Progress on friend games

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2012-05-19 15:37:10 +02:00
parent 986ebd1660
commit b29426acc0
8 changed files with 72 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -85,9 +85,15 @@ trait LilaController
def IORedirect(op: IO[Call]) = Redirect(op.unsafePerformIO)
def IOption[A, B](ioa: IO[Option[A]])(op: A B)(implicit writer: Writeable[B], ctype: ContentTypeOf[B], ctx: Context) =
def IOption[A, B](ioa: IO[Option[A]])(op: A B)(
implicit writer: Writeable[B],
ctype: ContentTypeOf[B],
ctx: Context) =
ioa.unsafePerformIO.fold(a Ok(op(a)), notFound(ctx))
def IOptionResult[A](ioa: IO[Option[A]])(op: A Result)(implicit ctx: Context) =
ioa.unsafePerformIO.fold(a op(a), notFound(ctx))
def notFound(ctx: Context) = Lobby handleNotFound ctx
// I like Unit requests.

View file

@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ object Round extends LilaController {
private def version(gameId: String): Int = socket blockingVersion gameId
def abort(fullId: String) = performAndRedirect(fullId, hand.abort)
def resign(fullId: String) = performAndRedirect(fullId, hand.resign)
def resignForce(fullId: String) = performAndRedirect(fullId, hand.resignForce)
@ -114,4 +112,6 @@ object Round extends LilaController {
private def performEvents(fullId: String)(events: List[Event]): IO[Unit] =
env.round.socket.send(DbGame takeGameId fullId, events)
private def version(gameId: String): Int = socket blockingVersion gameId

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ object Setup extends LilaController {
def forms = env.setup.formFactory
def processor = env.setup.processor
def gameRepo =
val aiForm = Open { implicit ctx
IOk(forms.aiFilled map { })
@ -33,10 +34,21 @@ object Setup extends LilaController {
val friend = process(forms.friend) { config
implicit ctx
processor friend config map { pov
def await(fullId: String) = Open { implicit ctx
IOptionResult(gameRepo pov fullId) { pov
Ok(html.setup.await(pov, None))
def cancel(fullId: String) = TODO
val hookForm = TODO
val hook = TODO

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package lila
package game
import chess.format.Forsyth
import chess.{ Status, Variant, Color, Clock }
import chess.{ Status, Variant, Color, Clock, Mode }
import user.{ User, UserHelper }
import http.Context
import i18n.I18nHelper
@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ trait GameHelper { self: I18nHelper with UserHelper ⇒
def clockName(clock: Clock): String = Namer clock clock
def modeName(mode: Mode)(implicit ctx: Context): String = mode match {
case Mode.Casual trans.casual.str()
case Mode.Rated trans.rated.str()
def usernameWithElo(player: DbPlayer) = Namer.player(player)(userIdToUsername)
def playerLink(player: DbPlayer, cssClass: Option[String] = None) = Html {

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import http.Context
import play.api.i18n.Lang
import play.api.templates.Html
import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader
import play.api.mvc.{ RequestHeader, Call }
trait I18nHelper {
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ trait I18nHelper {
def commonDomain(implicit ctx: Context): String =
val protocol = "http://"
private def langUrl(lang: Lang)(req: RequestHeader) =

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package lila
package setup
import chess.{ Mode }
import chess.{ Mode, PausedClock }
trait HumanConfig extends Config {
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ trait HumanConfig extends Config {
val mode: Mode
def validClock = clock.fold(time + increment > 0, true)
def makeClock = clock option PausedClock(time, increment)
trait BaseHumanConfig extends BaseConfig {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
@(pov: Pov, config: Option[lila.setup.FriendConfig])(implicit ctx: Context)
@import pov._
title = trans.playWithAFriend.str(),
goodies = Html("")) {
<div class="lichess_game lichess_game_not_started waiting_opponent clearfix lichess_player_@color"
data-socket-url="@routes.Round.websocketPlayer(fullId)" >
<div class="lichess_board_wrap">
<div class="lichess_overboard auto_center">
value="@protocol@commonDomain@routes.Round.watcher(gameId, "white")"
<p class="explanations">
<a href="@routes.Setup.cancel(fullId)">@trans.cancel()</a>
</p> { c =>
<p class="explanations">
@trans.variant(): @variantName(c.variant)<br />
@trans.timeControl(): @clockName(c.makeClock)<br />
@trans.mode(): @modeName(c.mode)
<script type="text/javascript">var lichess_data = @Html(roundPlayerJsData(pov, 0))</script>

View file

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ GET /setup/ai controllers.Setup.aiForm
POST /setup/ai
GET /setup/friend controllers.Setup.friendForm
POST /setup/friend controllers.Setup.friend
GET /$fullId<[\w\-]{12}>/await controllers.Setup.await(fullId: String)
GET /$fullId<[\w\-]{12}>/cancel controllers.Setup.cancel(fullId: String)
GET /setup/hook controllers.Setup.hookForm
POST /setup/hook controllers.Setup.hook