package lila.relay import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import final class RelayPush(sync: RelaySync, api: RelayApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem, ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext ) { private val throttler = new lila.hub.EarlyMultiThrottler(logger) def apply(rt: RelayRound.WithTour, pgn: String): Fu[Option[String]] = if (rt.round.sync.hasUpstream) fuccess("The relay has an upstream URL, and cannot be pushed to.".some) else fuccess { throttler(, if (rt.tour.official) 3.seconds else 7.seconds) { pushNow(rt, pgn) } none } private def pushNow(rt: RelayRound.WithTour, pgn: String): Funit = RelayFetch .multiPgnToGames(MultiPgn.split(pgn, RelayFetch.maxChapters(rt.tour))) .flatMap { games => sync(rt, games) .map { res => SyncLog.event(res.nbMoves, none) } .recover { case e: Exception => SyncLog.event(0, e.some) } .flatMap { event => api .update(rt.round)( _.withSync(_ addLog event).copy(finished = games.forall(_.end.isDefined)) ) .void } } }