show mod log on streamer edit page

Thibault Duplessis 2018-04-05 15:44:44 +02:00
parent b0e573654f
commit d67db47044
6 changed files with 28 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ object Mod extends LilaController {
def log = Secure(_.SeeReport) { implicit ctx => me =>
def log = Secure(_.ModLog) { implicit ctx => me =>
modLogApi.recent map { html.mod.log(_) }

View File

@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ object Streamer extends LilaController {
def edit = Auth { implicit ctx => me =>
AsStreamer { s =>
Env.streamer.liveStreamApi of s flatMap { sws =>
NoCache(Ok(html.streamer.edit(sws, StreamerForm userForm sws.streamer))).fuccess
isGranted(_.ModLog).??(Env.mod.logApi.userHistory( map some) map { modLog =>
NoCache(Ok(html.streamer.edit(sws, StreamerForm userForm sws.streamer, modLog)))
@ -57,7 +59,10 @@ object Streamer extends LilaController {
Env.streamer.liveStreamApi of s flatMap { sws =>
implicit val req = ctx.body
error => BadRequest(html.streamer.edit(sws, error)).fuccess,
error =>
isGranted(_.ModLog).??(Env.mod.logApi.userHistory( map some) map { modLog =>
BadRequest(html.streamer.edit(sws, error, modLog))
data => api.update(sws.streamer, data, isGranted(_.Streamers)) map { change =>
change.list foreach { Env.mod.logApi.streamerList(,, _) }
change.feature foreach { Env.mod.logApi.streamerFeature(,, _) }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@(s: lila.streamer.Streamer.WithUserAndStream, form: Form[_])(implicit ctx: Context)
@(s: lila.streamer.Streamer.WithUserAndStream, form: Form[_], modLog: Option[List[lila.mod.Modlog]])(implicit ctx: Context)
@ -71,6 +71,18 @@ menu = menu("edit", s.withoutStream.some).some) {
<strong>If your stream is in another language than English</strong>, include the correct language tag (<a class="blue" href="">2-letter ISO 639-1 code</a> enclosed in square brackets) in your stream title. As examples, include "[RU]" for Russian, "[TR]" for Turkish, "[FR]" for French, etc. If your stream is in English, there is no need to include a language tag.
} { log =>
<div class="mod_log status">
<strong class="text" data-icon="!">Moderation history@if(log.isEmpty){: nothing to show.}</strong>
@if(log.nonEmpty) {
<ul> { e =>
<li>@userIdLink(e.mod.some, withTitle=false) <b>@e.showAction</b> @e.details @momentFromNow(</li>
<form class="content_box_content material form" action="@routes.Streamer.edit@if(!{?}" method="POST">
@if(isGranted(_.Streamers)) {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<ul class="rules">
<li>Be listed as a lichess streamer.</li>
<li title="For example: Blitz battle on">Get bumped up the top of the list when you stream with the keyword "" in the stream title.</li>
<li>Notify your lichess followers when you start streaming.</li>

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ object Permission {
case object SetTitle extends Permission("ROLE_SET_TITLE", List(UserSpy))
case object SetEmail extends Permission("ROLE_SET_EMAIL", List(UserSpy))
case object SeeReport extends Permission("ROLE_SEE_REPORT")
case object ModLog extends Permission("ROLE_MOD_LOG")
case object SeeInsight extends Permission("ROLE_SEE_INSIGHT")
case object StreamConfig extends Permission("ROLE_STREAM_CONFIG")
case object PracticeConfig extends Permission("ROLE_PRACTICE_CONFIG")
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ object Permission {
case object Hunter extends Permission("ROLE_HUNTER", List(
ViewBlurs, MarkEngine, MarkBooster, StaffForum,
UserSpy, UserEvaluate, SeeReport, SeeInsight,
UserSpy, UserEvaluate, SeeReport, ModLog, SeeInsight,
UserSearch, ModNote, RemoveRanking, ModMessage

View File

@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
font-size: 1.4em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.streamer-new ul li,
.streamer.edit ul li {
.streamer-new .rules li,
.streamer.edit .rules li {
font-size: 1.2em;
margin: 1em 0 1em 2.2em;
line-height: 1.6em;
text-indent: -2.2em;
.streamer-new ul li::before,
.streamer.edit ul li::before {
.streamer-new .rules li::before,
.streamer.edit .rules li::before {
font-family: 'lichess';
content: 'E';
font-size: 1.5em;