package lila.insight import scalatags.Text.all._ import reactivemongo.api.bson._ sealed abstract class Metric( val key: String, val name: String, val dbKey: String, val position: Position, val per: Position, val dataType: Metric.DataType, val description: String ) object Metric { sealed trait DataType { def name = toString.toLowerCase } object DataType { case object Seconds extends DataType case object Count extends DataType case object Average extends DataType case object Percent extends DataType } import DataType._ import Position._ import InsightEntry.{ BSONFields => F } case object MeanCpl extends Metric( "acpl", "Average centipawn loss", F moves "c", Move, Move, Average, """Precision of your moves. Lower is better.""" ) case object CplBucket extends Metric( "cplBucket", "Centipawn loss bucket", F moves "c", Move, Move, Percent, Dimension.CplRange.description ) case object Movetime extends Metric( "movetime", "Move time", F moves "t", Move, Move, Seconds, Dimension.MovetimeRange.description ) case object Result extends Metric("result", "Game result", F.result, Game, Game, Percent, Dimension.Result.description) case object Termination extends Metric( "termination", "Game termination", F.termination, Game, Game, Percent, Dimension.Termination.description ) case object RatingDiff extends Metric( "ratingDiff", "Rating gain", F.ratingDiff, Game, Game, Average, "The amount of rating points you win or lose when the game ends." ) case object OpponentRating extends Metric( "opponentRating", "Opponent rating", F.opponentRating, Game, Game, Average, "The average rating of your opponent for the relevant variant." ) case object NbMoves extends Metric( "nbMoves", "Moves per game", F moves "r", Move, Game, Average, "Number of moves you play in the game. Doesn't count the opponent moves." ) case object PieceRole extends Metric( "piece", "Piece moved", F moves "r", Move, Move, Percent, Dimension.PieceRole.description ) case object Opportunism extends Metric( "opportunism", "Opportunism", F moves "o", Move, Move, Percent, "How often you take advantage of your opponent blunders. 100% means you punish them all, 0% means you counter-blunder them all." ) case object Luck extends Metric( "luck", "Luck", F moves "l", Move, Move, Percent, "How often your opponent fails to punish your blunders. 100% means they miss all your blunders, 0% means they spot them all." ) case object Material extends Metric( "material", "Material imbalance", F moves "i", Move, Move, Average, Dimension.MaterialRange.description ) case object Blurs extends Metric( "blurs", "Blurs", F moves "b", Move, Move, Percent, "How often moves are preceded by a window blur." ) case object TimeVariance extends Metric( "timeVariance", "Time variance", F moves "v", Move, Move, Average, "Low variance means consistent move times" ) val all = List( MeanCpl, CplBucket, Movetime, Result, Termination, RatingDiff, OpponentRating, NbMoves, PieceRole, Opportunism, Luck, Material, Blurs, TimeVariance ) val byKey = all map { p => (p.key, p) } toMap def requiresAnalysis(m: Metric) = m match { case MeanCpl => true case CplBucket => true case _ => false } def requiresStableRating(m: Metric) = m match { case RatingDiff => true case OpponentRating => true case _ => false } def isStacked(m: Metric) = m match { case Result => true case Termination => true case PieceRole => true case CplBucket => true case _ => false } def valuesOf(metric: Metric): List[MetricValue] = metric match { case Result => { r => MetricValue(BSONInteger(, MetricValueName( } case Termination => { r => MetricValue(BSONInteger(, MetricValueName( } case PieceRole => { r => MetricValue(BSONString(r.forsyth.toString), MetricValueName(r.toString)) } case CplBucket => { cpl => MetricValue(BSONInteger(cpl.cpl), MetricValueName( } case _ => Nil } case class MetricValueName(name: String) case class MetricValue(key: BSONValue, name: MetricValueName) }