserk: Boolean, blackBerserk: Boolean) = new BSONReader[BSONBinary, Color => Clock] {
def read(bin: BSONBinary) = BinaryFormat.clock(since).read(
ByteArrayBSONHandler read bin, whiteBerserk, blackBerserk
private[game] def clockBSONWrite(since: DateTime, clock: Clock) = ByteArrayBSONHandler write {
BinaryFormat clock since write clock

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@ -32,14 +32,21 @@ object BinaryFormat {
object clockHistory {
private val logger = lila.log("clockHistory")
def writeSide(start: Centis, times: Vector[Centis]): ByteArray =
ByteArray(ClockEncoder.encode(, start.value))
def writeSide(start: Centis, times: Vector[Centis], flagged: Boolean) = {
val timesToWrite = if (flagged) times.dropRight(1) else times
ByteArray(ClockEncoder.encode(, start.value))
def readSide(start: Centis, ba: ByteArray): Vector[Centis] =
ClockEncoder.decode(ba.value, start.value).map(Centis.apply)(breakOut)
def readSide(start: Centis, ba: ByteArray, flagged: Boolean) = {
val decoded: Vector[Centis] = ClockEncoder.decode(ba.value, start.value).map(Centis.apply)(breakOut)
if (flagged) decoded :+ Centis(0) else decoded
def read(start: Centis, bw: ByteArray, bb: ByteArray)(gameId: String /* for logging */ ): Option[ClockHistory] = Try {
ClockHistory(readSide(start, bw), readSide(start, bb))
def read(start: Centis, bw: ByteArray, bb: ByteArray, flagged: Option[Color], gameId: String) = Try {
readSide(start, bw, flagged has White),
readSide(start, bb, flagged has Black)
e => { logger.warn(s"Exception decoding history on game $gameId", e); none },

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ case class Game(
status: Status,
turns: Int, // = ply
startedAtTurn: Int,
clock: Option[Clock],
clock: Option[Clock] = None,
castleLastMoveTime: CastleLastMoveTime,
unmovedRooks: UnmovedRooks,
daysPerTurn: Option[Int],
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ case class Game(
def firstPlayer = player(firstColor)
def secondPlayer = player(!firstColor)
def turnColor = Color(0 == turns % 2)
def turnColor = Color((turns & 1) == 0)
def turnOf(p: Player): Boolean = p == player
def turnOf(c: Color): Boolean = c == turnColor
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ case class Game(
def playedTurns = turns - startedAtTurn
def flagged = (status == Status.Outoftime).option(turnColor)
def fullIdOf(player: Player): Option[String] =
(players contains player) option s"$id${}"

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ private[game] object GameDiff {
type Set = BSONElement // [String, BSONValue]
type Unset = BSONElement // [String, BSONBoolean]
type ClockHistorySide = (Centis, Vector[Centis])
type ClockHistorySide = (Centis, Vector[Centis], Boolean)
def apply(a: Game, b: Game): (List[Set], List[Unset]) = {
@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ private[game] object GameDiff {
for {
clk <- g.clock
history <- g.clockHistory
} yield (Centis(clk.limit * 100), history.get(color))
curColor = g.turnColor
times = history.get(color)
} yield (Centis(clk.limit * 100), times, g.flagged has color)
def clockHistoryToBytes(o: Option[ClockHistorySide]) = {
case (x, y) => ByteArrayBSONHandler.write(BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(x, y))
case (x, y, z) => ByteArrayBSONHandler.write(BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(x, y, z))
val w = lila.db.BSON.writer

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@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ public class VarIntEncoder {
public static int readUnsigned(BitReader reader) {
int n = reader.readBits(6);
if ((n & 0x20) != 0) {
n ^= 0x20;
if (n > 0x1F) {
n &= 0x1F;
int curShift = 5;
int curVal;
while (((curVal = reader.readBits(4)) & 0x08) != 0) {
while ((curVal = reader.readBits(4)) > 0x07) {
n |= (curVal & 0x07) << curShift;
curShift += 3;

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@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class BinaryClockHistoryTest extends Specification {
"binary clock history" should {
"handle empty vectors" in {
BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(Centis(720000), Vector.empty).isEmpty must beTrue
BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(Centis(720000), Vector.empty, false).isEmpty must beTrue
"handle singleton vectors" in {
val times = Vector(Centis(1234))
val bytes = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(Centis(12345), times)
val restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(Centis(12345), bytes)
val bytes = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(Centis(12345), times, false)
val restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(Centis(12345), bytes, false)
restored.size must_== 1
(restored(0) - times(0)).abs should be_<=(eps)
@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ class BinaryClockHistoryTest extends Specification {
0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63,
66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 102, 105, 108, 199, 333, 567, 666, 2000, 30
).map(t => Centis(21000 - 10 * t))
val bytes = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(hour * 2, times)
val restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(hour * 2, bytes)
val bytes = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(hour * 2, times, false)
val restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(hour * 2, bytes, false)
times.size must_== restored.size
(restored, times) - _).forall(_.abs <= eps) should beTrue
"restore correspondence" in {
val times = Vector(118, 204, 80, 191, 75, 230, 48, 258).map(t => day * 2 - Centis(t))
val bytes = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(day * 2, times)
val restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(day * 2, bytes)
val bytes = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(day * 2, times, false)
val restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(day * 2, bytes, false)
times.size must_== restored.size
(restored, times) - _).forall(_.abs <= eps) should beTrue
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class BinaryClockHistoryTest extends Specification {
var restored = Vector.empty[Centis]
val start = Centis(6000)
for (end <- times) {
val binary = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(start, restored :+ end)
restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(start, binary)
val binary = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.writeSide(start, restored :+ end, false)
restored = BinaryFormat.clockHistory.readSide(start, binary, false)
times.size must_== restored.size
(restored, times) - _).forall(_.abs <= eps) should beTrue