try out streaming in round API

Thibault Duplessis 2015-05-11 23:57:07 +02:00
parent 74fd22a701
commit 9b90df73d9
4 changed files with 119 additions and 43 deletions

issues 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# ornicar/lila open issues
468 tournament pairing dups 1
467 upgrade AI nodes
465 Tournament standings should live update in sidebar
464 Update score tally after game, instead of before next game
460 Add missing French and Spanish translations ↑
459 Play with the Machine - FEN render delay
458 Optional computer analysis for imported games 2
453 Enhance game API
452 deploy 3d move view hack
451 verify geoip cache
448 Shouldn't be possible to win on time with only K in Atomic
446 tag analysed games on nodes
445 add option to always show decaseconds
444 mark provisional ratings as such
443 don't show rating progression while provisional
442 Lichess [Web] pauses iPhone's music
441 The definitive list of the most popular and/or respected variants 2
439 detect absence of ad blocker, and suggest to install one
428 weird rematch issue 2
427 revert this commit on 01/05/2015
424 training room 2
423 drawing arrows with multiple colors
409 Advanced search Horde doesn't find games 3
404 Tag People in Forum
368 Analysis board castling bug with 960 chess
359 More fine-grained control over teams [feature] 6
354 let player define their status [feature]
334 Atomic: Draw on insufficient winning material when flagging. [bug] 2
331 Bug: Games Advanced Search variety of options not working [bug]
325 Coordinate trainer should store all-time high score
322 Direct APK download 2
317 Hourglass clock [feature]
316 Feature requests 3
314 Improve search for players
306 Import comments and variations
302 share buttons that don't violate user privacy [feature] 4
301 Untranslatable strings 2
291 PDF export missing images [bug]
285 Use openings trainer analysis as lookup table for computer analysis [improvement] 1
282 Rating range in game creation window should be per game variant
280 show recently finished correspondence games [feature] 2
275 Evaluate position complexity from SF output [feature]
273 atomic replay bug [bug] 3
272 Opening themed tourneys [feature]
270 User's Lichess TV enbedded [feature]
266 Swiss Tournaments starting at a predefined time [feature]
265 Predefined number of rounds in Swiss Tournaments [feature]
264 Feature: Display your Coordinate Training highscore on your profile page [feature]
260 Create Tournament: Clicking on "private" checkbox resets the other fields [bug] 1
252 analysis board dynamic FEN string [feature]
245 better rating range using diff [feature]
243 Timeline too long for its own div [bug]
241 Multiple create game profiles [feature]
229 Bughouse chess [feature] 1
212 game mouse over badge (like users) [feature]
206 Display captured pieces in analysis board 8
202 Feature request: Implementation of time odds [feature]
186 Feature request: Setting in your options to get an extra confirm [feature]
184 Desktop notifications [feature] 1
176 Spectator chat split by move number for the benefit of kibitzing context [feature]
175 Implement realtime private messaging a la online-go/facebook [feature] 1
169 Predefined positions for game creation [feature] [planned]
168 Add advanced options in analysis board [feature]
167 Atomic chess [feature] [in progress] 5
165 [Translation] To French. 'only accepts challenges from friends.' 2
163 The "%s games" link under favourite opponents no longer works [bug] 2
161 TV channels [feature] 1
155 Link Win/Draw/Loss indicator in Tournament Standings to Games [improvement]
153 Add support for anti-chess in PDF exporter [improvement]
149 Simul tournament [feature] [in progress] 1 @
143 Stream title on TV doesn't wrap [improvement] 2
142 Predefine move sequences in correspondence chess [feature] [planned] 3
130 Several colours for clock bar [feature]
128 when importing PGN, accept clock information [feature] 2
127 export clock information in PGN [feature] 6
126 Feature: Possibility to edit/delete forum posts [feature]
114 Wrong encoding in names of wiki-pages [bug]
97 Feature: Ability to rematch with different game settings [feature] 2
77 Feature wish: Training mode long time chart [feature]
69 timing in "Spectator room" chat [feature]
59 Feature: Clock pause [feature] 1
58 separate TVs for bullet-time, blitz and slow games. [feature] [planned] 1
53 Advanced comments [feature] 3

View File

@ -69,27 +69,26 @@ private[api] final class RoundApi(
def userAnalysisJson(pov: Pov, pref: Pref, initialFen: Option[String]) =
jsonView.userAnalysisJson(pov, pref) map withSteps(, none, initialFen, true)_
private def withSteps(game: Game, a: Option[(Pgn, Analysis)], initialFen: Option[String], possibleMoves: Boolean)(json: JsObject) =
chess.Replay.gameStream(game.pgnMoves, initialFen, game.variant).foldLeft(Json.obj()) {
case (obj, game) =>
val lastPly =
val steps = { g =>
ply = g.turns,
move = for {
pos <- g.board.history.lastMove
san <- g.pgnMoves.lastOption
} yield Step.Move(pos._1, pos._2, san),
fen = Forsyth >> g,
check = g.situation.check,
dests = !g.situation.end ?? g.situation.destinations)
json ++ Json.obj("steps" -> a.fold(steps) {
case (pgn, analysis) => applyAnalysisAdvices(
applyAnalysisEvals(steps, analysis),
pgn, analysis, game.variant, possibleMoves)
private def withSteps(game: Game, a: Option[(Pgn, Analysis)], initialFen: Option[String], possibleMoves: Boolean)(json: JsObject) = {
val steps = chess.Replay.gameStream(game.pgnMoves, initialFen, game.variant).map { g =>
ply = g.turns,
move = for {
pos <- g.board.history.lastMove
san <- g.pgnMoves.lastOption
} yield Step.Move(pos._1, pos._2, san),
fen = Forsyth >> g,
check = g.situation.check,
dests = !g.situation.end ?? g.situation.destinations)
json + {
"steps" -> JsArray(a.fold[Seq[Step]](steps) {
case (pgn, analysis) => applyAnalysisAdvices(
applyAnalysisEvals(steps.toList, analysis),
pgn, analysis, game.variant, possibleMoves)
private def applyAnalysisEvals(steps: List[Step], analysis: Analysis): List[Step] =
steps.zipWithIndex map {
@ -115,33 +114,26 @@ private[api] final class RoundApi(
nag = ad.nag.symbol.some,
comments = ad.makeComment(false, true) :: after.comments,
variations = if ( after.variations
else makeVariation(before,, variant, possibleMoves) :: after.variations))
else makeVariation(before,, variant, possibleMoves).toList :: after.variations))
) | steps
private def makeVariation(fromStep: Step, info: Info, variant: Variant, possibleMoves: Boolean): List[Step] =
private def makeVariation(fromStep: Step, info: Info, variant: Variant, possibleMoves: Boolean): Stream[Step] =
info.variation take 20,
) match {
case scalaz.Failure(err) =>
logwarn(s"[game variation] $err")
case scalaz.Success(games) =>
val lastPly = { g =>
ply = g.turns,
move = for {
pos <- g.board.history.lastMove
(orig, dest) = pos
san <- g.pgnMoves.lastOption
} yield Step.Move(orig, dest, san),
fen = Forsyth >> g,
check = g.situation.check,
dests = !g.situation.end ?? g.situation.destinations)
).map { g =>
ply = g.turns,
move = for {
pos <- g.board.history.lastMove
(orig, dest) = pos
san <- g.pgnMoves.lastOption
} yield Step.Move(orig, dest, san),
fen = Forsyth >> g,
check = g.situation.check,
dests = !g.situation.end ?? g.situation.destinations)
private def withNote(note: String)(json: JsObject) =

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ object Handler {
anaMove.step match {
case scalaz.Success(step) =>
member push lila.socket.Socket.makeMessage("step", Json.obj(
"step" -> step.json,
"step" -> step.toJson,
"path" -> anaMove.path
case scalaz.Failure(err) =>

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ case class Step(
// who's color plays next
def color = chess.Color(ply % 2 == 0)
def json = Step.stepJsonWriter writes this
def toJson = Step.stepJsonWriter writes this
object Step {