test and fix featured game heuristics

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2012-06-21 14:06:27 +02:00
parent db548ea40f
commit eb5c9928b7
3 changed files with 123 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -64,11 +64,9 @@ object Featured {
case object GetOne
def best(games: List[DbGame]) = (games sortBy { game
1 - score(game)
def best(games: List[DbGame]) = (games sortBy score).lastOption
private def score(game: DbGame): Float = heuristics map {
def score(game: DbGame): Float = heuristics map {
case (fn, coefficient) heuristicBox(fn(game)) * coefficient
} sum
@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ object Featured {
private val heuristicBox = box(0 to 1) _
private val eloBox = box(1200 to 2000) _
private val timeBox = box(60 to 300) _
private val turnBox = box(1 to 20) _
private val turnBox = box(1 to 21) _
private val heuristics: List[(Heuristic, Float)] = List(
eloHeuristic(Color.White) -> 1,
@ -84,16 +82,16 @@ object Featured {
speedHeuristic -> 1,
progressHeuristic -> 0.5f)
private def eloHeuristic(color: Color): Heuristic = game
def eloHeuristic(color: Color): Heuristic = game
private def speedHeuristic: Heuristic = game
def speedHeuristic: Heuristic = game
1 - timeBox(game.estimateTotalTime)
private def progressHeuristic: Heuristic = game
def progressHeuristic: Heuristic = game
1 - turnBox(game.turns)
// boxes and reduce to 0..1 range
private def box(in: Range.Inclusive)(v: Float): Float =
math.max(in.start, math.min(v, in.end)) - in.start / (in.end - in.start).toFloat
def box(in: Range.Inclusive)(v: Float): Float =
(math.max(in.start, math.min(v, in.end)) - in.start) / (in.end - in.start).toFloat

test/FeaturedTest.scala Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package lila
package game
import game._
class FeaturedTest extends LilaSpec {
import Featured._
"Featured" should {
"box 0 to 1" in {
0f -> 0f,
1f -> 1f,
0.5f -> 0.5f,
0.9f -> 0.9f,
-1f -> 0f,
2f -> 1f)) {
case (a, b) box(0 to 1)(a) must_== b
"box 1200 to 2000" in {
1200f -> 0f,
2000f -> 1f,
1600f -> 0.5f,
1900f -> 0.875f,
-1f -> 0f,
800f -> 0f,
2200f -> 1f)) {
case (a, b) box(1200 to 2000)(a) must_== b
val game1 = DbGame(
game = chess.Game(),
whitePlayer = DbPlayer.white.copy(elo = 1600.some),
blackPlayer = DbPlayer.black,
ai = None,
creatorColor = chess.Color.White,
mode = chess.Mode.default,
variant = chess.Variant.default)
val game2 = game1.copy(
clock = chess.Clock(180,0).some,
turns = 11)
val game3 = game1.copy(
clock = chess.Clock(60,0).some,
turns = 21)
val games = List(game1, game2, game3)
"elo" in {
"game1 white" in {
eloHeuristic(chess.Color.White)(game1) must_== 0.5f
"game1 black" in {
eloHeuristic(chess.Color.Black)(game1) must_== 0f
"speed" in {
"game1" in {
speedHeuristic(game1) must_== 0
"game2" in {
speedHeuristic(game2) must_== 0.5f
"game3" in {
speedHeuristic(game3) must_== 1f
"progress" in {
"game1" in {
progressHeuristic(game1) must_== 1f
"game2" in {
progressHeuristic(game2) must_== 0.5f
"game3" in {
progressHeuristic(game3) must_== 0f
"score" in {
"game1" in {
score(game1) must_== 0.5f + 0f + 1f * 0.5f
"game2" in {
score(game2) must_== 0.5f + 0.5f + 0.5f * 0.5f
"game3" in {
score(game3) must_== 0.5f + 1f + 0f * 0.5f
"best" in {
"3 games" in {
best(games) must_== game3.some
"3 games reversed" in {
best(games.reverse) must_== game3.some

test/LilaSpec.scala Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package lila
import org.specs2.mutable._
import ornicar.scalalib.test.OrnicarValidationMatchers
trait LilaSpec
extends Specification
with OrnicarValidationMatchers {