dispatch AI work between remotes

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2013-10-01 22:05:26 +02:00
parent c17a8f13d7
commit c288f85e9a
7 changed files with 86 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ private[app] final class AiStresser(env: lila.ai.Env, system: ActorSystem) {
def apply {
(1 to 12) foreach { i
(1 to 10) foreach { i
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce((i * 97) millis) {
play(i % 8 + 1, true)
(1 to 2) foreach { i
(1 to 3) foreach { i
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce((i * 131) millis) {
@ -33,12 +33,11 @@ private[app] final class AiStresser(env: lila.ai.Env, system: ActorSystem) {
def receive = {
case Game(moves, it) if it >= moves.size {
loginfo("play complete")
if (loop) newGame pipeTo self
case Game(moves, it)
ai.play(moves take it mkString " ", none, level).effectFold(e {
logwarn("[ai] server play: " + e)
ai.getMove(moves take it mkString " ", none, level).effectFold(e {
logwarn("[ai] play: " + e)
newGame pipeTo self
}, { _
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(randomize(1 second)) {
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ private[app] final class AiStresser(env: lila.ai.Env, system: ActorSystem) {
private def randomize(d: FiniteDuration, ratio: Float = 0.1f): FiniteDuration =
approximatly(ratio)(d.toMillis) millis
private val ai = env.stockfishServer
private val ai = env.stockfishClient
private case class Game(moves: List[String], it: Int)

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ final class Env(
playMaxMoveTime = config duration "stockfish.play.movetime",
analyseMoveTime = config duration "stockfish.analyse.movetime",
playTimeout = config duration "stockfish.play.timeout",
loadTimeout = config duration "stockfish.load.timeout",
analyseTimeout = config duration "stockfish.analyse.timeout",
debug = config getBoolean "stockfish.debug")
@ -59,17 +60,19 @@ final class Env(
private lazy val stockfishAi = new stockfish.Ai(stockfishServer)
private lazy val stockfishClient = new stockfish.Client(
lazy val stockfishClient = new stockfish.Client(
dispatcher = system.actorOf(
Props(new stockfish.remote.Dispatcher(
urls = StockfishRemotes,
config = stockfishConfig,
router = stockfish.remote.Router(
playRoute = StockfishPlayRoute,
analyseRoute = StockfishAnalyseRoute,
loadRoute = StockfishLoadRoute) _,
scheduler = system.scheduler
)), name = "stockfish-dispatcher"),
fallback = stockfishAi)
fallback = stockfishAi,
config = stockfishConfig)
lazy val stockfishServer = new stockfish.Server(
queue = stockfishQueue,

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@ -16,24 +16,32 @@ import lila.hub.actorApi.ai.GetLoad
final class Client(
dispatcher: ActorRef,
fallback: lila.ai.Ai) extends lila.ai.Ai {
fallback: lila.ai.Ai,
config: Config) extends lila.ai.Ai {
private implicit val timeout = makeTimeout minutes 60
def play(game: Game, pgn: String, initialFen: Option[String], level: Int): Fu[(Game, Move)] =
dispatcher ? Play(pgn, ~initialFen, level) mapTo manifest[String] flatMap {
def play(game: Game, pgn: String, initialFen: Option[String], level: Int): Fu[(Game, Move)] = {
getMove(pgn, initialFen, level) flatMap {
Stockfish.applyMove(game, pgn, _)
} recoverWith {
case e: Exception fallback.play(game, pgn, initialFen, level)
def getMove(pgn: String, initialFen: Option[String], level: Int): Fu[String] = {
implicit val timeout = makeTimeout(config.playTimeout)
dispatcher ? Play(pgn, ~initialFen, level) mapTo manifest[String]
def analyse(pgn: String, initialFen: Option[String]): Fu[AnalysisMaker] =
def analyse(pgn: String, initialFen: Option[String]): Fu[AnalysisMaker] = {
implicit val timeout = makeTimeout(config.analyseTimeout)
dispatcher ? Analyse(pgn, ~initialFen) mapTo manifest[String] flatMap { str
(AnalysisMaker(str, true) toValid "Can't read analysis results").future
} recoverWith {
case e: Exception fallback.analyse(pgn, initialFen)
def load: Fu[List[Option[Int]]] =
def load: Fu[List[Option[Int]]] = {
implicit val timeout = makeTimeout(config.loadTimeout)
dispatcher ? GetLoad mapTo manifest[List[Option[Int]]]

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ private[ai] case class Config(
analyseMoveTime: FiniteDuration,
playTimeout: FiniteDuration,
analyseTimeout: FiniteDuration,
loadTimeout: FiniteDuration,
debug: Boolean) {
import Config._

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ private[ai] final class Monitor(queue: ActorRef) extends Actor {
private var times = Map[Long, Int]()
private val loadPeriodMillis = 10000
private val loadPeriodMillis = 5000
def receive = {

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package stockfish
package remote
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }
import akka.actor._
import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe }
@ -11,7 +13,10 @@ import actorApi._
import lila.common.ws.WS
import lila.hub.actorApi.ai.GetLoad
private[ai] final class Connection(router: Router) extends Actor {
private[ai] final class Connection(
name: String,
config: Config,
router: Router) extends Actor {
private var load = none[Int]
@ -19,15 +24,10 @@ private[ai] final class Connection(router: Router) extends Actor {
case GetLoad sender ! load
case CalculateLoad scala.concurrent.Future {
try {
load = WS.url(router.load).get() map (_.body) map parseIntOption await makeTimeout.seconds(1)
catch {
case e: Exception {
// logwarn("[stockfish client calculate load] " + e.getMessage)
load = none
case CalculateLoad Future {
Try(WS.url(router.load).get() map (_.body) map parseIntOption await makeTimeout(config.loadTimeout)) match {
case Success(l) load = l
case Failure(e) load = none
case Play(pgn, fen, level) WS.url(router.play).withQueryString(

View file

@ -3,49 +3,76 @@ package stockfish
package remote
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random
import akka.actor._
import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe }
import akka.util.Timeout
import actorApi._
import lila.hub.actorApi.ai.GetLoad
private[ai] final class Dispatcher(
urls: List[String],
config: Config,
router: String Router,
scheduler: Scheduler) extends Actor {
private var lastAnalysis = 0
private var connectionsWithLoad: List[(ActorRef, Option[Int])] = Nil
def receive = {
case CalculateLoad {
implicit val timeout = makeTimeout(config.loadTimeout)
connections map { c
c ? GetLoad mapTo manifest[Option[Int]] map { l List(c -> l) }
}.suml foreach { connectionsWithLoad = _ }
case GetLoad sender ! connectionsWithLoad.map(_._2)
case x: Play {
val connection = (connectionsWithLoad collect {
case (a, Some(l)) a -> (Random nextInt math.max(1, l))
}).sortBy(x x._2).headOption.map(_._1)
forward(connection, x, sender)(makeTimeout(config.playTimeout))
case x: Analyse {
implicit val timeout = makeTimeout(config.analyseTimeout)
val (xs, nb, la) = (connectionsWithLoad, connectionsWithLoad.size, lastAnalysis)
val index = (la + 1) to (la + nb) map (_ % nb) find { index
xs lift index exists (_._2.isDefined)
val connection = index flatMap xs.lift map (_._1)
forward(connection, x, sender)(makeTimeout(config.analyseTimeout))
index foreach { lastAnalysis = _ }
private def forward(to: Option[ActorRef], msg: Any, sender: ActorRef)(implicit timeout: Timeout) {
to match {
case None sender ! Status.Failure(new Exception("[stockfish dispatcher] No available remote found"))
case Some(a) a ? msg pipeTo sender
private lazy val connections: List[ActorRef] = urls map { url
val name = urlToActorName(url)
Props(new Connection(router(url))),
name = urlToActorName(url)
Props(new Connection(name, config, router(url))),
name = name
) ~ { actor
scheduler.schedule(200.millis, 1.second, actor, CalculateLoad)
def receive = {
case GetLoad loaded map { _ map { _._2 } } pipeTo sender
case x: Play forward(x)
case x: Analyse forward(x)
override def preStart {
scheduler.schedule(0.second, 1.second, self, CalculateLoad)
private def forward(x: Any) = lessLoadedConnection.effectFold(
e sender ! Status.Failure(e),
c c forward x)
private def loaded: Fu[List[(ActorRef, Option[Int])]] = {
import makeTimeout.short
connections map { c
c ? GetLoad mapTo manifest[Option[Int]] map { l List(c -> l) }
private def lessLoadedConnection: Fu[ActorRef] = loaded map { xs
(xs collect {
case (a, Some(l)) a -> l
}).sortBy(x x._2).headOption.map(_._1)
} flatten s"[stockfish] No available remote found"
private lazy val noRemote = new Exception("[stockfish dispatcher] No available remote found")
private val urlRegex = """^https?://([^\/]+)/.+$""".r
private def urlToActorName(url: String) = url match {