send correspondence takeback notifications - for #3548

Thibault Duplessis 2017-09-04 14:33:36 -05:00
parent c400b6bade
commit 8bcb1ac59e
7 changed files with 56 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ object mon {
object send {
def move(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.move")()
def takeback(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.takeback")()
def corresAlarm(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.corresAlarm")()
def finish(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.finish")()
def message(platform: String) = inc(s"push.send.$platform.message")()

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@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ package round {
alarmable: Boolean,
unlimited: Boolean
case class CorresTakebackEvent(gameId: String)
case class SimulMoveEvent(
move: MoveEvent,
simulId: String,

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@ -49,12 +49,13 @@ final class Env(
def receive = {
case, _, _) => pushApi finish game
case lila.hub.actorApi.round.CorresMoveEvent(move, _, pushable, _, _) if pushable => pushApi move move
case lila.hub.actorApi.round.CorresTakebackEvent(gameId) => pushApi takeback gameId
case lila.message.Event.NewMessage(t, p) => pushApi newMessage (t, p)
case lila.challenge.Event.Create(c) => pushApi challengeCreate c
case lila.challenge.Event.Accept(c, joinerId) => pushApi.challengeAccept(c, joinerId)
case => pushApi corresAlarm pov
})), 'finishGame, 'moveEventCorres, 'newMessage, 'challenge, 'corresAlarm)
})), 'finishGame, 'moveEventCorres, 'newMessage, 'challenge, 'corresAlarm, 'takebackEventCorres)
object Env {

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import lila.challenge.Challenge
import lila.common.LightUser
import{ Game, GameRepo, Pov, Namer }
import lila.hub.actorApi.round.{ MoveEvent, IsOnGame }
import lila.hub.actorApi.round.{ MoveEvent, IsOnGame, CorresTakebackEvent }
import lila.message.{ Thread, Post }
private final class PushApi(
@ -64,15 +64,31 @@ private final class PushApi(
stacking = Stacking.GameMove,
payload = Json.obj(
"userId" -> userId,
"userData" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "gameMove",
"gameId" ->,
"fullId" -> pov.fullId,
"color" ->,
"fen" -> Forsyth.exportBoard(game.toChess.board),
"lastMove" -> game.castleLastMoveTime.lastMoveString,
"secondsLeft" -> pov.remainingSeconds
"userData" -> corresGameJson(pov, "gameMove")
def takeback(gameId: Game.ID): Funit = scheduler.after(1 seconds) {
GameRepo game gameId flatMap {
_.filter(_.playable).?? { game =>
game.players.collectFirst {
case p if p.isProposingTakeback => Pov(game, game opponent p)
} ?? { pov => // the pov of the receiver
pov.player.userId ?? { userId =>
IfAway(pov) {
pushToAll(userId, _.takeback, PushApi.Data(
title = "Takeback offer",
body = s"${opponentName(pov)} proposes a takeback",
stacking = Stacking.GameMove,
payload = Json.obj(
"userId" -> userId,
"userData" -> corresGameJson(pov, "gameTakeback")
@ -90,18 +106,20 @@ private final class PushApi(
stacking = Stacking.GameMove,
payload = Json.obj(
"userId" -> userId,
"userData" -> Json.obj(
"type" -> "corresAlarm",
"gameId" -> pov.gameId,
"userData" -> corresGameJson(pov, "corresAlarm")
private def corresGameJson(pov: Pov, typ: String) = Json.obj(
"type" -> typ,
"gameId" ->,
"fullId" -> pov.fullId,
"color" ->,
"fen" -> Forsyth.exportBoard(,
"lastMove" ->,
"secondsLeft" -> pov.remainingSeconds
def newMessage(t: Thread, p: Post): Funit =
lightUser(t.visibleSenderOf(p)) ?? { sender =>

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ private object Stacking {
case object GameFinish extends Stacking("gameFinish", "$[notif_count] games are over")
case object GameMove extends Stacking("gameMove", "It's your turn in $[notif_count] games")
case object GameTakeback extends Stacking("gameTakeback", "Takeback offers in $[notif_count] games")
case object NewMessage extends Stacking("newMessage", "You have $[notif_count] new messages")
case object ChallengeCreate extends Stacking("challengeCreate", "You have $[notif_count] new challenges")
case object ChallengeAccept extends Stacking("challengeAccept", "$[notif_count] players accepted your challenges")

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@ -218,7 +218,8 @@ final class Env(
lazy val takebacker = new Takebacker(
messenger = messenger,
uciMemo = uciMemo,
prefApi = prefApi
prefApi = prefApi,
bus = system.lilaBus
val tvBroadcast = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[TvBroadcast]))

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import lila.pref.{ Pref, PrefApi }
private[round] final class Takebacker(
messenger: Messenger,
uciMemo: UciMemo,
prefApi: PrefApi
prefApi: PrefApi,
bus: lila.common.Bus
) {
def yes(situation: Round.TakebackSituation)(pov: Pov)(implicit proxy: GameProxy): Fu[(Events, Round.TakebackSituation)] = IfAllowed( {
@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ private[round] final class Takebacker(
val progress = Progress(game) map { g =>
g.updatePlayer(color, _ proposeTakeback g.turns)
} inject List(Event.TakebackOffers(color.white, >>- publishTakeback(pov) inject
} map (_ -> situation)
case _ => fufail(ClientError("[takebacker] invalid yes " + pov))
@ -53,6 +55,14 @@ private[round] final class Takebacker(
private def publishTakeback(pov: Pov): Unit =
if ( && pov.player.userId foreach { userId =>
private def IfAllowed[A](game: Game)(f: => Fu[A]): Fu[A] =
if (!game.playable) fufail(ClientError("[takebacker] game is over " +
else isAllowedByPrefs(game) flatMap {