ponder featured rematches with potentially way better games

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2013-08-01 17:25:46 +02:00
parent 6130f6575b
commit d509094bbd

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@ -57,13 +57,21 @@ final class Featured(
def fresh(game: Game) = game.isBeingPlayed
def featureFrom(game: Game): Fu[Option[Game]] =
rematch(game) orElse featureOld(game)
type Fuog = Fu[Option[Game]]
def featureOld(game: Game): Fu[Option[Game]] =
(game olderThan 6) ?? feature
def featureFrom(game: Game): Fuog =
wayBetter(game) orElse rematch(game) orElse featureOld(game)
def rematch(game: Game): Fu[Option[Game]] = game.next ?? $find.byId[Game]
def wayBetter(game: Game): Fuog = feature map {
case Some(next) if isWayBetter(game.copy(turns = 1), next) next.some
case _ none
def isWayBetter(g1: Game, g2: Game) = score(g2) > (score(g1) * 1.5)
def rematch(game: Game): Fuog = game.next ?? $find.byId[Game]
def featureOld(game: Game): Fuog = (game olderThan 6) ?? feature
def feature: Fu[Option[Game]] = GameRepo.featuredCandidates map { games
Featured.sort(games filter fresh).headOption
@ -84,15 +92,17 @@ object Featured {
def sort(games: List[Game]): List[Game] = games sortBy { -score(_) }
private def score(game: Game): Float = heuristics map {
case (fn, coefficient) heuristicBox(fn(game)) * coefficient
} sum
private def score(game: Game): Int = math.round {
(heuristics map {
case (fn, coefficient) heuristicBox(fn(game)) * coefficient
}).sum * 1000
private type Heuristic = Game Float
private val heuristicBox = box(0 to 1) _
private val eloBox = box(1000 to 2000) _
private val timeBox = box(60 to 300) _
private val turnBox = box(1 to 21) _
private val timeBox = box(60 to 360) _
private val turnBox = box(1 to 25) _
private val heuristics: List[(Heuristic, Float)] = List(
eloHeuristic(Color.White) -> 1f,