update perf stat streaks before writing JSON

Thibault Duplessis 2015-12-26 21:59:19 +07:00
parent 8f0282f83f
commit cfa894dbfe
2 changed files with 13 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ final class JsonView(getLightUser: String => Option[LightUser]) {
case (under, sum) => Math.round(under * 100.0 / sum)
"stat" -> stat)
"stat" -> stat.copy(playStreak = stat.playStreak.checkCurrent))
private def truncate(v: Double) = lila.common.Maths.truncateAt(v, 2)

View File

@ -56,34 +56,40 @@ case class ResultStreak(win: Streaks, loss: Streaks) {
case class PlayStreak(nb: Streaks, time: Streaks, lastDate: Option[DateTime]) {
def agg(pov: Pov) = {
val cont = lastDate.fold(true) { ld => pov.game.createdAt.isBefore(ld plusMinutes 60) }
val cont = isContinued(pov.game.createdAt)
val seconds = (pov.game.updatedAtOrCreatedAt.getSeconds - pov.game.createdAt.getSeconds).toInt
nb = nb(cont, pov)(1),
time = time(cont, pov)(seconds),
lastDate = pov.game.updatedAtOrCreatedAt.some)
def checkCurrent =
if (isContinued(DateTime.now)) this
else copy(nb = nb.reset, time = time.reset)
private def isContinued(at: DateTime) = lastDate.fold(true) { ld =>
at.isBefore(ld plusMinutes PlayStreak.expirationMinutes)
object PlayStreak {
val expirationMinutes = 60
case class Streaks(cur: Streak, max: Streak) {
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) = copy(
cur = cur(cont, pov)(v)
def reset = copy(cur = Streak.init)
private def setMax = copy(max = if (cur.v >= max.v) cur else max)
object Streaks {
val init = Streaks(Streak.init, Streak.init)
case class Streak(v: Int, from: Option[RatingAt], to: Option[RatingAt]) {
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) = cont.fold(inc(pov, v), reset(pov))
def apply(cont: Boolean, pov: Pov)(v: Int) = cont.fold(inc(pov, v), Streak.init)
private def inc(pov: Pov, by: Int) = copy(
v = v + by,
from = from orElse pov.player.rating.map { RatingAt(_, pov.game.createdAt, pov.gameId) },
to = pov.player.ratingAfter.map { RatingAt(_, pov.game.updatedAtOrCreatedAt, pov.gameId) })
private def reset(pov: Pov) = copy(
v = 0,
from = none,
to = none)
object Streak {
val init = Streak(0, none, none)