Cull ten bad quotes

Daniel Dugovic 2019-07-28 16:01:19 -05:00
parent 1cdffb0f02
commit 99d648b770
1 changed files with 2 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("Life is a kind of chess, with struggle, competition, good and ill events.", "Benjamin Franklin"),
new Quote("Even the laziest king flees wildly in the face of a double check!", "Aaron Nimzowitsch"),
new Quote("Combinations have always been the most intriguing aspect of chess. The masters look for them, the public applauds them, the critics praise them. It is because combinations are possible that chess is more than a lifeless mathematical exercise. They are the poetry of the game; they are to chess what melody is to music. They represent the triumph of mind over matter.", "Reuben Fine"),
new Quote("I give 98 percent of my mental energy to chess.", "Bobby Fischer"),
new Quote("Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders.", "Savielly Tartakower"),
new Quote("Chess is no whit inferior to the violin, and we have a large number of professional violinists.", "Mikhail Botvinnik"),
new Quote("Only the player with the initiative has the right to attack.", "Wilhelm Steinitz"),
@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("A bad day of chess is better than any good day at work.", "Anonymous"),
new Quote("Chess is the art of analysis.", "Mikhail Botvinnik"),
new Quote("The mistakes are there, waiting to be made.", "Savielly Tartakower"),
new Quote("There are tough players and nice guys, and Im a tough player.", "Bobby Fischer"),
new Quote("After blacks reply to 1.e4 with 1..e5, leaves him always trying to get into the game.", "Howard Staunton"),
new Quote("A player surprised is half beaten.", "Proverb"),
new Quote("A passed pawn increases in strength as the number of pieces on the board diminishes.", "Capablanca"),
@ -78,7 +76,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("Before the endgame, the Gods have placed the middle game.", "Siegbert Tarrasch"),
new Quote("Chess was Capablancas mother tongue.", "Reti"),
new Quote("Alekhine is a poet who creates a work of art out of something that would hardly inspire another man to send home a picture post card.", "Max Euwe"),
new Quote("Dont even mention losing to me. I cant stand to think of it.", "Bobby Fischer"),
new Quote("During a chess competition a chess master should be a combination of a beast of prey and a monk.", "Alexander Alekhine"),
new Quote("No one ever won a game by resigning.", "Saviely Tartakower"),
new Quote("The defensive power of a pinned piece is only imaginary.", "Aaron Nimzovich"),
@ -122,7 +119,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("Chess is the art which expresses the science of logic.", "Mikhail Botvinnik"),
new Quote("Not all artists are chess players, but all chess players are artists.", "Marcel Duchamp"),
new Quote("Chess is imagination.", "David Bronstein"),
new Quote("Im not afraid of Spassky. The world knows Im the best.", "Bobby Fischer"),
new Quote("Chess is thirty to forty percent psychology. You dont have this when you play a computer. I cant confuse it.", "Judith Polgar"),
new Quote("On the chessboard, lies and hypocrisy do not survive long.", "Emanuel Lasker"),
new Quote("Chess is war over the board. The object is to crush the opponents mind.", "Bobby Fischer"),
@ -174,7 +170,7 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("If your opponent offers you a draw, try to work out why he thinks hes worse off.", "Nigel Short"),
new Quote("Chess teaches you to control the initial excitement you feel when you see something that looks good and it trains you to think objectively when youre in trouble.", "Stanley Kubrick"),
new Quote("Let the perfectionist play postal.", "Yasser Seirawan"),
new Quote("If chess is a science, its a most inexact one. If chess is an art, it is too exacting to be seen as one. If chess is a sport, its too esoteric. If chess is a game, its too demanding to be just a game. If chess is a mistress, shes a demanding one. If chess is a passion, its a rewarding one. If chess is life, its a sad one.", "Unknown"),
new Quote("If chess is a science, its a most inexact one. If chess is an art, it is too exacting to be seen as one. If chess is a sport, its too esoteric. If chess is a game, its too demanding to be just a game. If chess is a mistress, shes a demanding one. If chess is a passion, its a rewarding one. If chess is life, its a sad one.", "Anonymous"),
new Quote("Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever when they are only wasting their time.", "George Bernard Shaw"),
new Quote("You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one.", "Mikhail Tal"),
new Quote("I feel as if I were a piece in a game of chess, when my opponent says of it: That piece cannot be moved.", "Soren Kierkegaard"),
@ -261,10 +257,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("It was clear to me that the vulnerable point of the American Grandmaster (Bobby Fischer) was in double-edged, hanging, irrational positions, where he often failed to find a win even in a won position.", "Efim Geller"),
new Quote("I love all positions. Give me a difficult positional game, I will play it. But totally won positions, I cannot stand them.", "Hein Donner"),
new Quote("In Fischers hands, a slight theoretical advantage is as good a being a queen ahead.", "Isaac Kashdan"),
new Quote("I still hope to kill Fischer.", "Boris Spassky"),
new Quote("Is Bobby Fischer quite sane?", "Salo Flohr"),
new Quote("Robert Fischer is a law unto himself.", "Larry Evans"),
new Quote("Fischer is under obligation to nobody.", "Joseph Platz"),
new Quote("Bobby Fischers current state of mind is indeed a tragedy. One of the worlds greatest chess players - the pride and sorrow of American chess.", "Frank Brady"),
new Quote("Fischer is an American chess tragedy on par with Morphy and Pillsbury.", "Mig Greengard"),
new Quote("Nonsense was the last thing Fischer was interested in, as far as chess was concerned.", "Elie Agur"),
@ -488,7 +480,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("Do not permit yourself to fall in love with the end-game play to the exclusion of entire games. It is well to have the whole story of how it happened; the complete play, not the denouement only. Do not embrace the rag-time and vaudeville of chess.", "Emanuel Lasker"),
new Quote("Do not pick a move from a list of computer lines - use your own brains. This is important, especially for young players. It's better to study a worse line well than to reproduce a better computer line.", "Laszlo Hazai"),
new Quote("Don't be afraid of losing, be afraid of playing a game and not learning something.", "Dan Heisman"),
new Quote("Don't even mention losing to me. I can't stand to think of it.", "Bobby Fischer"),
new Quote("Don't worry about your rating, work on your playing strength and your rating will follow.", "Dan Heisman"),
new Quote("Don't worry kids, you'll find work. After all, my machine will need strong chess player-programmers. You will be the first.", "Mikhail Botvinnik (to Karpov & students, 1965)"),
new Quote("Drawn games are sometimes more scintillating than any conclusive contest.", "Savielly Tartakower"),
@ -557,7 +548,7 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("Watch out for the tricky knights.", "ChessNetwork"),
new Quote("I think crazyhouse improves your standard chess.", "ChessNetwork"),
new Quote("The biggest tool for chess improvement would be playing against stronger opposition", "Peter Svidler"),
new Quote("Chess is a battle between your aversion to thinking and your aversion to losing.", "Someone"),
new Quote("Chess is a battle between your aversion to thinking and your aversion to losing.", "Anonymous"),
new Quote("It was once said that Tal sacrificed 9 pawns for an attack", "Mato"),
new Quote("Be well enough prepared that preparation won't play a role.", "Magnus Carlsen"),
new Quote("I don't study; I create.", "Viktor Korchnoi"),
@ -566,7 +557,6 @@ object Quote {
new Quote("I don't play unorthodox openings. I prefer to give mainstream openings my own spin.", "Magnus Carlsen"),
new Quote("Playing long games online just takes too much time. It's fun to play blitz once in a while, where you can rely more on your intuition, your instincts rather than pure calculation and analysis.", "Magnus Carlsen"),
new Quote("Fortune favors the lucky!", "Robert Houdart (Houdini author)"),
new Quote("Gens una sumus; \"We are one people\"", "FIDE"),
new Quote("I don't berserk, I am not a caveman", "Magnus Carlsen"),
new Quote("1.e4 is the move you play when you're young, naive, and believe the world owes you something. Open positions, infinite horizons - what's not to love? Well, I've got news for you, buddy: it's a cruel chess board out there.", "John Bartholomew"),
new Quote("Chess as a game is too serious; as a serious pursuit too frivolous.", "Moses Mendelssohn"),