Add pawn promotion handler. Couples two listeners together though.

Tait Hoyem 2020-12-28 16:49:23 -07:00
parent 59814b27e1
commit b04724e3c6
1 changed files with 34 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -313,6 +313,27 @@ export function pieceJumpingHandler(wrapSound: () => void, errorSound: () => voi
return (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (!ev.key.match(/^[kqrbnp]$/i)) return true;
const $currBtn = $( as HTMLElement);
// TODO: decouple from promotion attribute setting in selectionHandler
if ($currBtn.attr('promotion') === 'true') {
const $moveBox = $('input.move');
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
const $promotionPiece = ev.key.toLowerCase();
const $form = $moveBox.parent().parent();
if (!$promotionPiece.match(/^[qnrb]$/)) {
$boardLive.text('Invalid promotion piece. ' + $boardLive.text());
return false;
$moveBox.val($moveBox.val() + $promotionPiece);
const $sendForm = new Event('submit', {
cancelable: true,
bubbles: true
return false;
const $myBtnAttrs = '.board-wrapper [rank="' + $currBtn.attr('rank') + '"][file="' + $currBtn.attr('file') + '"]';
const $allPieces = $('.board-wrapper [piece="' + ev.key.toLowerCase() + '"], ' + $myBtnAttrs);
const $myPieceIndex = $allPieces.index($myBtnAttrs);
@ -365,7 +386,10 @@ export function selectionHandler(opponentColor: Color, selectSound: () => void)
return (ev: MouseEvent) => {
// this depends on the current document structure. This may not be advisable in case the structure wil change.
const $evBtn = $( as HTMLElement);
const $pos = ($evBtn.attr('file') ?? "") + $evBtn.attr('rank');
const $rank = $evBtn.attr('rank');
const $pos = ($evBtn.attr('file') ?? "") + $rank;
const $boardLive = $('.boardstatus');
const $promotionRank = opponentColor === 'black' ? '8' : '1';
const $moveBox = $(document.querySelector('input.move') as HTMLInputElement);
if (!$moveBox) return false;
@ -382,7 +406,16 @@ export function selectionHandler(opponentColor: Color, selectSound: () => void)
// if user selects their own piece second
if ($evBtn.attr('color') === (opponentColor === 'black' ? 'white' : 'black')) return false;
const $first = $moveBox.val();
const $firstPiece = $('.board-wrapper [file="' + $first[0] + '"][rank="' + $first[1] + '"]');
$moveBox.val($moveBox.val() + $pos);
// this is coupled to pieceJumpingHandler() noticing that the attribute is set and acting differently. TODO: make cleaner
// if pawn promotion
if ($rank === $promotionRank && $firstPiece.attr('piece')?.toLowerCase() === 'p') {
$evBtn.attr('promotion', 'true');
$boardLive.text('Promote to? q for queen, n for knight, r for rook, b for bishop');
return false;
// this section depends on the form being the granparent of the input.move box.
const $form = $moveBox.parent().parent();
const $event = new Event('submit', {