package views.html.setup import controllers.routes import import play.api.mvc.Call import lila.api.Context import import import lila.user.User object forms { import bits._ def hook(form: Form[_], forceTimeMode: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context) = layout( "hook", trans.createAGame(), routes.Setup.hook("sri-placeholder"), forceTimeMode = forceTimeMode ) { frag( renderVariant(form, translatedVariantChoicesWithVariants), renderTimeMode(form, allowAnon = false), ctx.isAuth option frag( div(cls := "mode_choice buttons")( renderRadios(form("mode"), translatedModeChoices) ), ctx.noBlind option div(cls := "optional_config")( div(cls := "rating-range-config")( trans.ratingRange(), div(cls := "rating-range") { val field = form("ratingRange") frag( renderInput(field), input( name := s"${}_range_min", tpe := "range", cls := "range rating-range__min" ), span(cls := "rating-min"), "/", span(cls := "rating-max"), input( name := s"${}_range_max", tpe := "range", cls := "range rating-range__max" ) ) } ) ) ) ) } def ai(form: Form[_], ratings: Map[Int, Int], validFen: Option[lila.setup.ValidFen])(implicit ctx: Context ) = layout("ai", trans.playWithTheMachine(), { frag( renderVariant(form, translatedAiVariantChoices), fenInput(form("fen"), strict = true, validFen), renderTimeMode(form, allowAnon = true), if (ctx.blind) frag( renderLabel(form("level"), trans.strength()), renderSelect(form("level"), lila.setup.AiConfig.levelChoices), blindSideChoice(form) ) else frag( br, trans.strength(), div(cls := "level buttons")( div(id := "config_level")( renderRadios(form("level"), lila.setup.AiConfig.levelChoices) ), div(cls := "ai_info")( { case (level, _) => div(cls := s"${prefix}level_$level")( trans.aiNameLevelAiLevel("Fairy-Stockfish 14", level) ) } ) ) ) ) } def friend( form: Form[_], user: Option[User], error: Option[String], validFen: Option[lila.setup.ValidFen] )(implicit ctx: Context) = layout( "friend", (if (user.isDefined) trans.challenge.challengeToPlay else trans.playWithAFriend)(), routes.Setup.friend(user map (, => raw(e.replace("{{user}}", userIdLink( )( frag( { u => userLink(u, cssClass = "target".some) }, renderVariant(form, translatedVariantChoicesWithVariantsAndFen), fenInput(form("fen"), strict = false, validFen), renderTimeMode(form, allowAnon = true), ctx.isAuth option div(cls := "mode_choice buttons")( renderRadios(form("mode"), translatedModeChoices) ), blindSideChoice(form) ) ) private def blindSideChoice(form: Form[_])(implicit ctx: Context) = ctx.blind option frag( renderLabel(form("color"), trans.side()), renderSelect(form("color").copy(value = "random".some), translatedSideChoices) ) private def layout( typ: String, titleF: Frag, route: Call, error: Option[Frag] = None, forceTimeMode: Boolean = false )(fields: Frag)(implicit ctx: Context) = div(cls := error.isDefined option "error")( h2(titleF), error .map { e => frag( p(cls := "error")(e), br, a(href := routes.Lobby.home, cls := "button text", dataIcon := "")(trans.cancel.txt()) ) } .getOrElse { postForm( action := route, novalidate, dataRandomColorVariants, dataType := typ, dataAnon := ctx.isAnon.option("1"), dataForceTimeMode := forceTimeMode.option("1") )( fields, if (ctx.blind) submitButton("Create the game") else div(cls := "color-submits")( { case (key, name, _) => submitButton( (typ == "hook") option disabled, title := name, cls := s"color-submits__button button button-metal $key", := "color", value := key )(i) } ) ) }, { me => div(cls := "ratings")( form3.hidden("rating", "?"), { perfType => { val rating = me .perfs(perfType.key) .map(_.intRating.toString) .getOrElse("?") div(cls := perfType.key)( if (ctx.pref.showRatings) trans.perfRatingX( raw(s"""${rating} ${perfType.trans}""") ) else frag( i(dataIcon := perfType.iconChar), strong(cls := "none")(rating), // To calculate rating range in JS perfType.trans ) ) } } ) } ) }