complete invitation to limited tournametns

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2016-06-20 09:49:38 +02:00
parent 510a72da17
commit 8657e3497c
8 changed files with 55 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -177,7 +177,12 @@ object Tournament extends LilaController {
def limitedInvitation = Auth { implicit ctx =>
me =>
env.api.fetchVisibleTournaments.flatMap { tours =>
lila.tournament.TournamentInviter.findNextFor(me, tours, env.verify.canEnter(me))
} map {
case None => Redirect(routes.Tournament.home(1))
case Some(t) => Redirect(
def websocket(id: String, apiVersion: Int) = SocketOption[JsValue] { implicit ctx =>

View file

@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ object Future {
def applySequentially[A](list: List[A])(f: A => Funit): Funit =
list match {
case h :: t => f(h) >> applySequentially(t)(f)
case Nil => funit
case Nil => funit
def find[A](list: List[A])(f: A => Fu[Boolean]): Fu[Option[A]] = list match {
case Nil => fuccess(none)
case h :: t => f(h).flatMap {
case true => fuccess(h.some)
case false => find(t)(f)

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@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ object Condition {
val getMaxRating: GetMaxRating = perf => historyApi.lastMonthTopRating(user, perf)
def canEnter(user: User)(tour: Tournament): Fu[Boolean] =
apply(tour.conditions, user).map(_.accepted)
object BSONHandlers {

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@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ final class Env(
TournamentScheduler.start(system, api)
// TournamentNotifier.start(system, api, notifyApi)
TournamentInviter.start(system, api, notifyApi)
def version(tourId: String): Fu[Int] =
socketHub ? Ask(tourId, GetVersion) mapTo manifest[Int]

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@ -10,15 +10,11 @@ import lila.db.dsl._
import lila.notify.{ Notification, NotifyApi, LimitedTournamentInvitation }
import lila.rating.PerfType
private final class TournamentNotifier private (
private final class TournamentInviter private (
api: TournamentApi,
notifyApi: NotifyApi) extends Actor {
import TournamentNotifier._
val minGames = 20
val maxRating = 1700
val perfs = List(PerfType.Blitz, PerfType.Classical)
import TournamentInviter._
def receive = {
@ -31,18 +27,13 @@ private final class TournamentNotifier private (
def qualifies(user: User) = {
println {
!user.seenRecently &&
!user.kid &&
user.count.rated > 50 &&
user.toints < 100 &&
user.perfs.bestRatingInWithMinGames(perfs, minGames).??(maxRating >=) &&
def qualifies(user: User) =
!user.seenRecently &&
!user.kid &&
user.count.rated > 50 &&
user.toints < 10 &&
bestRating(user).??(1700 >=) &&
def alreadyNotified(user: User) =
if (notifiedCache get false
@ -54,10 +45,26 @@ private final class TournamentNotifier private (
val notifiedCache = new lila.memo.ExpireSetMemo(1 hour)
private object TournamentNotifier {
object TournamentInviter {
val minGames = 20
val perfs = List(PerfType.Blitz, PerfType.Classical)
def bestRating(user: User) = user.perfs.bestRatingInWithMinGames(perfs, minGames)
def findNextFor(
user: User,
tours: VisibleTournaments,
canEnter: Tournament => Fu[Boolean]): Fu[Option[Tournament]] = bestRating(user) match {
case None => fuccess(none)
case Some(rating) if rating > 2000 => fuccess(none)
case Some(rating) => lila.common.Future.find(tours.unfinished.filter { t =>
t.conditions.maxRating.??(_.rating >= rating)
def start(system: ActorSystem, api: TournamentApi, notifyApi: NotifyApi) = {
val ref = system.actorOf(Props(new TournamentNotifier(api, notifyApi)))
val ref = system.actorOf(Props(new TournamentInviter(api, notifyApi)))
system.lilaBus.subscribe(ref, 'userActive)

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@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ object TournamentRepo {
} getOrElse 30
def promotable: Fu[List[Tournament]] =
private[tournament] def promotable: Fu[List[Tournament]] =
stillWorthEntering zip publicCreatedSorted(24 * 60) map {
case (started, created) => (started ::: created).foldLeft(List.empty[Tournament]) {
case (acc, tour) if !isPromotable(tour) => acc

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@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ case class PlayerInfo(rank: Int, withdraw: Boolean) {
case class VisibleTournaments(
created: List[Tournament],
started: List[Tournament],
finished: List[Tournament])
created: List[Tournament],
started: List[Tournament],
finished: List[Tournament]) {
def unfinished = created ::: started
case class PlayerInfoExt(
tour: Tournament,

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var m = require('mithril');
function userFullName(u) {
if (!u) return '?';
return u.title ? u.title + ' ' + :;
@ -135,10 +136,10 @@ var handlers = {
return genericNotification(notification, url, 'g', [
m('span', [
m('strong', 'New rating limited tournaments!'),
m('strong', 'Low rated tournament'),
m('span', 'Experience lichess arena tournaments with players of your level')
m('span', 'A tournament you can win!')
text: function(n) {