show analysed games

This commit is contained in:
Thibault Duplessis 2012-07-01 04:02:31 +02:00
parent 9d3e5f3af6
commit fd1de49777
15 changed files with 123 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -29,4 +29,14 @@ final class AnalyseEnv(
analysisRepo = analysisRepo,
gameRepo = gameRepo,
generator = generator)
lazy val paginator = new PaginatorBuilder(
analysisRepo = analysisRepo,
cached = cached,
gameRepo = gameRepo,
maxPerPage = GamePaginatorMaxPerPage)
lazy val cached = new Cached(
analysisRepo = analysisRepo,
nbTtl = AnalyseCachedNbTtl)

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import com.mongodb.casbah.query.Imports._
import scalaz.effects._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
final class AnalysisRepo(collection: MongoCollection) {
final class AnalysisRepo(val collection: MongoCollection) {
def done(id: String, a: Analysis) = io {

app/analyse/Cached.scala Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package lila
package analyse
import akka.util.duration._
import memo.ActorMemo
final class Cached(
analysisRepo: AnalysisRepo,
nbTtl: Int) {
import Cached._
def nbAnalysis: Int = memo(NbAnalysis)
private val memo = ActorMemo(loadFromDb, nbTtl, 5.seconds)
private def loadFromDb(key: Key) = key match {
case NbAnalysis analysisRepo.collection.count.toInt
object Cached {
sealed trait Key
case object NbAnalysis extends Key

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package lila
package analyse
import game.{ DbGame, GameRepo }
import com.github.ornicar.paginator._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
final class PaginatorBuilder(
analysisRepo: AnalysisRepo,
cached: Cached,
gameRepo: GameRepo,
maxPerPage: Int) {
def games(page: Int): Paginator[DbGame] = {
paginator(GameAdapter, page)
private def paginator(adapter: Adapter[DbGame], page: Int): Paginator[DbGame] =
currentPage = page,
maxPerPage = maxPerPage
).fold(_ paginator(adapter, 0), identity)
private object GameAdapter extends Adapter[DbGame] {
def nbResults: Int = cached.nbAnalysis
def slice(offset: Int, length: Int): Seq[DbGame] = {
val ids = ((analysisRepo.collection.find(query, select) sort sort skip offset limit length).toList map {
val games = (gameRepo games ids).unsafePerformIO
ids map { id games find ( == id) }
} flatten
private def query = DBObject("done" -> true)
private def select = DBObject("_id" -> true)
private def sort = DBObject("date" -> -1)

View file

@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ object Game extends LilaController {
val gameRepo =
val paginator =
val analysePaginator = env.analyse.paginator
val cached =
val analyseCached = env.analyse.cached
val bookmarkApi = env.bookmark.api
val listMenu =
@ -47,6 +49,12 @@ object Game extends LilaController {
def analysed(page: Int) = Open { implicit ctx
reasonable(page) {
Ok( games page, makeListMenu))
def featuredJs(id: String) = Open { implicit ctx
IOk(gameRepo game id map { gameOption =>
@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ object Game extends LilaController {
(page < maxPage).fold(result, BadRequest("too old"))
private def makeListMenu(implicit ctx: Context) =
listMenu(bookmarkApi.countByUser, analyseCached.nbAnalysis,

View file

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ final class Settings(config: Config) {
val GameCachedNbTtl = millis("game.cached.nb.ttl")
val GamePaginatorMaxPerPage = getInt("game.paginator.max_per_page")
val AnalyseCachedNbTtl = millis("analyse.cached.nb.ttl")
val UserPaginatorMaxPerPage = getInt("user.paginator.max_per_page")
val UserEloUpdaterFloor = getInt("user.elo_updater.floor")
val UserCachedNbTtl = millis("user.cached.nb.ttl")

View file

@ -9,16 +9,18 @@ case class ListMenu(
nbGames: Int,
nbMates: Int,
nbPopular: Int,
nbBookmarks: Option[Int])
nbBookmarks: Option[Int],
nbAnalysed: Int)
object ListMenu {
type CountBookmarks = User Int
def apply(cached: Cached)(countBookmarks: CountBookmarks, me: Option[User]): ListMenu =
def apply(cached: Cached)(countBookmarks: CountBookmarks, countAnalysed: Int, me: Option[User]): ListMenu =
new ListMenu(
nbGames = cached.nbGames,
nbMates = cached.nbMates,
nbPopular = cached.nbPopular,
nbBookmarks = me map countBookmarks)
nbBookmarks = me map countBookmarks,
nbAnalysed = countAnalysed)

View file

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ final class I18nKeys(translator: Translator) {
val viewNbCheckmates = new Key("viewNbCheckmates")
val nbBookmarks = new Key("nbBookmarks")
val nbPopularGames = new Key("nbPopularGames")
val nbAnalysedGames = new Key("nbAnalysedGames")
val bookmarkedByNbPlayers = new Key("bookmarkedByNbPlayers")
val viewInFullSize = new Key("viewInFullSize")
val logOut = new Key("logOut")
@ -162,5 +163,5 @@ final class I18nKeys(translator: Translator) {
val toggleBackground = new Key("toggleBackground")
val freeOnlineChessGamePlayChessNowInACleanInterfaceNoRegistrationNoAdsNoPluginRequiredPlayChessWithComputerFriendsOrRandomOpponents = new Key("freeOnlineChessGamePlayChessNowInACleanInterfaceNoRegistrationNoAdsNoPluginRequiredPlayChessWithComputerFriendsOrRandomOpponents")
def keys = List(playWithAFriend, inviteAFriendToPlayWithYou, playWithTheMachine, challengeTheArtificialIntelligence, toInviteSomeoneToPlayGiveThisUrl, gameOver, waitingForOpponent, waiting, yourTurn, aiNameLevelAiLevel, level, toggleTheChat, toggleSound, chat, resign, checkmate, stalemate, white, black, createAGame, noGameAvailableRightNowCreateOne, whiteIsVictorious, blackIsVictorious, playWithTheSameOpponentAgain, newOpponent, playWithAnotherOpponent, yourOpponentWantsToPlayANewGameWithYou, joinTheGame, whitePlays, blackPlays, theOtherPlayerHasLeftTheGameYouCanForceResignationOrWaitForHim, makeYourOpponentResign, forceResignation, talkInChat, theFirstPersonToComeOnThisUrlWillPlayWithYou, whiteCreatesTheGame, blackCreatesTheGame, whiteJoinsTheGame, blackJoinsTheGame, whiteResigned, blackResigned, whiteLeftTheGame, blackLeftTheGame, shareThisUrlToLetSpectatorsSeeTheGame, youAreViewingThisGameAsASpectator, replayAndAnalyse, viewGameStats, flipBoard, threefoldRepetition, claimADraw, offerDraw, draw, nbConnectedPlayers, talkAboutChessAndDiscussLichessFeaturesInTheForum, seeTheGamesBeingPlayedInRealTime, gamesBeingPlayedRightNow, viewAllNbGames, viewNbCheckmates, nbBookmarks, nbPopularGames, bookmarkedByNbPlayers, viewInFullSize, logOut, signIn, signUp, people, games, forum, chessPlayers, minutesPerSide, variant, timeControl, start, username, password, haveAnAccount, allYouNeedIsAUsernameAndAPassword, learnMoreAboutLichess, rank, gamesPlayed, declineInvitation, cancel, timeOut, drawOfferSent, drawOfferDeclined, drawOfferAccepted, drawOfferCanceled, yourOpponentOffersADraw, accept, decline, playingRightNow, abortGame, gameAborted, standard, unlimited, mode, casual, rated, thisGameIsRated, rematch, rematchOfferSent, rematchOfferAccepted, rematchOfferCanceled, rematchOfferDeclined, cancelRematchOffer, viewRematch, play, inbox, chatRoom, spectatorRoom, composeMessage, sentMessages, incrementInSeconds, freeOnlineChess, spectators, nbWins, nbLosses, nbDraws, exportGames, color, eloRange, giveNbSeconds, searchAPlayer, whoIsOnline, allPlayers, namedPlayers, premoveEnabledClickAnywhereToCancel, thisPlayerUsesChessComputerAssistance, opening, takeback, proposeATakeback, takebackPropositionSent, takebackPropositionDeclined, takebackPropositionAccepted, takebackPropositionCanceled, yourOpponentProposesATakeback, bookmarkThisGame, toggleBackground, freeOnlineChessGamePlayChessNowInACleanInterfaceNoRegistrationNoAdsNoPluginRequiredPlayChessWithComputerFriendsOrRandomOpponents)
def keys = List(playWithAFriend, inviteAFriendToPlayWithYou, playWithTheMachine, challengeTheArtificialIntelligence, toInviteSomeoneToPlayGiveThisUrl, gameOver, waitingForOpponent, waiting, yourTurn, aiNameLevelAiLevel, level, toggleTheChat, toggleSound, chat, resign, checkmate, stalemate, white, black, createAGame, noGameAvailableRightNowCreateOne, whiteIsVictorious, blackIsVictorious, playWithTheSameOpponentAgain, newOpponent, playWithAnotherOpponent, yourOpponentWantsToPlayANewGameWithYou, joinTheGame, whitePlays, blackPlays, theOtherPlayerHasLeftTheGameYouCanForceResignationOrWaitForHim, makeYourOpponentResign, forceResignation, talkInChat, theFirstPersonToComeOnThisUrlWillPlayWithYou, whiteCreatesTheGame, blackCreatesTheGame, whiteJoinsTheGame, blackJoinsTheGame, whiteResigned, blackResigned, whiteLeftTheGame, blackLeftTheGame, shareThisUrlToLetSpectatorsSeeTheGame, youAreViewingThisGameAsASpectator, replayAndAnalyse, viewGameStats, flipBoard, threefoldRepetition, claimADraw, offerDraw, draw, nbConnectedPlayers, talkAboutChessAndDiscussLichessFeaturesInTheForum, seeTheGamesBeingPlayedInRealTime, gamesBeingPlayedRightNow, viewAllNbGames, viewNbCheckmates, nbBookmarks, nbPopularGames, nbAnalysedGames, bookmarkedByNbPlayers, viewInFullSize, logOut, signIn, signUp, people, games, forum, chessPlayers, minutesPerSide, variant, timeControl, start, username, password, haveAnAccount, allYouNeedIsAUsernameAndAPassword, learnMoreAboutLichess, rank, gamesPlayed, declineInvitation, cancel, timeOut, drawOfferSent, drawOfferDeclined, drawOfferAccepted, drawOfferCanceled, yourOpponentOffersADraw, accept, decline, playingRightNow, abortGame, gameAborted, standard, unlimited, mode, casual, rated, thisGameIsRated, rematch, rematchOfferSent, rematchOfferAccepted, rematchOfferCanceled, rematchOfferDeclined, cancelRematchOffer, viewRematch, play, inbox, chatRoom, spectatorRoom, composeMessage, sentMessages, incrementInSeconds, freeOnlineChess, spectators, nbWins, nbLosses, nbDraws, exportGames, color, eloRange, giveNbSeconds, searchAPlayer, whoIsOnline, allPlayers, namedPlayers, premoveEnabledClickAnywhereToCancel, thisPlayerUsesChessComputerAssistance, opening, takeback, proposeATakeback, takebackPropositionSent, takebackPropositionDeclined, takebackPropositionAccepted, takebackPropositionCanceled, yourOpponentProposesATakeback, bookmarkThisGame, toggleBackground, freeOnlineChessGamePlayChessNowInACleanInterfaceNoRegistrationNoAdsNoPluginRequiredPlayChessWithComputerFriendsOrRandomOpponents)

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package lila
package timeline
import com.novus.salat.annotations._
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList
case class Entry(
gameId: String,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@(paginator: Paginator[DbGame], listMenu: ctx: Context)
name = trans.nbAnalysedGames.str(listMenu.nbAnalysed.localize),
paginator = paginator,
next = paginator.nextPage map { n => routes.Game.analysed(n) },
menu = sideMenu(listMenu, "analysed"))

View file

@ -17,3 +17,6 @@
<a class=""popular")" href="@routes.Game.popular()">
<a class=""analysed")" href="@routes.Game.analysed()">

View file

@ -50,11 +50,14 @@ game {
message.lifetime = 30 seconds
uid.timeout = 10 seconds
hub.timeout = 2 minutes
player.timeout = 1 minute
player.timeout = 1 minutes
animation.delay = 200 ms
cached.nb.ttl = 10 minute
cached.nb.ttl = 10 minutes
paginator.max_per_page = 10
analyse {
cached.nb.ttl = 10 minutes
forum {
topic.max_per_page = 10
post.max_per_page = 10
@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ logger {
akka {
loglevel = INFO
stdout-loglevel = DEBUG
stdout-loglevel = INFO
log-config-on-start = off
event-handlers = ["lila.core.AkkaLogger"]

View file

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ viewAllNbGames=%s Games
viewNbCheckmates=%s Checkmates
nbBookmarks=%s Bookmarks
nbPopularGames=%s Popular Games
nbAnalysedGames=%s Analysed Games
bookmarkedByNbPlayers=Bookmarked by %s players
viewInFullSize=View in full size
logOut=Log out

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ GET /games/all controllers.Game.all(page: Int ?= 1)
GET /games/checkmate controllers.Game.checkmate(page: Int ?= 1)
GET /games/bookmark controllers.Game.bookmark(page: Int ?= 1)
GET /games/popular controllers.Game.popular(page: Int ?= 1)
GET /games/analysed controllers.Game.analysed(page: Int ?= 1)
GET /games/featured/js controllers.Game.featuredJs(id: String ?= "")
# Round

View file

@ -30,3 +30,8 @@ legend feedback:
also translate websockets error message
play with a friend possible bug
next deploy