[lichess.org](https://lichess.org) ================================== [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ornicar/lila.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ornicar/lila) [![Crowdin](https://d322cqt584bo4o.cloudfront.net/lichess/localized.svg)](https://crowdin.com/project/lichess) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/Twitter-%40lichess-blue.svg)](https://twitter.com/lichess) lichess.org Lila (li[chess in sca]la) is a free online chess game server focused on [realtime](https://lichess.org/games) gameplay and ease of use. It features a [search engine](https://lichess.org/games/search), [computer analysis](https://lichess.org/ief49lif) distributed with [fishnet](https://github.com/niklasf/fishnet), [tournaments](https://lichess.org/tournament), [simuls](https://lichess.org/simul), [forums](https://lichess.org/forum), [teams](https://lichess.org/team), [tactic trainer](https://lichess.org/training), a [mobile app](https://lichess.org/mobile), and a [shared analysis board](https://lichess.org/study). The UI is available in more than [80 languages](https://crowdin.com/project/lichess) thanks to the community. Lichess is written in [Scala 2.11](https://www.scala-lang.org/), and relies on [Play 2.4](https://www.playframework.com/) for the routing, templating, and JSON. Pure chess logic is contained in [scalachess](https://github.com/ornicar/scalachess) submodule. The codebase is fully asynchronous, making heavy use of Scala Futures and [Akka 2 actors](http://akka.io). Lichess talks to [Stockfish](http://stockfishchess.org/) deployed in an [AI cluster](https://github.com/niklasf/fishnet) of donated servers. It uses [MongoDB 3.4](https://mongodb.org) to store more than 500 million games, which are indexed by [elasticsearch](http://elasticsearch.org). HTTP requests and websocket connections are proxied by [nginx 1.8](http://nginx.org). The web client is written in [TypeScript](https://typescriptlang.org) and [snabbdom](https://github.com/snabbdom/snabbdom). The [blog](https://lichess.org/blog) uses a free open content plan from [prismic.io](https://prismic.io). All rated standard games as published in a [free PGN database](https://database.lichess.org). Browser testing done with [![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ornicar/lila/master/public/images/browserstack.png)](https://www.browserstack.com). Please help us [translate lichess with Crowdin](https://crowdin.com). [Join us on discord](https://discord.gg/hy5jqSs) or in the #lichess freenode IRC channel for more info. Use [GitHub issues](https://github.com/ornicar/lila/issues) for bug reports and feature requests. Installation ------------ > If you want to add a live chess section to your website, you are welcome to [embed lichess](https://lichess.org/developers) into your website. It's very easy to do. > This project source code is open for other developers to have an example of non-trivial scala/play2/mongodb application. You're welcome to reuse as much code as you want for your projects and to get inspired by the solutions I propose to many common web development problems. But please don't just create a public lichess clone. Instead, [embed lichess using an <iframe>](https://lichess.org/developers) into your website. > Also note that if I provide the source code, I do **not** offer support for your lichess instance. I will probably ignore any question about lichess installation and runtime issues. ## HTTP API Feel free to use lichess API in your applications and websites. If the resource you need is not available yet, drop us an email at contact@lichess.org and we'll discuss it. ### API Limits To respect the API servers and avoid an IP ban, please wait 1 second between requests. If you receive an HTTP response with a [429 status](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#429), please wait a full minute before resuming API usage. Please do not automate computer analysis requests. They're very expensive. ### `GET /api/user/` fetch one user ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/user/thibault ``` ```javascript { "username": "thibault", "title": null, // chess title like FM or LM (lichess master) "url": "https://lichess.org/@/thibault", // profile url "online": true, // is the player currently using lichess? "playing": "https://lichess.org/abcdefgh", // game being played, if any "engine": false, // true if the user is known to use a chess engine "language": "en", // preferred language "profile": { "bio": "Writes bugs for free", "country": "FR", "firstName": "Thibault", "lastName": "Duplessis", "location": "Paris" }, "perfs": { // user performances in different games "bullet": { "games": 35, // number of rated games played "rating": 1624, // Glicko2 rating "rd": 80, // Glicko2 rating deviation "prog": -13 // progress over the last twelve games }, "chess960": { "games": 1, "rating": 1739, "rd": 277, "prog": 33 }, "classical": { "games": 331, "rating": 1603, "rd": 65, "prog": 9 }, "kingOfTheHill": { "games": 3, "rating": 1622, "rd": 223, "prog": -62 }, "puzzle": { "games": 9, "rating": 902, "rd": 117, "prog": -328 }, "threeCheck": { "games": 1, "rating": 1662, "rd": 290 } } } ``` Example usage with JSONP: ```javascript $.ajax({ url:'https://lichess.org/api/user/thibault', dataType:'jsonp', jsonp:'callback', success: function(data) { // data is a javascript object, do something with it! console.debug(JSON.stringify(data)); } }); ``` ### `GET /api/user` fetch many users from a team ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/user?team=coders&nb=10&page=1 ``` The team parameter is mandatory. name | type | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- **team** | string | - | filter users by team **nb** | int | 10 | maximum number of users to return per page **page** | int | 1 | for pagination ```javascript { "currentPage": 3, "previousPage": 2, "nextPage": 4, "maxPerPage": 100, "nbPages": 43, "nbResults": 4348, "currentPageResults": [ { ... // see user document above }, ... // other users ] } ``` Example usage with JSONP: ```javascript $.ajax({ url:'https://lichess.org/api/user', data: { team: 'coders', nb: 100 }, dataType:'jsonp', jsonp:'callback', success: function(data) { // data is a javascript object, do something with it! console.debug(JSON.stringify(data.list)); } }); ``` ### `POST /api/users` fetch many users by ID ``` > curl --data "legend,lovlas" 'https://lichess.org/api/users' ``` Users are returned in the order same order as the ids. ### `GET /api/users/status` fetch many users `online` and `playing` flags ``` > curl -s 'https://lichess.org/api/users/status?ids=thibault,chess-network' ``` name | type | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- **ids** | string | - | user ids separated by commas. Max 40 user ids. ```javascript [ { "id": "thibault", "name": "thibault", "patron": true, "online": true, "playing": true }, { "id": "chess-network", "name": "Chess-Network", "title": "NM", "patron": true, "online": false, "playing": false } ] ``` ### `GET /api/user//games` fetch user games ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/user/thibault/games?nb=10&page=2 ``` Games are returned by descendant chronological order. All parameters are optional. name | type | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- **nb** | int | 10 | maximum number of games to return per page **page** | int | 1 | for pagination **with_analysis** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include deep analysis data in the result **with_moves** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include a list of PGN moves **with_opening** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include opening information **with_movetimes** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include move time information **rated** | 1 or 0 | - | rated games only **playing** | 1 or 0 | - | games in progress only ```javascript { "currentPage": 3, "previousPage": 2, "nextPage": 4, "maxPerPage": 100, "nbPages": 43, "nbResults": 4348, "currentPageResults": [ { "id": "39b12Ikl", "variant": "chess960", // standard/chess960/fromPosition/kingOfTheHill/threeCheck "speed": "blitz", // bullet|blitz|classical|unlimited "perf": "chess960", // bullet|blitz|classical|chess960|kingOfTheHill|threeCheck "rated": true, "status": "mate", // (1) "clock":{ // all clock values are expressed in seconds "initial": 300, "increment": 8, "totalTime": 620 // evaluation of the game duration = initial + 40 * increment }, "createdAt": 1389100907239, "lastMoveAt": 1389100907239, "turns": 44, "color": "white", // color who plays next "url": "https://lichess.org/x2kpaixn", "winner": "black", "players": { "white": { "userId": "thibault", "name": "Thibault D", // only in the case of imported game "rating": 1642, "analysis": { "blunder": 1, "inaccuracy": 0, "mistake": 2 }, // time taken for each move in hundreths of seconds "moveCentis": [0, 812, 2516, 7644, 12660, 15740, 4044, ...] }, "black": ... // other player } "analysis": [ // only if the with_analysis flag is set { "eval": -26, // board evaluation in centipawns "move": "e4" }, { "eval": -8, "move": "b5" }, { "eval": -66, "move": "Nfe3", "variation": "c4 bxc4 Nfe3 c5 Qf1 f6 Rxc4 Bb7 b4 Ba6" }, // ... more moves ], "moves": "Nf3 d5 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 d3 Nf6 Nbd2 O-O O-O c6 Rfe1 b6 e4 Bb7", // with_moves flag "opening": { // with_opening flag "code": "A07", "name": "King's Indian Attack, General" } }, { ... // other game } ] } ``` (1) All game statuses: https://github.com/ornicar/scalachess/blob/master/src/main/scala/Status.scala#L16-L28 ### `GET /api/user//activity` fetch recent user activity ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/user/thibault/activity ``` Returns data to generate the activity feed on https://lichess.org/@/thibault Here's a [sample output](https://gist.github.com/ornicar/0ee2d2427cb74ed1a35e86f5ba09fabc). It might not contain all entries types. Feel free to contribute proper JSON format documentation. ### `GET /api/games/vs//` fetch games between 2 users ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/games/vs/thibault/legend?nb=10&page=2 ``` Parameters and result are similar to the users games API. ### `GET /api/games/team/` fetch games between players of a team ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/games/team/freenode?nb=10&page=2 ``` Parameters and result are similar to the users games API. ### `GET /api/game/{id}` fetch one game by ID ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/game/x2kpaixn ``` A single game is returned. All parameters are optional. name | type | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- **with_analysis** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include deep analysis data in the result **with_moves** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include a list of PGN moves **with_movetimes** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include move time information **with_opening** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include opening information **with_fens** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include a list of FEN states ```javascript { "id": "39b12Ikl", "initialFen": "rkrqnnbb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RKRQNNBB w KQkq - 0 1" // omitted is standard "variant": "chess960", // standard/chess960/fromPosition/kingofthehill/threeCheck "speed": "blitz", // bullet|blitz|classical|unlimited "perf": "chess960", // bullet|blitz|classical|chess960|kingOfTheHill|threeCheck "rated": true, "status": "mate", // (1) "clock":{ // all clock values are expressed in seconds "initial": 300, "increment": 8, "totalTime": 620 // evaluation of the game duration = initial + 40 * increment }, "createdAt": 1389100907239, "lastMoveAt": 1389100907239, "turns": 44, "color": "white", // color who plays next "url": "https://lichess.org/x2kpaixn", "winner": "black", "players": { "white": { "userId": "thibault", "name": "Thibault D", // only in the case of imported game "rating": 1642, "analysis": { "blunder": 1, "inaccuracy": 0, "mistake": 2 }, // time taken for each move in hundreths of seconds "moveCentis": [0, 812, 2516, 7644, 12660, 15740, 4044, ...] }, "black": ... // other player }, "analysis": [ // only if the with_analysis flag is set { "eval": -26, // board evaluation in centipawns "move": "e4" }, { "eval": -8, "move": "b5" }, { "eval": -66, "move": "Nfe3", "variation": "c4 bxc4 Nfe3 c5 Qf1 f6 Rxc4 Bb7 b4 Ba6" }, // ... more moves ], "moves": "Nf3 d5 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 d3 Nf6 Nbd2 O-O O-O c6 Rfe1 b6 e4 Bb7", // with_moves flag "opening": { // with_opening flag "code": "A07", "name": "King's Indian Attack, General" } "fens": [ // only if with_fens flag is set "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/5N2/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R", "rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3p4/8/5N2/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R", "rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3p4/8/5NP1/PPPPPP1P/RNBQKB1R", "rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3p4/8/5NP1/PPPPPP1P/RNBQKB1R", "rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3p4/8/5NP1/PPPPPPBP/RNBQK2R", "rnbqk1nr/ppp1bppp/4p3/3p4/8/5NP1/PPPPPPBP/RNBQK2R", // ... more fens ] } ``` (1) All game statuses: https://github.com/ornicar/scalachess/blob/master/src/main/scala/Status.scala#L16-L28 ### `POST /api/games` fetch many games by ID ``` > curl --data "x2kpaixn,gtSLJGOK" 'https://lichess.org/api/games' ``` Games are returned in the order same order as the ids. All parameters are optional. name | type | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- **with_moves** | 1 or 0 | 0 | include a list of PGN moves ### `GET /game/export/{id}.pgn` fetch one game PGN by ID https://lichess.org/game/export/Qa7FJNk2.pgn This returns the raw PGN for a game. ``` [Event "Rated game"] [Site "https://lichess.org/Qa7FJNk2"] [Date "2014.06.12"] [White "onpurplesz"] [Black "LauraSchmidt"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1516"] [BlackElo "1698"] [PlyCount "37"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1020+0"] [ECO "C50"] [Opening "Italian Game, General"] [WhiteClock ":11:9"] [BlackClock ":14:6"] [Annotator "lichess.org"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 { Italian Game, General } Qf6?! { (0.13 → 0.98) Inaccuracy. Best move was Nf6. } (3... Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. O-O O-O 6. Bg5 Be7 7. a3 d6 8. h3 a6) 4. d3 h6 5. Be3 d6 6. h3?! { (0.84 → 0.31) Inaccuracy. The best move was Nc3. } (6. Nc3 Be6 7. Nd5 Qd8 8. d4 exd4 9. Nxd4 Nxd4 10. Qxd4 c6 11. Nc3 Bxc4 12. Qxc4 Nf6 13. O-O Be7) 6... a6 7. Nbd2 Be6 8. Qe2 Bxc4 9. Nxc4 Nge7 10. a3 Nd4?! { (0.29 → 0.79) Inaccuracy. The best move was O-O-O. } (10... O-O-O 11. O-O g5 12. a4 Bg7 13. Bd2 Kb8 14. Rae1 Qe6 15. b4 f5 16. b5 fxe4) 11. Bxd4 exd4 12. O-O-O Nc6 13. Rhe1 O-O-O 14. e5 dxe5 15. Nfxe5 Nxe5 16. Qxe5 Qxe5? { (0.35 → 1.78) Mistake. The best move was Qxf2. } (16... Qxf2 17. Re2 Qf6 18. Qxf6 gxf6 19. Rf1 Bg7 20. Nd2 h5 21. Ne4 Rhe8 22. Ref2 Re5 23. b3 Rdd5 24. Kb2) 17. Nxe5 Rg8?! { (1.76 → 2.32) Inaccuracy. The best move was Rd7. } (17... Rd7 18. Nxd7 Kxd7 19. Re4 c5 20. c3 dxc3 21. bxc3 Bd6 22. Kc2 b5 23. a4 Ra8 24. d4 Kc6 25. dxc5) 18. Nxf7 Rd7? { (2.35 → Mate in 2) Checkmate is now unavoidable. The best move was Rd5. } (18... Rd5 19. Re8+ Kd7 20. Rde1 Bb4 21. Rxg8 Bxe1 22. Rxg7 Bxf2 23. Nxh6+ Kc6 24. Kd1 Rb5 25. b3 Rh5 26. Nf7) 19. Re8+ { Black resigns } 1-0 ``` ### `GET /api/tournament` fetch current tournaments Returns tournaments displayed on the schedule: https://lichess.org/tournament ``` > curl https://lichess.org/api/tournament ``` ```javascript { "created": [ { "id": "f4wnl48m", "createdBy": "thedave13213", "system": "arena", "minutes": 45, "clock": { "limit": 120, "increment": 0 }, "position": null, "rated": true, "fullName": "Ulrich Arena", "nbPlayers": 1, "private": false, "variant": { "key": "standard", "short": "Std", "name": "Standard" }, "secondsToStart": 38, "startsAt": 1471257146633, "finishesAt": 1471259846633, "status": 10, "schedule": null, "winner": null, "conditions": null, "perf": { "icon": "T", "name": "Bullet", "position": 0 } } ], "started": [ ... ], "finished": [ ... ] } ``` JSONP is available. ### `GET /api/tournament/` fetch one tournament Returns tournament info, and a page of the tournament standing name | type | default | description --- | --- | --- | --- **page** | int | 1 | for standing pagination ``` curl 'https://lichess.org/api/tournament/x5WNIngd?page=1' ``` ```javascript { "clock": { "increment": 0, "limit": 300 }, "createdBy": "lichess", "fullName": "Hourly Blitz Arena", "id": "x5WNIngd", "isFinished": true, "isStarted": false, "minutes": 56, "nbPlayers": 128, "next": { "finishesAt": null, "id": "dNivtcYG", "name": "Hourly SuperBlitz Arena", "nbPlayers": 0, "perf": { "icon": ")", "name": "Blitz" }, "startsAt": "2016-08-15T11:00:00.000Z" }, "startsAt": "2016-05-25T22:00:00.000Z", "system": "arena", "variant": "standard", "verdicts": { "accepted": true, "list": [] } "pairings": [ { "id": "gtFxbHU8", "s": 3, "u": ["nimsraw", "Ernom"] }, { "id": "oyl3n1bB", "s": 3, "u": ["esparzaesc72", "athletics_champ"] }, ... ], "perf": { "icon": ")", "name": "Blitz" }, "podium": [ { "name": "athletics_champ", "nb": { "berserk": 0, "game": 7, "win": 7 }, "performance": 2297, "rank": 1, "rating": 2100, "ratingDiff": 37, "score": 24, "sheet": { "fire": true, "scores": [ [2, 2], ... ] }, ... ], "schedule": { "freq": "hourly", "speed": "blitz" }, "standing": { "page": 1, "players": [ { "name": "athletics_champ", "rank": 1, "rating": 2100, "ratingDiff": 37, "score": 24, "sheet": { "fire": true, "scores": [ [2, 2 ], ... ] } }, ... ] } } ``` JSONP is available. Credits ------- See the [lichess Thanks page](https://lichess.org/thanks) Supported browsers ------------------ - [Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome) or [Chromium](https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium), 1 year old or newer (fastest local analysis!) - [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox), 1 year old or newer (second fastest local analysis!) - Opera 34 and newer (meh) - Safari 9 and newer (boo) - Microsoft Edge (yuck) - Internet Explorer 11 (eew) Older browsers will not work. For your own sake, please upgrade. Security and performance, think about it! License ------- Lila is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3 or any later version at your choice with an exception for Highcharts. See COPYING for details.