package lila.importer import import chess.format.pgn.{ ParsedPgn, Parser, Reader, Tag, TagType, Tags } import chess.format.{ FEN, Forsyth } import chess.{ Color, Mode, Replay, Status } import import import scala.util.chaining._ import final class ImporterForm { lazy val importForm = Form( mapping( "pgn" -> nonEmptyText.verifying("invalidPgn", p => checkPgn(p).isValid), "analyse" -> optional(nonEmptyText) )(ImportData.apply)(ImportData.unapply) ) def checkPgn(pgn: String): Validated[String, Preprocessed] = ImportData(pgn, none).preprocess(none) } private case class TagResult(status: Status, winner: Option[Color]) case class Preprocessed( game: NewGame, replay: Replay, initialFen: Option[FEN], parsed: ParsedPgn ) case class ImportData(pgn: String, analyse: Option[String]) { private type TagPicker = Tag.type => TagType private val maxPlies = 600 private def evenIncomplete(result: Reader.Result): Replay = result match { case Reader.Result.Complete(replay) => replay case Reader.Result.Incomplete(replay, _) => replay } def preprocess(user: Option[String]): Validated[String, Preprocessed] = Parser.full(pgn) flatMap { parsed => Reader.fullWithSans( pgn, sans => sans.copy(value = sans.value take maxPlies), Tags.empty ) map evenIncomplete map { case replay @ Replay(setup, _, state) => val initBoard = flatMap Forsyth.<< map (_.board) val fromPosition = initBoard.nonEmpty && !parsed.tags.fen.contains(FEN(Forsyth.initial)) val variant = { parsed.tags.variant | { if (fromPosition) chess.variant.FromPosition else chess.variant.Standard } } match { case chess.variant.Chess960 if !Chess960.isStartPosition(setup.board) => chess.variant.FromPosition case chess.variant.FromPosition if parsed.tags.fen.isEmpty => chess.variant.Standard case chess.variant.Standard if fromPosition => chess.variant.FromPosition case v => v } val game = state.copy(situation = state.situation withVariant variant) val initialFen = flatMap { Forsyth.<<<@(variant, _) } map Forsyth.>> map FEN.apply val status = parsed.tags(_.Termination).map(_.toLowerCase) match { case Some("normal") | None => Status.Resign case Some("abandoned") => Status.Aborted case Some("time forfeit") => Status.Outoftime case Some("rules infraction") => Status.Cheat case Some(_) => Status.UnknownFinish } val date = parsed.tags.anyDate def name(whichName: TagPicker, whichRating: TagPicker): String = parsed.tags(whichName).fold("?") { n => n + ~parsed.tags(whichRating).map(e => s" (${e take 8})") } val dbGame = Game .make( chess = game, whitePlayer = Player.make(chess.White, None) withName name(_.White, _.WhiteElo), blackPlayer = Player.make(chess.Black, None) withName name(_.Black, _.BlackElo), mode = Mode.Casual, source = Source.Import, pgnImport = PgnImport.make(user = user, date = date, pgn = pgn).some ) .sloppy .start pipe { dbGame => // apply the result from the board or the tags game.situation.status match { case Some(situationStatus) => dbGame.finish(situationStatus, game.situation.winner).game case None => parsed.tags.resultColor .map { case Some(color) => TagResult(status, color.some) case None if status == Status.Outoftime => TagResult(status, none) case None => TagResult(Status.Draw, none) } .filter(_.status > Status.Started) .fold(dbGame) { res => dbGame.finish(res.status, res.winner).game } } } Preprocessed(NewGame(dbGame), replay.copy(state = game), initialFen, parsed) } } }