resync round member when a message is missing

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2013-05-18 16:39:02 -03:00
parent 71bd5d2410
commit d83ced489f
4 changed files with 11 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ private[round] final class History(ttl: Duration) extends Actor {
case GetEventsSince(v: Int) sender ! MaybeEvents(
if (v > version) None
else if (v == version) Some(Nil)
else ((v + 1 to version).toList map get).flatten.some
else ((v + 1 to version).toList map get).flatten |> { events
(events.size == (version - v)) option events
case AddEvents(xs) sender ! {

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ private[round] final class Socket(
withMember(uid) { member
history ? GetEventsSince(v) foreach {
case MaybeEvents(events) events.fold(resync(member))(batch(member, _))
case MaybeEvents(events) events.fold(resyncNow(member))(batch(member, _))

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@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ abstract class SocketActor[M <: SocketMember](uidTtl: Duration) extends Actor {
import play.api.Play.current
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Akka.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce((Random nextInt 4).seconds) { push resyncMessage
Akka.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce((Random nextInt 3).seconds) {
@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ abstract class SocketActor[M <: SocketMember](uidTtl: Duration) extends Actor {
protected def resyncNow(member: M) { push resyncMessage
def addMember(uid: String, member: M) {
members = members + (uid -> member)

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@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ from MoralIntentions email:
- The possibility of team matches (with solutions for players who are in several teams), where the team leader has to choose the board order, where the team results are shown and where the team player (who has played all of the games of the match) with the highest Percentage Score gets crowned Player of the Match of team "A".
safari has high bounce rate
tell, instead of asking, the round actor. it may send the events to the socket
negociate resign and all with websockets