also name single async caches and mixed cache

Thibault Duplessis 2016-11-28 06:52:56 +01:00
parent 6150edf09f
commit dad62cb5c7
21 changed files with 56 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ object Prismic {
private val fetchPrismicApi = AsyncCache.single[PrismicApi](
name = "prismic.fetchPrismicApi",
f = PrismicApi.get(Env.api.PrismicApiUrl, logger = prismicLogger),
timeToLive = 1 minute)

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ final class Env(
import lila.db.dsl._
private val coll = db("flag")
private val cache = lila.memo.MixedCache.single[Int](
name = "asset.version",
f = coll.primitiveOne[BSONNumberLike]($id("asset"), "version").map {
_.fold(Net.AssetVersion)(_.toInt max Net.AssetVersion)

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ final class BlogApi(prismicUrl: String, collection: String) {
private val fetchPrismicApi = AsyncCache.single[Api](
// name = "blogApi.fetchPrismicApi",
name = "blogApi.fetchPrismicApi",
f = Api.get(prismicUrl, cache = cache, logger = prismicLogger),
timeToLive = 10 seconds)

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@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
final class LastPostCache(api: BlogApi, ttl: Duration, collection: String) {
private val cache = lila.memo.MixedCache.single[List[MiniPost]](
api.prismicApi flatMap { prismic =>
name = "blog.lastPost",
f = api.prismicApi flatMap { prismic =>
api.recent(prismic, none, 3) map {
_ ?? {
_.results.toList flatMap MiniPost.fromDocument(collection)

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ final class CoachApi(
import BsonHandlers._
private val cache = AsyncCache.single[List[Coach]](
name = "coach.list",
f = coachColl.find($empty).list[Coach](),
timeToLive = 10 minutes)

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@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ final class EventApi(coll: Coll) {
import BsonHandlers._
val promotable = AsyncCache.single(fetchPromotable, timeToLive = 5 minutes)
val promotable = AsyncCache.single(
name = "event.promotable",
fetchPromotable, timeToLive = 5 minutes)
def fetchPromotable: Fu[List[Event]] = coll.find($doc(
"enabled" -> true,

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@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ private[i18n] final class Context(gitUrl: String, gitFile: String, keys: I18nKey
def get: Fu[Contexts] = cache(true)
private val cache = AsyncCache.single[Contexts](fetch, timeToLive = 1 hour)
private val cache = AsyncCache.single[Contexts](
name = "i18n.contexts",
fetch, timeToLive = 1 hour)
private def parse(text: String): Contexts ='=')).foldLeft(Map[String, String]()) {

View File

@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ object AsyncCache {
def single[V](
name: String,
f: => Fu[V],
timeToLive: Duration = Duration.Inf) = new AsyncCache[Boolean, V](
timeToLive: Duration = Duration.Inf,
resultTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5 seconds) = new AsyncCache[Boolean, V](
cache = LruCache(timeToLive = timeToLive),
f = _ => f)
f = _ => f.withTimeout(
duration = resultTimeout,
error = lila.common.LilaException(s"AsyncCache $name single timed out after $resultTimeout")))

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@ -30,37 +30,39 @@ object MixedCache {
async.remove(k) >>- sync.invalidate(k)
def apply[K, V](
name: String,
f: K => Fu[V],
timeToLive: Duration = Duration.Inf,
awaitTime: FiniteDuration = 10.milliseconds,
default: K => V,
logger: lila.log.Logger): MixedCache[K, V] = {
val async = AsyncCache("MixedCache", f, maxCapacity = 10000, timeToLive = 1 minute)
val async = AsyncCache(name, f, maxCapacity = 10000, timeToLive = 1 minute)
val sync = Builder.cache[K, V](
(k: K) => async(k) await makeTimeout(awaitTime))
new MixedCache(sync, default, invalidate(async, sync) _, logger branch "MixedCache")
def fromAsync[K, V](
async: AsyncCache[K,V],
timeToLive: Duration = Duration.Inf,
awaitTime: FiniteDuration = 10.milliseconds,
default: K => V,
logger: lila.log.Logger): MixedCache[K, V] = {
val sync = Builder.cache[K, V](
(k: K) => async(k) await makeTimeout(awaitTime))
new MixedCache(sync, default, invalidate(async, sync) _, logger branch "MixedCache")
// def fromAsync[K, V](
// async: AsyncCache[K,V],
// timeToLive: Duration = Duration.Inf,
// awaitTime: FiniteDuration = 10.milliseconds,
// default: K => V,
// logger: lila.log.Logger): MixedCache[K, V] = {
// val sync = Builder.cache[K, V](
// timeToLive,
// (k: K) => async(k) await makeTimeout(awaitTime))
// new MixedCache(sync, default, invalidate(async, sync) _, logger branch "MixedCache")
// }
def single[V](
name: String,
f: => Fu[V],
timeToLive: Duration = Duration.Inf,
awaitTime: FiniteDuration = 5.milliseconds,
default: V,
logger: lila.log.Logger): MixedCache[Boolean, V] = {
val async = AsyncCache.single(f, timeToLive = 1 minute)
val async = AsyncCache.single(name, f, timeToLive = 1 minute)
val sync = Builder.cache[Boolean, V](
(_: Boolean) => async(true) await makeTimeout(awaitTime))

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ final class Gamify(
def leaderboards = leaderboardsCache(true)
private val leaderboardsCache = AsyncCache.single[Leaderboards](
name = "mod.leaderboards",
f = mixedLeaderboard( minusDays 1, none) zip
mixedLeaderboard( minusWeeks 1, none) zip
mixedLeaderboard( minusMonths 1, none) map {

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ private[puzzle] final class Daily(
private val cache =
name = "puzzle.daily",
f = find,
timeToLive = 10 minutes)

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@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ private[puzzle] final class PuzzleApi(
private def lastId: Fu[Int] = lila.db.Util findNextId puzzleColl map (_ - 1)
val cachedLastId = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single(lastId, timeToLive = 5 minutes)
val cachedLastId = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single(
name = "puzzle.lastId",
lastId, timeToLive = 5 minutes)
def importOne(json: JsValue, token: String): Fu[PuzzleId] =
if (token != apiToken) fufail("Invalid API token")

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
private[simul] final class Cached(repo: SimulRepo) {
private val nameCache = lila.memo.MixedCache[Simul.ID, Option[String]](
name = "",
((id: Simul.ID) => repo find id map2 { (simul: Simul) => simul.fullName }),
timeToLive = 6 hours,
default = _ => none,

View File

@ -90,9 +90,13 @@ final class Env(
def isHosting(userId: String): Fu[Boolean] = api.currentHostIds map (_ contains userId)
val allCreated = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single(repo.allCreated, timeToLive = CreatedCacheTtl)
val allCreated = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single(
name = "simul.allCreated",
repo.allCreated, timeToLive = CreatedCacheTtl)
val allCreatedFeaturable = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single(repo.allCreatedFeaturable, timeToLive = CreatedCacheTtl)
val allCreatedFeaturable = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single(
name = "simul.allCreatedFeaturable",
repo.allCreatedFeaturable, timeToLive = CreatedCacheTtl)
def version(tourId: String): Fu[Int] =
socketHub ? Ask(tourId, GetVersion) mapTo manifest[Int]

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ private[simul] final class SimulApi(
def currentHostIds: Fu[Set[String]] = currentHostIdsCache apply true
private val currentHostIdsCache = AsyncCache.single[Set[String]](
name = "simul.currentHostIds",
f = repo.allStarted map (_ map (_.hostId) toSet),
timeToLive = 10 minutes)

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
private[team] final class Cached {
private val nameCache = MixedCache[String, Option[String]](
name = "",,
timeToLive = 6 hours,
default = _ => none,
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ private[team] final class Cached {
def name(id: String) = nameCache get id
private[team] val teamIdsCache = MixedCache[String, Set[String]](
name = "team.ids",
timeToLive = 2 hours,
default = _ => Set.empty,

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ private[tournament] final class Cached(
rankingTtl: FiniteDuration) {
private val nameCache = MixedCache[String, Option[String]](
name = "",
((id: String) => TournamentRepo byId id map2 { (tour: Tournament) => tour.fullName }),
timeToLive = 6 hours,
default = _ => none,
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ private[tournament] final class Cached(
def name(id: String): Option[String] = nameCache get id
val promotable = AsyncCache.single(
name = "tournament.promotable",
timeToLive = createdTtl)

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ final class Env(
object isStreamer {
private val cache = lila.memo.MixedCache.single[Set[String]](
name = "tv.streamers",
f = streamerList.lichessIds,
timeToLive = 10 seconds,
default = Set.empty,
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ final class Env(
object streamsOnAir {
private val cache = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single[List[StreamOnAir]](
name = "tv.streamsOnAir",
f = streaming.onAir,
timeToLive = 2 seconds)
def all = cache(true)

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@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ final class Cached(
keyToString = _.toString)
val top50Online = lila.memo.AsyncCache.single[List[User]](
name = "user.top50online",
f = UserRepo.byIdsSortRating(onlineUserIdMemo.keys, 50),
timeToLive = 10 seconds)

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ final class LightUserApi(coll: Coll) {
private val cache = lila.memo.MixedCache[String, Option[LightUser]](
name = "user.light",
id => coll.find(
$doc(F.username -> true, F.title -> true, s"${F.plan}.active" -> true)

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@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ private[video] final class VideoApi(
object count {
private val cache = AsyncCache.single(
name = "video.count",
f = videoColl.count(none),
timeToLive =
@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ private[video] final class VideoApi(
maxCapacity = 100)
private val popularCache = AsyncCache.single[List[TagNb]](
name = "video.popular",
f = videoColl.aggregate(
Project($doc("tags" -> true)), List(
UnwindField("tags"), GroupField("tags")("nb" -> SumValue(1)),