less dropping plz

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2018-04-07 16:58:18 +02:00
parent c3e6f26459
commit 8d1e5bc03a

View file

@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ if [ $mode = "main" ]; then
ssh $REMOTE "echo $BACKUP_DIR && cp -r $REMOTE_DIR $BACKUP_DIR && rm $BACKUP_DIR/RUNNING_PID && chown -R lichess:lichess $BACKUP_DIR"
# read -n 1 -p "Press [Enter] to rsync to $REMOTE:$REMOTE_DIR"
--archive \
--no-o --no-g \
@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ fi
FS_WARMUP="cat $REMOTE_DIR/lib/* > /dev/null && cat $REMOTE_DIR/bin/lila > /dev/null"
# start dropping packets. Run `bin/prod/iptables-drop 0` on the server to resume normal traffic.
START_DROPPING="$REMOTE_DIR/bin/prod/iptables-drop 0.93"
START_DROPPING="$REMOTE_DIR/bin/prod/iptables-drop 0.92"
STOP_DROPPING="sleep 8 && $REMOTE_DIR/bin/prod/iptables-drop 0"
if [ $mode = "main" ]; then