syncache initial capacity

Thibault Duplessis 2019-12-14 11:27:44 -06:00
parent 0cc6ec7866
commit b97ae44691
7 changed files with 38 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ final class LastPostCache(
private val cache = new Syncache[Boolean, List[MiniPost]](
name = "blog.lastPost",
initialCapacity = 1,
compute = _ => fetch,
default = _ => Nil,
expireAfter = Syncache.ExpireAfterWrite(ttl),

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import lila.common.Uptime
final class Syncache[K, V](
name: String,
initialCapacity: Int,
compute: K => Fu[V],
default: K => V,
strategy: Syncache.Strategy,
@ -27,28 +28,34 @@ final class Syncache[K, V](
import Syncache._
// sync cached values
private val cache: LoadingCache[K, Fu[V]] = {
val b1 = Caffeine.newBuilder().asInstanceOf[Caffeine[K, Fu[V]]]
val b2 = expireAfter match {
case ExpireAfterAccess(duration) => b1.expireAfterAccess(duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
case ExpireAfterWrite(duration) => b1.expireAfterWrite(duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
}[K, Fu[V]](new CacheLoader[K, Fu[V]] {
def load(k: K) =
duration = resultTimeout,
error = lila.base.LilaException(s"Syncache $name $k timed out after $resultTimeout")
.mon(_ => recCompute) // monitoring: record async time
.recover {
case e: Exception =>
logger.branch(s"syncache $name").warn(s"key=$k", e)
cache invalidate k
} tap {
private val cache: LoadingCache[K, Fu[V]] =
.asInstanceOf[Caffeine[K, Fu[V]]]
.pipe { c =>
expireAfter match {
case ExpireAfterAccess(duration) => c.expireAfterAccess(duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
case ExpireAfterWrite(duration) => c.expireAfterWrite(duration.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.build[K, Fu[V]](new CacheLoader[K, Fu[V]] {
def load(k: K) =
duration = resultTimeout,
error = lila.base.LilaException(s"Syncache $name $k timed out after $resultTimeout")
.mon(_ => recCompute) // monitoring: record async time
.recover {
case e: Exception =>
logger.branch(s"syncache $name").warn(s"key=$k", e)
cache invalidate k
.tap {
lila.memo.AsyncCache.startMonitoring(s"syncache.$name", _)

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class MySpec()
var computeCount = 0
val cache = new Syncache[Int, String](
name = "test",
initialCapacity = 64,
compute = s =>
Future {
computeCount += 1

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@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ final class Cached(
val nameCache = new Syncache[String, Option[String]](
name = "",
initialCapacity = 4096,
compute =,
default = _ => none,
strategy = Syncache.WaitAfterUptime(20 millis),
expireAfter = Syncache.ExpireAfterAccess(1 hour),
expireAfter = Syncache.ExpireAfterAccess(30 minutes),
logger = logger
@ -23,9 +24,10 @@ final class Cached(
def preloadSet = nameCache preloadSet _
// ~ 30k entries as of 04/02/17
// ~ 50k entries as of 14/12/19
private val teamIdsCache = new Syncache[lila.user.User.ID, Team.IdsStr](
name = "team.ids",
initialCapacity = 32768,
compute = u => memberRepo.teamIdsByUser(u).dmap(Team.IdsStr.apply),
default = _ => Team.IdsStr.empty,
strategy = Syncache.WaitAfterUptime(20 millis),

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ final private[tournament] class Cached(
val nameCache = new Syncache[Tournament.ID, Option[String]](
name = "",
initialCapacity = 8192,
compute = id => tournamentRepo byId id dmap2 { _.fullName },
default = _ => none,
strategy = Syncache.WaitAfterUptime(20 millis),

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ final class LightUserApi(repo: UserRepo)(
private val cache = new Syncache[User.ID, Option[LightUser]](
name = cacheName,
initialCapacity = 65536,
compute = id => repo.coll.find($id(id), projection.some).one[LightUser],
default = id => LightUser(id, id, None, false).some,
strategy = Syncache.WaitAfterUptime(10 millis),

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ final class TrophyApi(
val kindCache = new Syncache[String, TrophyKind](
name = "trophy.kind",
initialCapacity = 32,
compute = id =>
kindColl.byId(id)(trophyKindObjectBSONHandler) map { k =>