Tweak trajectories and implications

Thibault Duplessis 2012-02-25 00:32:34 +01:00
parent 7989c351c2
commit c9f532c6fb
2 changed files with 66 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -5,67 +5,55 @@ import scalaz.Success
case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
def implications: Implications = kingSafety(piece.role match {
case Pawn dir(pos) map { next
val unmoved = if (color == White) pos.y == 2 else pos.y == 7
val passable = if (color == White) pos.y == 5 else pos.y == 4
val one = Some(next) filterNot board.occupations
val moving = board move pos
def capture(horizontal: Direction): Option[Implication] = for {
p horizontal(next); if (enemies(p));
b1 (board take p toOption)
b2 b1 move pos toOption p
} yield (p, b2)
def enpassant(horizontal: Direction): Option[Implication] = for {
victimPos horizontal(pos); if (passable)
victim board(victimPos); if victim == !color - Pawn
targetPos horizontal(next)
victimFrom dir(victimPos) flatMap dir
if board.history.lastMove == Some(victimFrom, victimPos)
b1 moving toOption targetPos
b2 (b1 take victimPos toOption)
} yield (targetPos, b2)
for (p one; b moving toOption p) yield (p, b),
for {
p one; if (unmoved)
p2 dir(p); if (!board.occupations(p2))
b moving toOption p2
} yield (p2, b),
).flatten toMap
} getOrElse Map.empty
case r if (r.trajectory) implicationTrajectories(r.dirs, pos)
case role {
val tos: Set[Pos] = (role.dirs map { d d(pos) }).flatten.toSet -- friends
(tos map { to: Pos
val nboard =
if (enemies(to)) board take to flatMap (_ move pos to to)
else board move pos to to
nboard.toOption map (to -> _)
}).flatten toMap
def moves: Set[Pos] = implications.keySet
def implications: Map[Pos, Board] = {
val implications: Map[Pos, Board] = piece.role match {
case Pawn {
dir(pos) map { next
val unmoved = if (color == White) pos.y == 2 else pos.y == 7
val passable = if (color == White) pos.y == 5 else pos.y == 4
val one = Some(next) filterNot board.occupations
val moving = board move pos
def capture(horizontal: Direction): Option[(Pos, Board)] = for {
p horizontal(next); if (enemies(p));
b1 (board take p toOption)
b2 b1 move pos toOption p
} yield (p, b2)
def enpassant(horizontal: Direction): Option[(Pos, Board)] = for {
victimPos horizontal(pos); if (passable)
victim board(victimPos); if victim == !color - Pawn
targetPos horizontal(next)
victimFrom dir(victimPos) flatMap dir
if board.history.lastMove == Some(victimFrom, victimPos)
b1 moving toOption targetPos
b2 (b1 take victimPos toOption)
} yield (targetPos, b2)
for (p one; b moving toOption p) yield (p, b),
for {
p one; if (unmoved)
p2 dir(p); if (!board.occupations(p2))
b moving toOption p2
} yield (p2, b),
).flatten toMap
} getOrElse Map.empty
case r if (r.trajectory) implicationTrajectories(r.dirs, pos)
case role {
val tos: Set[Pos] = (role.dirs map { d d(pos) }).flatten.toSet -- friends
(tos map { to: Pos
val nboard =
if (enemies(to)) board take to flatMap (_ move pos to to)
else board move pos to to
nboard.toOption map (to -> _)
}).flatten toMap
def kingSafety(implications: Map[Pos, Board]): Map[Pos, Board] = {
implications filterNot {
case (pos, nboard) nboard actorsOf !color exists { enemy
nboard kingPosOf color map (enemy threatens _) getOrElse false
// can it threaten the opponent king?
def threatens(to: Pos): Boolean = enemies(to) && threats(to)
@ -84,6 +72,14 @@ case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
def enemies: Set[Pos] = board occupation !color
def dir: Direction = if (color == White) _.up else _.down
private def kingSafety(implications: Implications): Implications = {
implications filterNot {
case (pos, nboard) nboard actorsOf !color exists { enemy
nboard kingPosOf color map (enemy threatens _) getOrElse false
private def posTrajectories(dirs: Directions, from: Pos): Set[Pos] = {
def forward(p: Pos, dir: Direction): List[Pos] = dir(p) match {
@ -96,22 +92,22 @@ case class Actor(piece: Piece, pos: Pos, board: Board) {
dirs flatMap { dir forward(from, dir) } toSet
private def implicationTrajectories(dirs: Directions, from: Pos): Map[Pos, Board] = {
private def implicationTrajectories(dirs: Directions, from: Pos): Implications = {
val moving = board move from
def forward(p: Pos, dir: Direction): List[Option[(Pos, Board)]] = dir(p) match {
def forward(p: Pos, dir: Direction): List[Implication] = dir(p) match {
case None Nil
case Some(next) if friends(next) Nil
case Some(next) if enemies(next) List(for {
case Some(next) if enemies(next) (for {
b1 (board take next toOption)
b2 b1 move from toOption next
} yield (next, b2))
case Some(next) (for {
b moving toOption next
} yield (next, b)) :: forward(next, dir)
} yield next -> b2) toList
case Some(next) moving toOption next map { b =>
(next, b) :: forward(next, dir)
} getOrElse forward(next, dir)
(dirs flatMap { dir forward(from, dir) }).flatten toMap
(dirs flatMap { dir forward(from, dir) }) toMap

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@ -4,4 +4,7 @@ package object model {
type Direction = Pos => Option[Pos]
type Directions = List[Direction]
type Implication = (Pos, Board)
type Implications = Map[Pos, Board]