game proxy optimizations

Thibault Duplessis 2019-12-17 14:43:04 -06:00
parent 27aa640a61
commit b11e0d30f9
3 changed files with 49 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ object mon {
val client = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "client")
val fishnet = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "fishnet")
val glicko = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "glicko")
val other = counter("round.error").withTag("from", "other")
object titivate {
val time = future("round.titivate.time")

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@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ package lila.round
import{ Cancellable, Scheduler }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Success
import chess.Color
import{ Game, GameRepo, Pov, Progress }
import ornicar.scalalib.Zero
// NOT thread safe
final private class GameProxy(
id: Game.ID,
dependencies: GameProxy.Dependencies
@ -36,15 +37,21 @@ final private class GameProxy(
// convenience helpers
def pov(color: Color) = game.dmap {
_ map { Pov(_, color) }
def withPov[A](color: Color)(f: Pov => Fu[A]): Fu[A] =
withGame(g => f(Pov(g, color)))
def playerPov(playerId: String) = game.dmap {
_ flatMap { Pov(_, playerId) }
def withPov[A](playerId: Game.PlayerId)(f: Option[Pov] => Fu[A]): Fu[A] =
withGame(g => f(Pov(g, playerId.value)))
def withGame[A: Zero](f: Game => Fu[A]): Fu[A] = game.flatMap(_ ?? f)
def withGame[A](f: Game => Fu[A]): Fu[A] = cache.value match {
case Some(Success(Some(g))) => f(g)
case Some(Success(None)) => fufail(s"No proxy game: $id")
case _ =>
cache flatMap {
case None => fufail(s"No proxy game: $id")
case Some(g) => f(g)
// internals

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@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ final private[round] class RoundDuct(
// socket stuff
case ByePlayer(playerId) =>
proxy playerPov playerId.value map {
_ foreach { pov =>
proxy.withPov(playerId) {
_ ?? { pov =>
@ -242,8 +242,9 @@ final private[round] class RoundDuct(
// round stuff
case p: HumanPlay =>
handlePov(proxy playerPov p.playerId.value) { pov =>
if ( = true)) finisher.outOfTime(
handle(p.playerId) { pov =>
if (pov.player.isAi) fufail(s"player $pov can't play AI")
else if ( = true)) finisher.outOfTime(
else {
player.human(p, this)(pov)
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ final private[round] class RoundDuct(
case p: BotPlay =>
val res = handleBotPlay(p) { pov =>
val res = handle(PlayerId(p.playerId)) { pov =>
if ( = true)) finisher.outOfTime(
else, this)(pov)
@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ final private[round] class RoundDuct(
case ResignAi =>
handleAi( { pov =>
handleAi { pov => ?? finisher.other(, _.Resign, Some(!pov.color))
@ -482,36 +483,38 @@ final private[round] class RoundDuct(
} UserLagCache.put(user, lag)
private def notifyGone(color: Color, gone: Boolean): Unit = proxy pov color foreach {
_ foreach { notifyGone(_, gone) }
private def notifyGone(color: Color, gone: Boolean): Unit = proxy.withPov(color) { pov =>
fuccess(notifyGone(pov, gone))
private def notifyGone(pov: Pov, gone: Boolean): Unit =
socketSend(Protocol.Out.gone(FullId(pov.fullId), gone))
private def handle[A](op: Game => Fu[Events]): Funit =
private def handle(op: Game => Fu[Events]): Funit =
proxy.withGame { g =>
private def handle(playerId: PlayerId)(op: Pov => Fu[Events]): Funit =
handlePov(proxy playerPov playerId.value)(op)
private def handleBotPlay(p: BotPlay)(op: Pov => Fu[Events]): Funit =
handlePov(proxy playerPov p.playerId)(op)
proxy.withPov(playerId) {
_ ?? { pov =>
private def handle(color: Color)(op: Pov => Fu[Events]): Funit =
handlePov(proxy pov color)(op)
proxy.withPov(color) { pov =>
private def handlePov(pov: Fu[Option[Pov]])(op: Pov => Fu[Events]): Funit =
pov orFail "pov not found" flatMap { p =>
(if (p.player.isAi) fufail(s"player $p can't play AI") else op(p)) map publish
} recover errorHandler("handlePov")
private def handleAndPublish(events: Fu[Events]): Funit =
events dmap publish recover errorHandler("handle")
private def handleAi(game: Fu[Option[Game]])(op: Pov => Fu[Events]): Funit = orFail "pov not found" flatMap op map publish recover errorHandler(
private def handleGame(game: Fu[Option[Game]])(op: Game => Fu[Events]): Funit =
game orFail "game not found" flatMap op map publish recover errorHandler("handleGame")
private def handleAi(op: Pov => Fu[Events]): Funit =
proxy.withGame {
_.aiPov ?? { p =>
private def publish[A](events: Events): Unit =
if (events.nonEmpty) {
@ -534,7 +537,9 @@ final private[round] class RoundDuct(
case e: FishnetError =>"Round fishnet error $name: ${e.getMessage}")
case e: Exception => logger.warn(s"$name: ${e.getMessage}")
case e: Exception =>
logger.warn(s"$name: ${e.getMessage}")
def roomId = RoomId(gameId)